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A general bullshit comment.

People hate uncertainty. Not sure why exactly, as life itself is kind of unpredictable.

You know what I am talking about, people do not like uncertainty.

That could be one reason why people believe in a new cold war, because that in itself provides certainty.

Whether those people who believe in the new cold war are deluded or not, time will tell.



Lieutenant General
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I remember a US congressman accuse when China is spending R&D on anything scientific, it's not for the betterment of humanity. It's China plotting for evil selfish purposes. Has anyone heard of Chinese chat AIs talking about wanting to see the world burn like US chat AIs have? I'm sure if that was out there, the West would hypocritically make a big deal over it unlike how they're not doing that with theirs. Is it because Chinese tech companies look at AI more for commercial applications where US companies are actually aiming for creating a sentient intelligent being. That's why the debate over AI that the West fears is happening in the West only and not in China. Is it like how Apple's facial recognition could only recognize white Caucasian faces apart and no one else's? The right wants to hide behind claiming machines can't be biased so there was no ill-intent. China's facial recognition spotted a Chinese fugitive in a stadium crowd full of Chinese faces so that proves them to be wrong. Regardless if bias of the algorithms they were writing was intentional or not, they cannot be trusted with technology by their own logic. They casually don't think about what they're doing especially when it favors the Western white world only. So who's technology needs to be policed?


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Very clear messaging
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China 'not fearful of war' over Senkakus, senior military officer says​

A senior Chinese military officer said in a recent interview with Kyodo News that Beijing does not want a war over the Tokyo-controlled Senkaku Islands claimed by China in the East China Sea, but it is also "not fearful" of armed conflict either.

Lt. Gen. He Lei, a former vice president of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences, also indicated the possibility that China will target the Senkakus, which it calls Diaoyu, as well if it attempts to capture Taiwan, a self-ruled democratic island, through the use of force.

Is this the first time that this is explicitly stated?
Beijing claims the Senkakus are part of its Taiwan province. Asked whether China could launch an offensive to simultaneously target the seizure of Taiwan and the islets, He said such a scenario is in line with the mainland's "principle."


Registered Member
The big thing is that since the US will pull as many as its vassals into a conflict with China anyways China absolutely needs to go all out in that situation anyhow.

It is a strange game that the American government is playing.

It is basically cowboys and Indians, but they assume they will not be required to do any heavy lifting.

I read a story in the American media published today, about another incident in the South China Sea, where the China Coast Guard blasted those hapless Filipino fishing vessel. The Philippine government and American government both condemned these Chinese actions, while China said it had every right to defend its territory.

The stage has been set for the dance, and the Americans do not show up for the water cannon fight, and just issue condemnations.

The Chinese are waiting, but they ain't coming.


Registered Member
Very clear messaging
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Is this the first time that this is explicitly stated?
It has always been the official stance and policy of both the PRC and ROC that the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku) belongs to China - More specifically, the Taiwan Province of China. So this isn't exactly a surprising message.

Though, if Japan smartly backed away and not directly interfere against China during Operation AR of Taiwan and/or the recapture of the Diaoyus (i.e. playing the role of Poland in the current Russo-Ukraine War), then China shouldn't go to war with Japan.

However, if vice versa happens, then China shouldn't stop at the Diaoyu Islands. The ultimate goal should be the liberation (or alternately, annexation) of the Ryukyu Islands - Either for the entirety of the Ryukyus, or until the Amami Islands to the north at most.
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Registered Member
So that means the US is a country of vampires?

Not surprising, considering how they conducted themselves across the world since the birth of the American Empire.

I mean, just look at Rick Scott.


Any time now...



Registered Member
It has always been the official stance and policy of both the PRC and ROC that the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku) belongs to China - More specifically, the Taiwan Province of China. So this isn't exactly a surprising move.

Though, if Japan smartly backed away and not directly interfere against China during Operation AR of Taiwan and the recapture of the Diaoyus (i.e. playing the role of Poland in the current Russo-Ukraine War), then China shouldn't go to war with Japan.

However, if vice versa happens, then China shouldn't stop at the Diaoyu Islands. The ultimate goal should be the liberation (or alternately, annexation) of the Ryukyu Islands - Either for the entirety of the Ryukyus, or until the Amami Islands to the north at most.
Historical records of Kyushu date back to the North/South Dynasties era.

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