Miscellaneous News


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I get those Indian Street food vids in my tiktok and yt shorts and they are beyond disgusting, I rather drink those gutter oil memes fron 1450....
I've seen them. No wonder people from overseas get sick there.

I come from a country where street food health safety isn't great, but India is another level.
Israel is not committing genocide — but Hamas is
Genocide against Merkavas, maybe.


Registered Member
Who needs stealth jets and bombers when you have this?

View attachment 123511

The other day I learned the company that makes my EV charger (Autel) is a top supplier of drones to Ukraine. Considering how gifted the AFU has become at repurposing those drones, I should be afraid Ukrainians will hack into my charger, send malware to my car and have it drive right into a container bound for Kyiv. Of course the range in winter sucks, so it won’t get far…

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Well her heritage came from a long line of mental gymnast artist, seeing her now surely her ancestors will be proud of her.
youll definitely notice this with people like Nimrata aka Nikki Haley. Her type are scheming opportunists who curry favour with the ruling class by changing their names to be more regime friendly and kissing up to powerbrokers as Nimrata is doing with the Anglo Zionists.
Indian Economics Thread II is locked due to a Jai Hind invasion. So I gotta post this here.
India is rushing to sign FTA with the West and Russia, but not China. Stupid, but its good news for me.
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As if China cares about India not signing an FTA with it. China is the world's factory that India depends on, so what if India wanna pay more for the goods that it needs.

Its making exports to India easier for these countries. Indian market is big alright, but it has been too troublesome to keep the big Western brands interested. I don't think these FTA deals would give any big results. There is still no rule of law in India.

That's right, this FTA does not help India at all with exports. These countries have already placed low import duties on Indian imports because they are not competitive. India doesn't have much to offer to these countries apart from textile, minerals, and agriculture goods.

LOL! Is Trudeau gonna cry about this?
Do these Indian FTAs also include dual recognition of Indian degrees? If so, expect Indian applicants who rote memorise the perfect answers for job interviews but are inept, and then nepotistically hire their own people to the point where their votes can defeat anti caste discrimination policies and even the outlawing of beef. Lol, these westerners are so scared of China, they will sell their entire future based on an Indian promise to someday fight China, maybe.
Let France ban a few more Chinese EVs lol

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French Brandy exports to China could be decimated. Good targeting by China
what the west fails to consider is that in war, even the enemy gets a vote. Too much bombing coloureds from afar without consequence has made these western Zionist elites lazy. Victory has defeated them, as Bane would say.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The other day I learned the company that makes my EV charger (Autel) is a top supplier of drones to Ukraine. Considering how gifted the AFU has become at repurposing those drones, I should be afraid Ukrainians will hack into my charger, send malware to my car and have it drive right into a container bound for Kyiv. Of course the range in winter sucks, so it won’t get far…
They had some Ukrainian made electric car recharging stations in Russia. When the Russians invaded they were all brickwalled by the vendor and stopped working. Theoretically a vendor can even add a kill switch where the main processing chip is permanently disabled if they want to and design their own chip. Try reading about eFuse technology.


Registered Member
This is Christian math. Christians claim 10% of China is Christian therefore China is a Christian country. What Asians are to the US are Orientals in Europe. Asians in Europe are everything in between them and the Orient. All the people that are expressing offense think Jesus is a blue-eyed blond European. Christians just can't keep all their bull straight.

What Christianity Today is attempting to do is trying to stir up some kind of "ownership" of Jesus in Asia in order to get Asians to become Christians just like how the West depicts Jesus Christ as a blue-eyed blonde European. Most of Asia just existing proves Christianity is a fraud. If the Christian God wrote the Bible, why no mention of China, the oldest continuing civilization on Earth? Don't you think God would know of his own creation and wrote about it in the Bible? It's because the Bible wasn't written by God. It was written by mortal men who wrote of the world that was only known to them at the time. No one is going to follow a book written by ignorant mortals that didn't know everything.

It's really a Rorschach test of how Christians respond to this. Those that are offended are most likely white supremacists that use Christianity to claim everything belongs to white people because God is white and therefore all his possessions belong to whites only meaning everyone not white are their slaves hence why Christians are so obsessed with taking over China. Just Chinese existing is a crime to them and of course how they hide their evil is hiding it behind human rights. When you hear Christians charge China with denying freedom of religion, they're only talking about the freedom of Christians only in China. You think the people that are taught that the Christian God is the only one true God and all other religions are fraud care about other religions...?

If the Chinese wanted to send Christianity into turmoil, they could do it by just by stating the absolute facts. Look at how the US tried to argue using science that it was safe to eat Japan's radioactive seafood. Well science says there is no God and that should've been the answer and they would blow a gasket. They'll hide behind science at their convenience and when science doesn't support them, they'll hide behind God. Use their logic against them. The rise of China must be okay with God because he wouldn't let evil rise like that so therefore China must be good. That's the logic they use for themselves.
Jesus is clearly Asian, his brother
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is even Chinese :cool:
I see this as an absolute win.
Hear me out; China and Chinese culture has a way of syncretising foreign even predatory religions into a part of greater Chinese culture eg

Now, of course China should always be wary of cults, especially the yellow turban, white lotus, Falun gong etc types, but China also has a way of subverting such religions into heterodox forms until they turn into benign Sinitic religions eg Buddhism was initially considered an evil cult for encouraging men and women from abandoning their filial duties but it later evolved into Chinese style Chan Buddhism.

Who’s to say, the new age testament style Christianity doesn’t become a minor Chinese deity pledging allegiance to the Jade Emperor and the King of Heaven? Why should Bronze Age fanfic take precedence over my fanfic?

Expounding on this further, it’s not like the anglos haven’t already attempted to subvert Asian nations via religion and not just with Falun Gong or Christianity, just look at the operation wandering soul
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or even how the possible mossad created ISIS which never attacks Israel and only attacks Israel’s enemies, seems to use a lot of Islamic End of Days type eschatology.

This is why Putin said, the Anglo Zionists do not have principles, they will use any religion and belief to gain an advantage.
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