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This British pianist YouTuber, Brendan Kavanagh had recently created controversy over his confrontation with some Chinese people in a London Railway Station.
His interview with the conservative nutjob "Talk TV" have created a controversy. He claimed that Chinese "CCP activists" harassed him to get him to stop playing a public piano. Thus he confronted them and called out the "evil CCP". He is definitely a new star of the conservative white supremacy idiots and China haters around the world.

Looking at this idiot's channel, he has a history of getting into trouble for playing public pianos without regard for permission or laws. So this incident is definitely not his first controversy. Its just that this time, he picked on some Chinese people, and played the racist red scare tactic. And that got him much more attention than he deserves.

This is the explanation by the Chinese girl in his video who got labeled a "CCP activist". She is getting some online abuse for that.
According to her, she was part of a group conducting a CNY video for an undisclosed company. Apparently they were gonna film in that area where that idiot Kavanagh was playing the piano. At first, they waited for him to finish his music, but he hogged that piano for 40 minutes. So when the Chinese girl came over to politely ask him to stop so that they could start filming, that's where the confrontation happened. In her video, Kavanagh directed some sly racist insults at her and her group, and complained about the "evil CCP". Then he got angrily confronted by another Chinese guy, whom I dunno is from the same group or not. Later on the police came, called him out for racism, and ejected him from the scene.

Eventhough Kavanagh was a racist idiot, I feel alot of blame have to also fall on that unknown company who organized that CNY video. The company ordered the Chinese staff to stick to a strict non-disclosure about the film, as well as asking them to wave Chinese flags. So when those staff wanted to politely ask Kavanagh to stop his piano nonsense, they cannot reveal the details, thus creating a confrontational situation. Did that company even booked that space for the filming? Why must it be so strictly hush-hush when it is filming a CNY video in a public space? The stupidity of that company put its staffs in a difficult situation.
Why are Chinese corpos such pansies abroad? You know the saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"? Face reality, stepping on toes and starting shit is how you demonstrate strength in the West.


Registered Member
Because they believe in Akhand Bharat. According to that, they are even claiming that the SCS falls within their sphere of influence. Luckily for the rest of Asia, India has nowhere near enough strength to enforce their delusional claims.

That's why they are known in this forum at least as Jai Hinds, because they can't think of anything other than India is the no.1 perfect Supapowa of the world. Everything manufactured in India is "perfect world-class quality", but nobody is lining up to buy them. They are proud of their "world-class infrastructure" even though bridges collapse, and people are falling-off to their deaths while riding India's over-crowded trains. They are proud of India's military, even when it got spanked by the militaries of "inferior nations". They believe that Mumbai is a world-class city that is superior to Shanghai. But everyone with at least some brain knows better. They boast about their demographic dividend, but neglected to develop their young population into an actual workforce. They believe that the next century belongs to India, forgetting that history is yet to be written.

It is this Jai Hind mentality that keeps India where it is. There is no self-reflection or pragmatism, only dreams and delusions. India is perfect already, so why the need to improve? Their rhetoric annoys the hell out of me, but after some time, I start to laugh at them. They just don't realize that they have created a culture of delusional complacency within India. They believe that India will reach the Moon (or the Sun), but they also start throwing their periodical tables out of their classrooms and replace them with Hindutva teachings. The best minds of India are leaving, because India has more job opportunities for Hindu priests than STEM grads. India is killing its real future with Jai Hind and Hindutva. India is not going anywhere because of them, they just won't ever recognize that.
Okay, but you have to admit, they are #1 in making wild maps on Reddit


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Pretty much all of Silicon Valley is already absorbed into the AI cult.

Most intelligent OpenAI hypebro:
View attachment 124228
This is pretty much worse than Jack Ma's idea of (AI) Alibaba Intelligence. I still have a difficult time understanding if he was joking or not.

No idea which world she lives in. BTW, smoking in an open-air market probably won't contaminate the fresh produces much.
I shop and deliver for Instacart. They're locking up more and more items from anything hygiene related to baby products and now laundry detergent and dryer sheets are locked up. A cashier once told me on they've watched people on several occasions with baskets full of items walk out of the store without paying. They're afraid to confront shoplifters for their own safety and being fired due to store policy. I'm also seeing more stores in modest neighborhoods hire private security guards. I guess that now middle class = the new poverty class in America


Registered Member
China's gloves are off.
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Zionist "ingenuity":

So much for "reader-added context" - in fact, an alarm bell should go off as soon as you see that Wikipedia is used a a source. As far as I know, Wikipedia has degenerated into a wanton tool of propaganda for the West.

Another day, another filtered photo to bash China:

No idea which world she lives in. BTW, smoking in an open-air market probably won't contaminate the fresh produces much.

This is pretty much worse than Jack Ma's idea of (AI) Alibaba Intelligence. I still have a difficult time understanding if he was joking or not.

I shop and deliver for Instacart. They're locking up more and more items from anything hygiene related to baby products and now laundry detergent and dryer sheets are locked up. A cashier once told me on they've watched people on several occasions with baskets full of items walk out of the store without paying. They're afraid to confront shoplifters for their own safety and being fired due to store policy. I'm also seeing more stores in modest neighborhoods hire private security guards. I guess that now middle class = the new poverty class in America
She either coping, joking or just plain dumb. I know there are some IQ stereotypes about women of certain hair color but this is too much.


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why do these Jai Hinds behave like they’re frigging entitled to the entire Indian Ocean?
Why would India not claim whole Indian ocean when highly likely Gulf Arabs will support them. Remember that UAE/Oman Sultan reception or that Saudi Scout participation in India Republic Day.
Gulf Arabs have perfect understanding of India potential due to vast Indian diaspora residing there for decades if not centuries in addition these Gulf Arabs also have deep connections in West and many other places and they know what Indians can do for them as they restructure the world.
If above not easy to understand than consider Chad. One of the poorest country in world got this reception n Moscow.


Registered Member
Just saw the photo of the incident, and holy fvcking sh1t.

View attachment 123517

It's not just the door that flew off - It took pretty much the entire door frame and some cabin panels surrounding the door with it.

Given how aircraft doors are supposed to be designed such that they should be locked in place by being pushed against the door frame on the aircraft fuselage when flying due to air pressure difference across the aircraft fuselage, this should not happen in the first place - Especially for a brand-new aircraft.

Either some kind of errors have been overlooked during the design and engineering phases, or that Boeing factories have some sh1tty QC.

Turns out that this is far from being an isolated incident. Boeing's QC really went down the drain in the past two decades.

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@siegecrossbow now be like:
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TIL the that like Samsung, the south korean brand SK-II is actually owned by Anglo Zionist Westerners.
This is the world the West wants for China, all SOE and Chinese champions slaved to the anglo zionist elite, your culture commodified for the anglo supremacist consumer.

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Interesting analysis on North Korea creating diplomatic space and buffers against anglo predation.
Also, i thought it was interesting that Stalin used the Korean war to get the anglo zionists distracted away from europe; it may seem cold blooded but there's no reason why China shouldn't allow the Russians and Ukrainians and by extent the West from destroying each other to buy itself more time against the Anglo predation in Asia.


Lieutenant General
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Turns out that this is far from being an isolated incident. Boeing's QC really went down the drain in the past two decades.
It is pretty amusing how some on the press continue to try to blame Spirit who make the fake door for the issues with the Alaska Airlines 737MAX incident. When the issue probably was that the guys at Boeing just installed the fake door wrong. But Alaska Airlines also seems to have some blame. I read somewhere that they had several warnings of low cabin pressure on prior flights, and their technicians just reset the errors so they could continue flying the plane.