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Anglos haven’t missed anything about Indian infiltration. They have merely (correctly) concluded that the Indians pose zero threat.

None of those Indians in positions of power and authority in the west truly earned their positions. They didn’t create something out of nothing, they just middle managed themselves to the top.

But as the Space Nazis correctly surmises, what is given has no value, because it can just as easily be taken away again. Aka, being Cancelled. All the ‘power’ and wealth Indian figureheads in the west enjoys are just guilded chains binding them tighter to their true (white) masters’ will. Don’t heed the leash and you will be cancelled and in a puff, all your phantom power and wealth disappears and you are at best back to living a middle class life, at worst you go to prison, have all your assets confiscated and maybe get Epsioned if you are particularly annoying.

But those with hard power doesn’t give a shit about soft power bullshit. The west would love to Cancel Russia and China but couldn’t. This is why they are obsessed and paranoid about China most of all.

While westerns love to harp on about how they made China rich, it, as with most of what they say, are a gross distortion of history and reality.

What happened was that they allowed their corporations to go try to make money off of exploiting China’s national and Human Resources.

At first, they arrogantly assumed the simple Chinese are too inferior and stupid to learn western secrets. But as soon as they realised China could assimilate their technology and improve upon it, they created all sorts of barriers and sanctions to limit Chinese access to high tech. Then when that failed, they actively tried to sabotage and destroy the best Chinese high tech companies.

China didn’t get rich because the west allowed it, China got rich and developed despite the west doing everything in its power to try and prevent it. That is what threatens and scares the west.

The Indians are just fundamentally an irrelevance as far as the west is concerned. Their only real value is in having a billion potential foot soldiers the west could use to soak up Chinese bullets in an expanded version of Ukrainian. But to be brutally honest, a billion Indians could only wet dream about fighting as well as 37m Ukrainians. They will have as much impact in a potential future Chinese-US war as they did in the previous two world wars, which was barely worthy of a footnote and participation prize.

At the end of the day, India is already a western slave race mentally. The west can collapse their entire society with a few tweets. Worse case, they can bomb them back to the Stone Age and simply forget about them for minimal cost. This is why nobody spares the mighty India any real thought.
That reminds me of why the USG was so pissed about allegedly China hacking and accessing U.S. personnel files and databases, not only for the opsec reasons but also because they claimed China could send out millions of individual drones worldwide (or drones for better k/d ratio) targeting each and everyone of those personnel. This, coming from the nation that used smallpox blankets, runs ethnic targeting bioweapons facilities and in all likelihood conjured COVID as a gene select ethnic bio weapon against asians.
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They really want that war with china seems, and are looking to expand the navy, problem is, I think that unlike say being a foot soldier, operating a naval ship requires some intelligenc.

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“We love and support the Jewish people, we only hate the Facist Zionist Israelis government”.

Hilarious considering The Anglo Zionists were not only the ones who aided and abetted the trump trade war and pompeo race warm but have historically preyed upon China from the Sassoons during the opium wars, to the Jewish imperialists in Shanghai to pogroms against Chinese miners and the plethora of anti Chinese legislation across the anglosphere.

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history rhymes, now with the Zionazis opening a second front, in this they are akin to the IJA. They’re hoping for a regional war that will cement Western European support.


Registered Member
That reminds me of why the USG was so pissed about allegedly China hacking and accessing U.S. personnel files and databases, not only for the opsec reasons but also because they claimed China could send out millions of individual drones worldwide (or drones for better k/d ratio) targeting each and everyone of those personnel. This, coming from the nation that used smallpox blankets, runs ethnic targeting bioweapons facilities and in all likelihood conjured COVID as a gene select ethnic bio weapon against asians.
Though in fact covid had greater base affinity to caucasian genes, had much higher morbidity in the obese, and one of the main way it killed, through blood clots, is something that Asians are naturally predisposed to not get.

That is kind of the part I find hard to reconcile with the bioweapon theory. Unless Beijing's own WMD security wizards did some crazy "return to sender" engineering once they caught wind of a CIA smelling infestation on a busy Chinese commuting hub right before CNY?


Registered Member
Though in fact covid had greater base affinity to caucasian genes, had much higher morbidity in the obese, and one of the main way it killed, through blood clots, is something that Asians are naturally predisposed to not get.

That is kind of the part I find hard to reconcile with the bioweapon theory. Unless Beijing's own WMD security wizards did some crazy "return to sender" engineering once they caught wind of a CIA smelling infestation on a busy Chinese commuting hub right before CNY?
The Anglos are on the record for researching bioweapons and ethno bombs alongside their zionist Israeli leadership, as the Russians can attest. The american celebrated authors Jack London and Heinlein’s dreams of genociding Chinese are but manifestations of the Anglo desire. When London wrote his novel, China was no threat to Europe nor America but he still dreamt of genocide.

The way i see it, the entire leadership/elite class of the West will have to be removed since it is they who have inculcated this racist ideology and practice unto their people. There should be none of the limp 'denazification' that the americans did by transferring all formers nazis into NATO; all western elites must be removed.

Apparently, even old age pensioners will be called up. That's a handy way of not paying out the old age pension to British pensioners and alleviating the national debt.
British conscripts should demand that King Charles lead them from the front, alongside all the London Elites and aristocrats like back in the days of yore, at Crecy and Agincourt.


LMAO: opportunistic white worshiping = tolerance. I will believe Japan's tolerance by the time they solve their demographic crisis.

Tomorrow is the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Army, and it will be the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
"They thought I was provoking them. They began to hide. It was only when I said to them: 'Do not be afraid, I am a Colonel in the Soviet Army and a Jew. We have come to liberate you'... Finally, as if a barrier had collapsed, they rushed toward us, shouting, fell on their knees, kissed the flaps of our overcoats, and threw their arms around our legs."

I would like to present the following 2 songs as a tribute to the Red Army. Both were composed during WW2/The Great Patriotic War. I think the anthem of the USSR/Russia is one of best anthems in the world. As for The Sacred War, the story is that during its debut, it was performed 5 times in a row with the request of the audience. These are songs you should hear when you are fighting against a genocidal enemy.

The Scared War bonus tract:


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Super Moderator
The Anglos are on the record for researching bioweapons and ethno bombs alongside their zionist Israeli leadership, as the Russians can attest. The american celebrated authors Jack London and Heinlein’s dreams of genociding Chinese are but manifestations of the Anglo desire. When London wrote his novel, China was no threat to Europe nor America but he still dreamt of genocide.

The way i see it, the entire leadership/elite class of the West will have to be removed since it is they who have inculcated this racist ideology and practice unto their people. There should be none of the limp 'denazification' that the americans did by transferring all formers nazis into NATO; all western elites must be removed.

Apparently, even old age pensioners will be called up. That's a handy way of not paying out the old age pension to British pensioners and alleviating the national debt.
British conscripts should demand that King Charles lead them from the front, alongside all the London Elites and aristocrats like back in the days of yore, at Crecy and Agincourt.

I think that is a good thing. After all the boomers are the ones doing most of the saber rattling. It is only appropriate that they put their words where their mouth is.


Junior Member
Registered Member
LMAO: opportunistic white worshiping = tolerance. I will believe Japan's tolerance by the time they solve their demographic crisis.
I fail to see what China has to do with a beauty pageant in Japan...I guess they aren't paid $300 million a year for nothing

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I don't get why the US needs to use propaganda to justify its competition with China. Why can't they just be honest and say that they want to be no. 1 instead of lobbing baseless accusations at China?


Junior Member
Registered Member
LMAO: opportunistic white worshiping = tolerance. I will believe Japan's tolerance by the time they solve their demographic crisis.

Tomorrow is the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Army, and it will be the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I would like to present the following 2 songs as a tribute to the Red Army. Both were composed during WW2/The Great Patriotic War. I think the anthem of the USSR/Russia is one of best anthems in the world. As for The Sacred War, the story is that during its debut, it was performed 5 times in a row with the request of the audience. These are songs you should hear when you are fighting against a genocidal enemy.

The Scared War bonus tract:
I'm kinda curious how the Nippon Kaigi are reacting to this. Whatever their stance is, it's bound to be comedy gold.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I don't get why the US needs to use propaganda to justify its competition with China. Why can't they just be honest and say that they want to be no. 1 instead of lobbing baseless accusations at China?

Their behaviour exactly fits the Chinese saying 又要当婊子,又要立牌坊. For non-Chinese speakers: "a whore who wants to be celebrated for virtuousness"


Junior Member
Registered Member
Their behaviour exactly fits the Chinese saying 又要当婊子,又要立牌坊. For non-Chinese speakers: "a whore who wants to be celebrated for virtuousness"
I agree. Unfortunately, I believe that the chances of the US and China getting along are 0. The US is intent on bringing about the destruction of the Chinese people. I'm aware that this sounds like fear-mongering, but it is the only conclusion that I can draw based on the behavior of the US in the last one hundred years. Even in the event of an alien invasion, the US would still find a way to backstab China.