What ever labor value they can extract from him isn’t going to be very much at all given they fact that he is dumb enough to get caught in the first place means that well, he won’t be able to provide much in terms of intelligence to the USA which is something that is sorely needed. Just think about it, the USA have quite a large labor force via they prison system being amongst the largest in the developed world and they still are losing to China as an economy. Plus trying to feed all of them isn’t going to be easy with all that drought and animal deaths lately, so really, the USA can keep him, so they can thoroughly educate him on how the west treats people like him in general when they are not in HK rioting (which is basically a liability that needs to disappear like right now)Surely it's better he undergoes prison and eventual rehabilitation in China than forced labor in America? The labor value extracted from him by America will directly be used to oppose China.
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