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Lieutenant General
AFD winning in Germany would be an amazing news for China.

But isn't it ironic that greens/left in Germany hate china despite being the most green friendly country on earth when their agenda is anti-carbon

While AFD respects china as a trading partner despite AFD's anti-green stance.

It’s not ironic at all if you realise the fact that the vast majority of western ‘greens’ are not true-greens but show-greens.

True-greens care about the environment and don’t care too much about politics or optics and prefers substance over empty rhetoric.

Show-greens are inherently narcissistic snobs who only acts like they care about the environment to score superiority complex points so they get to look down their noses at others, but are usually so entitled and spoilt that they damage the environment many times more than the average person from their lavish lifestyles.

A very easy litmus test to see what kind of green you are dealing with is to seek their views on nuclear energy and public transportation like rail.

True-greens will be all for both, while show-greens will be vehemently against both at an almost instinct level, even if they themselves struggle to truly understand, never mind articulate why. Instead just expect the mindless regurgitate of your typical western propaganda talking points about how ‘dangerous’ nuclear is with ‘mountains’ of nuclear waste produced, and how public transport is communist and inefficient.

If you look at the track record of the choices German ‘Greens’, it’s abundantly clear what kind of ‘green’ they truly are.

Once you make that realising, than it’s incredibly obvious why German show-greens hate China so much - China’s success breaks their entire belief system and worst of all, proves them wrong. If you ever had to deal with a show-green in real life, you will know how much they absolutely hate being proven wrong and will usually take that personally and mark you down as an enemy for having the audacity to show them up like that.


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Western internet is so toxic it can easily brainwash impressionable youth into school shooter types.

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  • Investigations found the teen was self-radicalised by online propaganda and wanted to further the white supremacist cause, despite being of Chinese ethnicity, subscribing to the Great Replacement Theory.
  • He believed African Americans were responsible for a significant percentage of crime in the US and deserved to ‘die a horrible death’. Including also Arabs and LGBTQ individuals. Specifically, he shared his interest to conduct a mass shooting in the US in 10 years’ time.
  • The youth also had no plans to conduct any attacks locally, as he felt that these communities had not caused trouble in
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I'm gonna be frank. East Asians in the west have no spines. They keep taking Ls because they absolutely refuse to stand up for themselves. Not gonna lie, my parents were the same. At one point my mom was telling me not to threaten scammers with reporting them to the police. I went through with my threat and got her money back. Yet she still berated me for causing trouble. Like damn woman, if you got the energy to cuss your son out, go after the people who robbed you instead.

I read on Weibo that one Chinese guy who was chat loudly with his white friend was approached by a random Chinese American women who told him to lower his voice because otherwise it makes all Chinese look bad. LMFAO.


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Turns out that this is far from being an isolated incident. Boeing's QC really went down the drain in the past two decades.

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@siegecrossbow now be like:
View attachment 124316

I dedicate this song to the Boeing C-suite.


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I'm gonna be frank. East Asians in the west have no spines. They keep taking Ls because they absolutely refuse to stand up for themselves. Not gonna lie, my parents were the same. At one point my mom was telling me not to threaten scammers with reporting them to the police. I went through with my threat and got her money back. Yet she still berated me for causing trouble. Like damn woman, if you got the energy to cuss your son out, go after the people who robbed you instead.
Tbh there is some wisdom with staying away from Western police, especially if you see how thug-like police in the US act.

This is 10x more true when you don't have a good grasp of English or the legal process. For these uneducated immigrants you are basically gambling with your life when you go to the police. If the police misinterpret your statements or fine you or abuse you, you can't even complain or report them because of your unintelligible English. There're 0 repercussions to screwing Asian immigrants over and that's basically what matters at the end of the day to Anglo police, considering they have no morals and often racist tendencies. The societal isolation is very real. When it comes to that, quality of life in the West is bottom tier.

I can't deny it's pretty naive for Chinese immigrants to move to the West and think they can get by without equipping tools to defend themselves legally and physically, but then again a lot of them came propagandized to the gills.

In contrast, think about how careful police in East Asia are with foreigners. Some places even have
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just to deal with tourists.