Miscellaneous News


I am hopeful for peaceful reunification, both are Chinese people, the same people, same culture same language, etc

Just some of politicians that have a wet dream that the the US would die for them in a war with China

Taiwanese ppl are very nice people, one of the nicest ppl I've ever met, totally different than Hongkong ppl


Registered Member
I am hopeful for peaceful reunification, both are Chinese people, the same people, same culture same language, etc

Just some of politicians that have a wet dream that the the US would die for them in a war with China

Taiwanese ppl are very nice people, one of the nicest ppl I've ever met, totally different than Hongkong ppl
Peaceful reunification is not doing nothing and Taiwan just join you. It is still a primarily military driven strategy.

There must be strong enough threat for these local officials to give up powers.

There must be enough force for any foriegn power consider disruption as impossible.

And it requires PRC to initiate these. Otherwise no amount of good will can make it happen.

All these are same as armed unification, just that you are too strong for anyone contemplate shoot back.


Registered Member
There is something that really bothers me about the Taiwan situation after this election.

And, no, not that I think a war is going breakout.

Disclaimer, I rarely follow mainland China and Taiwan related news, because it is boring. Besides, have no connection to that place, so that is someone else's problem if Taiwan gets invaded by PLA.


It seems kind of apparent, that what the CCP leadership is saying about this new guy, Lai, makes him no different than someone like Lee Denghui.

But that is a long time between these two separatists.

Does not seem to me that the separatist cause has really advanced that much, in all this time. Even Biden has publicly said he as leader of the United States, does not support Taiwan independence, just yesterday, just like every US president before him.

There was a theory back in the day, why Lee Denghui was pushing for independence. The reasoning was that China military was still weak, and if Taiwan declared independence the Americans with a stronger military would back Taiwan in any war.

But time marched on, and that calculus has changed, because China has changed and PLA has changed. Along with PLAN and PLAAF.

In short, we have another separatist leader in Taiwan, where the chances of declaring independence is even more remote, than the chances were in the past.

How did the Taiwan separatist movement arrive at such a dead end?

(This is assuming there will be no attempt at formal independence. After all, the previous leader was a separatist too. Also, Biden did not say go for it.)

Is Tai Du some elaborate and weird troll job at this point in time?

Who knows?

Tai Du is not really going for or campaigning for independence, they are just playing games. This is a serious matter. You don't play games here, yet that is what is going on. Playing games on these matters is a dead end.

But they are still playing games. And that is what bothers me. This is geo-political trolling for basically no effect or no outcome. Which is like, really stupid. :rolleyes::D

As for China, I think we know what they are going to do, which is increase the grey zone activities, and work on some things to weaken Taiwan some more.

Tsai, and Lai, play games, while the politburo gets on with it, the affairs of state.

That is why I think this Tai Du has reach some sort of bizarre dead end, where the only tangible result at the moment, is the trolling.



Junior Member
Registered Member
I am hopeful for peaceful reunification, both are Chinese people, the same people, same culture same language, etc

Just some of politicians that have a wet dream that the the US would die for them in a war with China

Taiwanese ppl are very nice people, one of the nicest ppl I've ever met, totally different than Hongkong ppl
Peaceful reunification is a pipe dream and this romanticized view of Taiwanese people is not only wrong but harmful. The cultural proximity you mention is completely irrelevant. Russians perceived Ukrainians similarly and they couldn't have been more wrong. Taiwanese must first and foremost be seen as treacherous coconspirators of the U.S. regime. PLA soldiers mustn't be burdened with the misplaced sentimentality when they are inevitably tasked to liberate the island.


Registered Member
Another way of expressing my rant above, is that Taiwan under the DPP has adopted a brat strategy.

A brat strategy, behaving without seriousness like a brat, is not strategy.

Being a brat is an attitude.

That is why Biden said what he said. No, the United States does not support independence.

Now, we are all old enough and mature enough, to know that deep down, we cannot expect any attitude adjustments to this issue.

Just more trolling.



Staff member
Super Moderator
There is something that really bothers me about the Taiwan situation after this election.

And, no, not that I think a war is going breakout.

Disclaimer, I rarely follow mainland China and Taiwan related news, because it is boring. Besides, have no connection to that place, so that is someone else's problem if Taiwan gets invaded by PLA.


It seems kind of apparent, that what the CCP leadership is saying about this new guy, Lai, makes him no different than someone like Lee Denghui.

But that is a long time between these two separatists.

Does not seem to me that the separatist cause has really advanced that much, in all this time. Even Biden has publicly said he as leader of the United States, does not support Taiwan independence, just yesterday, just like every US president before him.

There was a theory back in the day, why Lee Denghui was pushing for independence. The reasoning was that China military was still weak, and if Taiwan declared independence the Americans with a stronger military would back Taiwan in any war.

But time marched on, and that calculus has changed, because China has changed and PLA has changed. Along with PLAN and PLAAF.

In short, we have another separatist leader in Taiwan, where the chances of declaring independence is even more remote, than the chances were in the past.

How did the Taiwan separatist movement arrive at such a dead end?

(This is assuming there will be no attempt at formal independence. After all, the previous leader was a separatist too. Also, Biden did not say go for it.)

Is Tai Du some elaborate and weird troll job at this point in time?

Who knows?

Tai Du is not really going for or campaigning for independence, they are just playing games. This is a serious matter. You don't play games here, yet that is what is going on. Playing games on these matters is a dead end.

But they are still playing games. And that is what bothers me. This is geo-political trolling for basically no effect or no outcome. Which is like, really stupid. :rolleyes::D

As for China, I think we know what they are going to do, which is increase the grey zone activities, and work on some things to weaken Taiwan some more.

Tsai, and Lai, play games, while the politburo gets on with it, the affairs of state.

That is why I think this Tai Du has reach some sort of bizarre dead end, where the only tangible result at the moment, is the trolling.


A lot of what they do makes sense when you realize that it is just a strategy to get votes and stay in power. Keep in mind that a lot of DPP members have business and sometimes even relatives who reside in the mainland. But they must have something to rally around to distinguish themselves from the much hated KMT, which they perceive as outsiders who butt-fucked native Taiwanese for 40 years after the Chinese Civil War. Since the KMT are relatively cozy with the mainland, the ideology for the DPP is pretty straightforward.


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Now I'm almost living here in China for about one year and in my life I have visited over 20 countries, including Japan, US, Europe, Singapore, HK, South Korea and Taiwan. When I compare of all of the countries China is the number one in technologies, infrastructure, electric cars and cleanliness. 2009 was my second time in China and how they have changed in a period of 14 years is just crazy. Give China another 10-15 years and every Taiwanese will be jealous.

Last summer when I have visited Taiwan. It feels already so backwards, when compare with China. But my Taiwanese friends are so brainwashed and they don't believe what I have told them about Mainland.

The problem what Taiwan has is the youth unemployment.
Many of my friends are high educated with an engineer degree, but working in a cinema or as a train stuff. That is the situation in Taiwan.

The peaceful reunification will come, when China will ramp up their semiconductor field.
After that time Taiwan will suffer from many economc crisis, which many smart Taiwanese people are willing to move to Mainland to work in the semiconductor or other field, which would benefits China's technology advancement even more.

Taiwan would rely more in manufacturing, services and agricultural. The young people are going to give the government more pressure and they are seeking more help from the west, but the west doesn't need Taiwan anymore, when China is an fully developed and independent economy.

After that Taiwan is lying on their knees and begging for reunification.
I think most Taiwanese "engineers" are in reality technicians in semis, I have not seen any strong engineers (software or hardware) come from there, is anybody here educated on the state of its industries?

I would think this will be the worst timing for dpp to provoke China, uncle Sam is busy defending its poster boy israel in middle east and trapped in Ukraine endless money pit, for the foreseeable future, the way I see it the more Taiwan provoke China with u.s backing the more unfortunate things will happen to Israel, whether that by design or coincidence, who knows
That's the beauty of a bank run, everybody wants to cash in before the others do.

The DPP will feel they need to instigate a conflict and draw focus, arms and money back to itself before the US exhausts itself on the Israel conflict. Taiwanese separatists view Ukraine and Israel (other client states) as rivals stealing their hard earned prostitution money.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I think most Taiwanese "engineers" are in reality technicians in semis, I have not seen any strong engineers (software or hardware) come from there, is anybody here educated on the state of its industries?

That's the beauty of a bank run, everybody wants to cash in before the others do.

The DPP will feel they need to instigate a conflict and draw focus, arms and money back to itself before the US exhausts itself on the Israel conflict. Taiwanese separatists view Ukraine and Israel (other client states) as rivals stealing their hard earned prostitution money.

Don’t underestimate the importance of technicians. It is a skill not easily acquired. I would know because over a decade ago I worked with semiconductor laser, which is a lot easier to make compared with the likes of computer chips but the process was still very challenging.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Another way of expressing my rant above, is that Taiwan under the DPP has adopted a brat strategy.

A brat strategy, behaving without seriousness like a brat, is not strategy.

Being a brat is an attitude.

That is why Biden said what he said. No, the United States does not support independence.

Now, we are all old enough and mature enough, to know that deep down, we cannot expect any attitude adjustments to this issue.

Just more trolling.

Biden is saying that in public, but who knows what he and Blinken aka the deep state have told DPP.

Yes, unless one is blind, any Taiwanese politician shouldn't be fooled by whatever promises the US has made in private, but highly ideological people often don't act rationally. I don't believe Tai Du is dead yet.
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Junior Member
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China is about 4 years away from easily able to retake Taiwan and flatten potential opponents. 8 years away it can do it effortlessly. At some point it needs to be done. Not every move has to be "profitable". It is a matter of soverignty and security. I sense a lack or urgency on the government. I begin to fear that even if the navy double in size today, politicians will remain indecisive. At some point I feel Taiwan issue is being blocked by human factors not national capability. 懒政

Once corruption is dealt with, I want the government to be decisive and forward looking. Risk aversion in my opinion is another form of corruption. Risk aversion is favor stability for personal interest than making acceptable risk for country to advance. Classical corruption that pocket public money is being fixed, but there is more to corruption than that! Any form of humanly flaw blocking optimal government functioning is corruption.

I believe the CPC have lost the desire to reunify Taiwan by force. Too many elites are happy with the comfortable life to upset the apple cart in a war for reunification. Too much to lose.
There is no 3D chess here. The richer China gets, the less likely the desire for war. No economic pressure applied. No military pressure applied. All we get are big speeches.

We can mock the Indians all we want, but at least they had the balls to eliminate separatist leaders living in Western countries.