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Senior Member
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I would add Canada also to US when practically every thing from weopons to energy of Canada are all about US. I dont think China has this kind of arrangement with any country.

naming by ranking of country in importance.

You got it in reverse again. Part of US gdp should be counted as part of China and India's gdp. Without China and India these US companies cannot even function properly.

From what you said about the importance of Canada and Mexico, part of US gdp should be counted as part of Canada and Mexico's gdp. Without Canada and Mexico the US economy cannot even function properly.


Registered Member
These puppets are only liked if they get results. If they don't they're worse than garbage and the US wants nothing to do with them. Tell that to Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iran, HK or even Tibet.

That's what I really hate about libs is how bandwagon like. Today they praise them like God sent them and tomorrow act like they never knew who they were. Have some guys to at least stick to your beliefs.
Hmmm, this habit of these people are starting to back fire quite badly. I mean it’s not like the USA is able to get away from this situation Scot free because this how enterprise is costing these people lots of money and many people in the USA seem to be pointing their fingers at Biden rather then Zelensky for all of there woes, their is a reason for his low approval rating after all. And the puppeteers are not having a good time cleaning up all his gaffs cause if they did, Blinken would certainly be getting much better then a cold shoulder right now


Registered Member
This statement is so idiotic. You should learn the meanings of a few keywords first before you post. "GDP" (especially the 'P'), "Trade", "Export", "Import".
I know but if Intel Chip designed in Israel that gives US an edge in GDP than you should count Israel scientific resource part of US as this work exclusively to enhance US strength. If Trump got elected it will give boost to US GDP which otherwise will not be possible and there external reasons for that nothing to do with US internally. Foreign countries have become integral part of US domestic economic system. Its about control ,ownership and wealth. remember that free flow of capital and labor.
I havent followed US GDP in numbers that closely as this is not a new area of interest but Russia/ Arabs interactions are new post 1990s thats why i post often about that. by traditional measures Russia economy should poorly perform due to state interference and than this Ukraine conflict. but it overheated and certain area got so wealthy that it suck everything from other areas and this over top basically outsourcing Ukraine conflict. do you know the reason. the answer is right there in Youtube. and than other picture is the people who are actually commanding this Ukraine war and they still feel wealthy with time for events. This traditional GDP metric does not capture true wealth and strength of a nation.



Junior Member
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This was expected. Pakistan is one of the most military threatened country in the world. India would likely attack if they get even a slightest chance. So, if they allow another country like Iran to violate their sovreignty without a military response, they set a precedent and embolden India to do the same.

Pakistan essentially had to respond. But I am wondering why would Iran do this knowing this would needlessly escalate tensions with Pakistan.

I think its due to the recent regime change in Pakistan to a very pro-US stance. Pakistan is supplying Ukraine when they were literally in Russia when the Ukraine war started. Pakistan is likely also allowing US/CIA to use Pakistani soil for attacks against Iran. They probably got frustrated and decided to strike inside Pakistan to send a message.
Pakistan has a history of not dealing with terrorists on its own territory so they use it as a safe haven. But if Pakistan and Iran can hit the Baluchi separatists in each others country then that's great for both.

I think the most important Iranian interest in Pakistan is getting the gas pipeline started, which has the potential of ending the energy crisis in Pakistan and allowing Iran to export its gas from the Persian gulf. But Pakistan keeps delaying the project because they're afraid of US disapproval.

The Iranian attacks seem to have happened after a meeting between both sides at Davos. Presumably Iran decided based on that conversation that they had to use the military to send a signal to Pakistan.

Now that both countries are in the SCO, China could host discussions and hopefully convince them to ignore the US


Registered Member
You got it in reverse again. Part of US gdp should be counted as part of China and India's gdp. Without China and India these US companies cannot even function properly.

From what you said about the importance of Canada and Mexico, part of US gdp should be counted as part of Canada and Mexico's gdp. Without Canada and Mexico the US economy cannot even function properly.

Comrade, we got to stop with this.

It was the textbook, ECO-101. I still assume it is the same.

Y = C + I_i + G + ( X - I )

Have you ever seen this general equation before?

Okay, if you have not, then it is rather simple.

Y is national income, which is equal to Consumer spending plus Investment spending capital expenditures which is an inverse function of interest rates plus Government spending then minus the exports import into and out of the country.

Now, here is the trick, that Consumer spending and Government tends to be constant, and export imports tend to be the same usually, either balanced or surplus or deficit, it tends to stay that way.

What always changes the most is Investment, because that is a inverse function of interest rates. All this means is that when interest rates go down investment goes up, thereby adding to GNP. Then the opposite is true where interests rates go up then investment goes down taking away from GNP.

Why do we think, we are always looking at some number, because everyone is trying to figure the interest rate cycle whether the Fed will be lowering or increasing interest rates.

That is what we should know. The textbook, that simple equation, mirrors the real world.


Okay, now what you guys are saying is this.

Y = C + I_i + G + ( X - I ) + Mexicans and + Indians

That is just plain wrong.

You're not going to pass, you're not going to graduate.



Senior Member
Registered Member
This statement is so idiotic. You should learn the meanings of a few keywords first before you post. "GDP" (especially the 'P'), "Trade", "Export", "Import".
"GDP" is how much is produced. "Trade" (= "Export" + "Import") is how the produced goods and services are distributed. You are so confused.
You don't understand, it's the new Russo-Germanic-Arabic-Turkic-Indo (subject to expansion) economic theory created by pmc, in this new economic system the terms and rules change everyday depending on who pmc wants to wank this day - so if the US is compared to China, then Canada, Mexico & India are added to the US GDP. If, say, the US GDP is compared to Russia's (pmc's number one wank subject), then the entire world GDP needs to be added to Russia because Arabs pooped there or something.