The Lion, the witch and the audacity of this b!tch. Seriously the more I see this man, the more pale and white hair he seems to become. He can’t say it but deep down, he knows the USA is f@cked for all the stupid bullcr@p they have done in Ukraine and now Israel and sooner or later, if he doesn’t watch his health, he just might kick the bucket when the contradictions become a little too much for his pea brain to handle. Simple logic dictates that genocides are wrong and yet for a supposed God fearing man, he doesn’t do anything but do everything in his upmost to ensure the madness continues. Sooner or later, this wicked man will burn in hell for his misdeeds and like Colin Powel and Madaline Albright and John McCain, their actions will only serve to make the USA fall all the more sooner rather then ensure its security. Not to mention, what did these POS amount to anyway, it’s not like any of these people are remembered as opposed to most of the world what them to fade away into the darkness, never to be remembered again