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Outrage as eight of nine men convicted of park gang rape of a 15-year-old in Germany receive no prison time​

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Long time no post but seriously, is Germany really trying to go down the path of India right now because I see similar signs of extreme brain dead stupidity coming from the leadership of both right now, only saving grace that India has above Germany is the obvious fact that India isn’t against Russia but that it. Seriously, what’s with these people doing stuff like this, do they honestly thibk there is no consequence, now India is plain insane but I thought Germany should be better then this unless Baerbocks stupidity has really rubbed off on Germany as a whole


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What is noteworthy is that ppl like Macgregor only want to let up on Russia because they want to focus all attention and resources on the racial holy war against China.

They are not doves per se, but rather racists who only object to spilling the blood of co ethnics like White Russians when they hope that a great race war against China will unite all white peoples of the world behind their banner. In that sense, they are no different to the Kilrathi of Wing Commander.
To be fair to Col. Macgregor, he is more of a Peter Zeihan than a Tucker Carlson. Macgregor has no love for China, but he believes that China is not an aggressive nation, and is much more interested in doing business. Therefore, should be left alone to do its business, including reunifying with Taiwan. Ironically his view about China's motives are correct, but his reasoning for that is flawed. He thinks that Xi Jinping is China's current emperor, and that China is always on the verge of collapsing. So Emperor Xi would be too busy keeping China afloat than to go out there to pick a fight with the free world.

Macgregor wants the US to become a mercantile nation again and compete with China properly in economy, diplomacy, and influence. He thinks the current aggressive US foreign policy is actually strengthening China, not weakening it. I do not fully agree with Macgregor's view on China, but I think his idea that the US should coexist and compete with China peacefully is commendable for a conservative, ex-military American. He is not too well-informed about other nations, but he does advocate for the peaceful approach.


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If DPP doesn't make a move then it's hard for US to come up with a reason to start a war. That's one thing that makes DPP different from Kiev - they love to save their own skin.
If US really want to start a war with China over Taiwan, it's not hard to find excuses. US can start a war with any country if they have the confidence. Remember Colin Powell 's UN speech with his white powder?

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So I posted yesterday that they had 1 confirmed dead. There's a big difference between 1 dead, the rest rescued and 1 dead the rest missing. It's the latter, and they've been in the ocean for over a day now so it's looking like they all died. And apparently, according to an eye-witness, it exploded in mid-air and then fell into the sea, making survival even less likely. Another interesting facet is that there seems to be some controversy as to how many were on board, with the initial report saying 8, then corrected to say 6, and now, they're saying 1 dead, 7 missing. Published under an hour ago:
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"Japan suspended flights by its Osprey aircraft Thursday, officials said, the day after a U.S. Air Force Osprey based in Japan crashed into the sea during a training mission.

Tokyo says it has also asked the U.S. military to ground all Ospreys operating in Japan except for those searching for victims of the crash.

The U.S. Osprey crashed Wednesday off Japan’s southern coast, killing at least one of the eight crew members. The cause of the crash and the status of the seven others on board were not immediately known.

NHK quoted a Yakushima resident saying he saw the aircraft turn upside down, with fire coming from one of its engines, and then an explosion before it fell into the sea."
6 dead recovered counting the one from before; 2 to go.
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"The dive teams were able to confirm five additional crew members from the original team of eight that were involved with the crash."


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Boris Johnson plotted military raid on Dutch covid (vaccine) plant​

Boris Johnson asked the security services to consider raiding a Dutch Covid vaccine factory during a row over five million doses that were being blocked from the UK.

The former prime minister was said to have been left “enraged” after the EU threatened to prevent the doses from being sent to Britain.

At one point during the diplomatic spat, which happened mid-lockdown in March 2021, Johnson asked security service officials to look at “military options” for retrieving the AstraZeneca jabs.

The request, which was first reported by the Daily Mail, was made in a desperate bid to ensure the vaccines could be released from a factory in Leiden, the Netherlands.

However, Johnson backed down after being warned that it would be seriously detrimental to diplomatic relations.

At the time, the rollout of Covid vaccines was significantly ahead in the UK compared to across the EU.
Johnson had vowed to ensure nine priority groups — including all over 50s — were vaccinated by mid-April.

Government sources feared that a potentially reduced supply of jabs threatened to put meeting the target at risk, as well as the future stages of easing lockdown measures.

Sources said when Johnson gives testimony to the Covid inquiry later this week, he was likely to reference the incident with the EU.
He has been summoned to give two days of evidence starting on Wednesday.

The row began when Charles Michel, the European Council president, accused the UK of imposing an “outright ban” on the export of Covid vaccines manufactured in the UK.

Days later, the EU Commission demanded that vials produced at the Halix plant bound for Britain be diverted to the EU.
Instead of using the security services to raid the factory to retrieve the vials, Johnson launched a diplomatic offensive — speaking to Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel, the French and German leaders.

He sought to defuse tensions with a delegation of Foreign Office staff also dispatched to Brussels for talks.

The Times revealed last week that Johnson will use his appearance at the Covid inquiry to admit he “unquestionably made mistakes” but insist that the decisions he took ultimately saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

He is expected to argue that he had a “basic confidence that things would turn out alright” on the “fallacious logic” that previous health threats — such as BSE and Sars — had not proven as catastrophic as feared.

However, the former prime minister will add that, overall, the government succeeded in its central aim of preventing the NHS from being overwhelmed by making the “right decisions at the right times”.

He will say that all three lockdowns came at the right time and in the process the government saved tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives.

Johnson will also emphasise the success of the vaccine programme, with UK breakthroughs signalling “the beginning of the end of the pandemic”.
At one point during the diplomatic spat, which happened mid-lockdown in March 2021, Johnson asked security service officials to look at “military options” for retrieving the AstraZeneca jabs.

In an alternate universe, it would be a crazy 2021 lol.