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That's no joke, Australia normally considers itself local hegemon in its own backyard and gets a say in such matters so for Penny Wong to come out and say this suggests Australia is giving up that traditional role it set itself.
From article:
Her comments come after a historic agreement with Tuvalu in November that gave Australia greater say in the Pacific nation’s defense and security decisions in return for enabling better migration access for Tuvalu’s citizens.
Australia’s treaty in November with Tuvalu was seen as a major win for Canberra as it seeks to cement its influence in the Pacific in the face of a concerted push by the Chinese government in the region.

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The clauses relating to security are, by some distance, the most controversial in the agreement. Australia commits to assist Tuvalu following natural disasters, public health emergencies, or military aggression.
The clauses relating to military aggression are much more controversial, and come in a context of
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—preference for military neutrality. Tuvalu commits to mutually agree with Australia any new bilateral partnership touching on security, including those relating to policing and critical infrastructure. This has led some to suggest that the deal is (at least in part) “
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”; that it
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; and that it is
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. Tuvalu’s government, in the face of opposition pressure,
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that the relevant clauses must be renegotiated

Arij Javaid

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AFD winning in Germany would be an amazing news for China.

But isn't it ironic that greens/left in Germany hate china despite being the most green friendly country on earth when their agenda is anti-carbon

While AFD respects china as a trading partner despite AFD's anti-green stance.


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AFD winning in Germany would be an amazing news for China.

But isn't it ironic that greens/left in Germany hate china despite being the most green friendly country on earth when their agenda is anti-carbon

While AFD respects china as a trading partner despite AFD's anti-green stance.
Banning AfD is now a topic of discussion in Germany. SPD & Greens seem to be pushing for it, while CDU/CSU are mostly against it.

Arij Javaid

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From my interactions with all nationalists. Indian nationalists are among the worst of the worst. Atleast with Zionist nationalists, you can push them towards accepting some faults that Israel made, but indian nationalists consider India to be perfect despite it still being filled with dirt, poverty, poor treatment of lower caste and women and non-existent manufacturing.

There's not a single indian company that produces high tech products.

There is not a single indian company that can even manufacture smartphones.


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Check out this article brother ansy1968.

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Those people are strident nationalist, seeking to gain some advantage over others constantly, have the attitude if give an inch take a foot mentality.

The Indians with their national ideology seem like a very dangerous people, if they can ever get their act together.

That, of course, is the flip of the same coin, as they probably never will get their act together.

They are boasting about the Indian stock market capitalization being bigger that Hong Kong. That is like 1.4 billion people vs a city of 7 million. Why would anyone even boast to that?

The thing is there are three Chinese exchanges. Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. They're proud of beating the lowest one which is also the one under attack most by foreigners so it's index is very low at the moment.

If foreigners decide to attack India, we can see what happened to Adani. And that's only a taste of it.

Westeners say Chinese companies are fraudulent? Oh boy short sellers are going to be spoilt for choice when it comes to Indian ones.
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Junior Member
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From my interactions with all nationalists. Indian nationalists are among the worst of the worst. Atleast with Zionist nationalists, you can push them towards accepting some faults that Israel made, but indian nationalists consider India to be perfect despite it still being filled with dirt, poverty, poor treatment of lower caste and women and non-existent manufacturing.

There's not a single indian company that produces high tech products.

There is not a single indian company that can even manufacture smartphones.
The worst thing is they are so nationalist yet do everything to leave India. You can't even say that about Chinese ones anymore because they're all moving back there now provided they have the ability to do so.

Westeners say go back to China? Ok they will. Enjoy your indian immigrants instead. And they will be not be leaving this time.

Remember, no refunds.
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why do these Jai Hinds behave like they’re frigging entitled to the entire Indian Ocean?
Because they believe in Akhand Bharat. According to that, they are even claiming that the SCS falls within their sphere of influence. Luckily for the rest of Asia, India has nowhere near enough strength to enforce their delusional claims.

From my interactions with all nationalists. Indian nationalists are among the worst of the worst. Atleast with Zionist nationalists, you can push them towards accepting some faults that Israel made, but indian nationalists consider India to be perfect despite it still being filled with dirt, poverty, poor treatment of lower caste and women and non-existent manufacturing.

There's not a single indian company that produces high tech products.

There is not a single indian company that can even manufacture smartphones.
That's why they are known in this forum at least as Jai Hinds, because they can't think of anything other than India is the no.1 perfect Supapowa of the world. Everything manufactured in India is "perfect world-class quality", but nobody is lining up to buy them. They are proud of their "world-class infrastructure" even though bridges collapse, and people are falling-off to their deaths while riding India's over-crowded trains. They are proud of India's military, even when it got spanked by the militaries of "inferior nations". They believe that Mumbai is a world-class city that is superior to Shanghai. But everyone with at least some brain knows better. They boast about their demographic dividend, but neglected to develop their young population into an actual workforce. They believe that the next century belongs to India, forgetting that history is yet to be written.

It is this Jai Hind mentality that keeps India where it is. There is no self-reflection or pragmatism, only dreams and delusions. India is perfect already, so why the need to improve? Their rhetoric annoys the hell out of me, but after some time, I start to laugh at them. They just don't realize that they have created a culture of delusional complacency within India. They believe that India will reach the Moon (or the Sun), but they also start throwing their periodical tables out of their classrooms and replace them with Hindutva teachings. The best minds of India are leaving, because India has more job opportunities for Hindu priests than STEM grads. India is killing its real future with Jai Hind and Hindutva. India is not going anywhere because of them, they just won't ever recognize that.
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This British pianist YouTuber, Brendan Kavanagh had recently created controversy over his confrontation with some Chinese people in a London Railway Station.
His interview with the conservative nutjob "Talk TV" have created a controversy. He claimed that Chinese "CCP activists" harassed him to get him to stop playing a public piano. Thus he confronted them and called out the "evil CCP". He is definitely a new star of the conservative white supremacy idiots and China haters around the world.

Looking at this idiot's channel, he has a history of getting into trouble for playing public pianos without regard for permission or laws. So this incident is definitely not his first controversy. Its just that this time, he picked on some Chinese people, and played the racist red scare tactic. And that got him much more attention than he deserves.

This is the explanation by the Chinese girl in his video who got labeled a "CCP activist". She is getting some online abuse for that.
According to her, she was part of a group conducting a CNY video for an undisclosed company. Apparently they were gonna film in that area where that idiot Kavanagh was playing the piano. At first, they waited for him to finish his music, but he hogged that piano for 40 minutes. So when the Chinese girl came over to politely ask him to stop so that they could start filming, that's where the confrontation happened. In her video, Kavanagh directed some sly racist insults at her and her group, and complained about the "evil CCP". Then he got angrily confronted by another Chinese guy, whom I dunno is from the same group or not. Later on the police came, called him out for racism, and ejected him from the scene.

Eventhough Kavanagh was a racist idiot, I feel alot of blame have to also fall on that unknown company who organized that CNY video. The company ordered some Chinese event people to stick to a strict non-disclosure about the film, as well as have them wave Chinese flags. So when those staff wanted to politely ask Kavanagh to stop his piano nonsense, they cannot reveal the details, thus creating a confrontational situation. Did that company even booked that space for the filming? Why must it be so strictly hush-hush when it is filming a CNY video in a public space? The stupidity of that company puts those people in a difficult situation.
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