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Surely it's better he undergoes prison and eventual rehabilitation in China than forced labor in America? The labor value extracted from him by America will directly be used to oppose China.
What ever labor value they can extract from him isn’t going to be very much at all given they fact that he is dumb enough to get caught in the first place means that well, he won’t be able to provide much in terms of intelligence to the USA which is something that is sorely needed. Just think about it, the USA have quite a large labor force via they prison system being amongst the largest in the developed world and they still are losing to China as an economy. Plus trying to feed all of them isn’t going to be easy with all that drought and animal deaths lately, so really, the USA can keep him, so they can thoroughly educate him on how the west treats people like him in general when they are not in HK rioting (which is basically a liability that needs to disappear like right now)
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Wall Street Silver is spreading fake news about China.
Who is "Wall Street Silver" and what China's QR codes really do.

One of the richest Filipinos does not think it's a good idea to confront China.

Owner of the Philippines’ Largest Malls Says China Feud May Hurt Businesses​

  • SM Investments vice-chair says group ‘cautiously optimistic’
  • Teresita Sy-Coson calls for peaceful strategy on disputed sea
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Good, there will be no brain drain for China if every state behaves like Florida.

New Florida law blocks Chinese students from academic labs​

Top state education officials need to approve any proposed hires after extensive vetting

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Registered Member
IMO, Florida is trying to drive out minorities or prevent them from moving in so they can hold onto the state being red. They have passed laws that negatively impacted Blacks (against black ap classes or teaching that black people should be happy because they were enslave cause they got to come to the us!), Latinos (illegal immigrant laws mostly targeting brown looking people), and Chinese (can't buy realstate or this).


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@supercat there are 2 kinds of Chinese origin oligarch, the Mestizos (Mestizos are generally understood to be persons of European and Indigenous ancestry and the Taipans THE first generation Huaqiao. The former are gentry landed elites while the latter are captain of Industries. So how do they produce their wealth? The Mestizos survived on rent seeking income and from Gov't largeness like preferable tax and buying public utilities, they pick and choose which politician to run as president, VP and members of congress and even promotion of gov't official and military personnel. The Taipans produced tangible goods and are apolitical, they are used to being blackmailed by politician for campaign contribution. What I'm worried about are those second and third generation Taipans, they had taste power and are being coopted by the Mestizo to bolster their ranks.


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When your imperialist occupation troops get so undisciplined that they need to be accompanied by "liberty buddies", i.e. literal adult babysitters.

It’s not just US soldiers in Korea and Japan. Look at the behaviour of sexpats or even westerners in Thailand and the Philippine. The entire west treats Asia like a colonial slaver. You don’t see say Australians behave back home, the way they behave in Bali or Thailand.
How it started

View attachment 122641

How it is going
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He will likely be tossed back to China after a conviction
The CIA which ran human trafficking via its Albanian and Bosnian assets sure has a knack of only recruiting rapists and chinless beta males like Joshua Wong.
Surely it's better he undergoes prison and eventual rehabilitation in China than forced labor in America? The labor value extracted from him by America will directly be used to oppose China.
what does prison labour in America produce? Airliner passenger headsets and licence plates and cotton picking, Not exactly stellar human capital.


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IDF Home Front Command: "The situation in the north is worse than the situation in the Gaza, we have marked a target date for the war in the north."

So apparently, the US has given Israel a green light to more or less invade Lebanon

Sullivan who met with the members of the war cabinet said that there were diplomatic efforts underway to reach an agreement that would remove the risk of Hezbollah from the northern border adding that if those efforts fail and Israel would chose to attack Hezbollah, the U.S. would back that decision.

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Nah, US prisoner cost 100k-150k+ a year to house. They don't squeze anywhere near of that amt of labor out of them.
$45k is the annual cost / prisoner, in 2023.
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$1.15/hour is the maximum penal labor wage (national average minimum wage is $7.25/hour). $6.25+/hour saved by employers. Max 12 hours/week. Some states do not pay at all (forced labor).
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800,000 prisoners were working in 2022.
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$574.1 million annual penal labor wages. $718/prisoner/year

$3.62 billion annual minimum wages (per 800k workers). $4525/worker/year

Big savings for corporate employers. Not much for state. But then again, state is corporate oligarchs.
