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It's because the Jai Hinds have been given a divine mission by their Vishwaguru, Modi to go around and spread the gospel that India is the world's greatest supapowar. Even if that means invading enemy social space.

Modi is using the power Indian mouths to talk Bharat supapowar into existence. Lie enough times, it becomes the "truth". There are some early fruits. Russia Today have proclaimed India to be a supapowar several times last year. Western media is leaning towards that direction too. With Indian infiltration into established institutions like the World Bank. India can get it to twists some truths, hide the ugly, exaggerate the good, and soon, India could be proclaimed a supapowar by a reputed world institution.
India embodies "will to power" very well. If you wish for it hard enough, you will have power. Truly the most philosophical of nations.

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It is. But it basically has no competition. The main issues delaying it are that Boeing is short on cash and GE can't get the engine to work. Biggest engine ever. Look at that bad boy.
Do we know why is that case? The A350-1000 is one level below that of the 777X when it comes to size and capacity, while the A380 is no longer being built.

The 777X having 400+ orders (with almost half from Emirates) certainly is a market of its own, though certainly smaller than the 787's and A350's markets.
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LOL! India is definitely shooting itself in the foot. I wonder why India had decided to slash factory wages by 50% 3 years ago. Maybe because Modi hoped to make Indian manufacturing more cost competitive with China by driving wages to the bottom. Forget about supply chains and infrastructure.

Therefore, while India claims to be the next factory of the world, it is instead, starting to deindustrialize. LOL!

Low wage is one of the least important requisites for large scale manufacturing. Having the proper infrastructure for energy and transportation, educated blue collar base, and above all a non-toxic business environment are all more important.


Registered Member
WTF... That's totally a 1930s mindset, no wonder why they're completely genocidal.

I seem to recall another nation that was obsessed with racial purity.

Even H*tler would've hesitated from doing some of the things they've already done and that speaks volumes in itself.

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Well, if Israel is pushing for "no sex allowed" contracts for Chinese workers. Things could get even more challenging when Netanyahu wants to import tens of thousands of foreign construction labour from his good old friend, Modi.
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I recall sometime ago that some Jai Hind was tweeting on X that Israeli women desires Indian men the most. Let's see how a possible great influx of Indian (male) workers clashes with Zionists efforts at maintaining racial purity.
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I like how people can look at the magnitude of achievements China has made over the past 20 years that only other nations can dream of (Space station, Mars rover, Moon rover, EV/battery dominance, renewables dominance, drones, electronics, games, aircraft carrier, stealth fighters, computer chips, supercomputers, HSR, infrastructure, AI, 5G & sh*tloads more) and are still convinced that China is more corrupt than Russia and India lol. How is it possible to be in that position with so much corruption???

It’s because Socialism with Chinese characteristics and Xi Jinping Thoughts are the best form of governance known to humanity. It is like a computer game cheat code that allowed China to leapfrog developed countries despite having rampant third world level corruption.


Registered Member
Look at those loud mouth Jai Hinds go. Their Aditya sun observation probe has reached its destination. No congratulations from me.
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Stationing a spacecraft at L1 acts as an early warning system, with roughly one hour advantage, for an upcoming storm from the Sun, he said.
The world better be careful about Indian promises. I won't trust an Indian early warning system. That last Indian probe to the moon couldn't survive freezing. Who is to say that this probe won't get fried by solar radiation long enough to work as an early warning? Someone else better have a spare system in place, just in case.


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It’s because Socialism with Chinese characteristics and Xi Jinping Thoughts are the best form of governance known to humanity. It is like a computer game cheat code that allowed China to leapfrog developed countries despite having rampant third world level corruption.

I have the impression that meritocracy is the biggest reason for what you described (leapfrogging developed countries despite corruption). After all, due to the ancient Chinese culture of meritocracy, they select the most capable people for governing on every level.

Often extensively, and carefully tested by their superior before getting promotions every step of the way for many decades, only the highest intelligent and fitting people in society, make it as officials there. The capability to easily become a STEM postgraduate (doesn't matter if they get it or not, they at least have this level of potential in them) is something of a baseline required, very high IQs indeed.

So, even if those capable and accomplished, meritocratically-elected officials receive corruption, they at least produce enough results for the society as a whole to offset that by a large amount. They produce way more than what they take from society with their results.

Let's say one provincial-level official in China saw the increase of GDP during his tenure by 50 or 100 billion $, then the fact that he received a few hundred million in corruption doesn't matter much. I would even say that they deserved it at this point, after all, if some manager in the private sector produced such results, he would also get tremendous bonuses. It needs to happen to keep him motivated.

Unlike in the West where you have simply the law of governing where the least capable and most stupid people run the country. So it doesn't matter if they are not corrupt to that extent when they do more damage to the country simply due to how incapable they are.


Registered Member
I have the impression that meritocracy is the biggest reason for what you described (leapfrogging developed countries despite corruption). After all, due to the ancient Chinese culture of meritocracy, they select the most capable people for governing on every level.

Often extensively, and carefully tested by their superior before getting promotions every step of the way for many decades, only the highest intelligent and fitting people in society, make it as officials there. The capability to easily become a STEM postgraduate (doesn't matter if they get it or not, they at least have this level of potential in them) is something of a baseline required, very high IQs indeed.

So, even if those capable and accomplished, meritocratically-elected officials receive corruption, they at least produce enough results for the society as a whole to offset that by a large amount. They produce way more than what they take from society with their results.

Let's say one provincial-level official in China saw the increase of GDP during his tenure by 50 or 100 billion $, then the fact that he received a few hundred million in corruption doesn't matter much. I would even say that they deserved it at this point, after all, if some manager in the private sector produced such results, he would also get tremendous bonuses. It needs to happen to keep him motivated.

Unlike in the West where you have simply the law of governing where the least capable and most stupid people run the country. So it doesn't matter if they are not corrupt to that extent when they do more damage to the country simply due to how incapable they are.
If it was ancient then it was around during the Qing Empire, and it clearly didn't work for the Qing Empire. In fact, the problem was not even one of technology. In 1880s, Qing Beiyang Navy had metal battleships with steam power, artillery, electricity, etc. and still lost to Japan.

There was something new introduced by the PRC. I am not allowed to say. But you can infer for yourself.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I have the impression that meritocracy is the biggest reason for what you described (leapfrogging developed countries despite corruption). After all, due to the ancient Chinese culture of meritocracy, they select the most capable people for governing on every level.

Often extensively, and carefully tested by their superior before getting promotions every step of the way for many decades, only the highest intelligent and fitting people in society, make it as officials there. The capability to easily become a STEM postgraduate (doesn't matter if they get it or not, they at least have this level of potential in them) is something of a baseline required, very high IQs indeed.

So, even if those capable and accomplished, meritocratically-elected officials receive corruption, they at least produce enough results for the society as a whole to offset that by a large amount. They produce way more than what they take from society with their results.

Let's say one provincial-level official in China saw the increase of GDP during his tenure by 50 or 100 billion $, then the fact that he received a few hundred million in corruption doesn't matter much. I would even say that they deserved it at this point, after all, if some manager in the private sector produced such results, he would also get tremendous bonuses. It needs to happen to keep him motivated.

Unlike in the West where you have simply the law of governing where the least capable and most stupid people run the country. So it doesn't matter if they are not corrupt to that extent when they do more damage to the country simply due to how incapable they are.

I was partially trolling.