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Would be very unfortunate but entirely not China’s fault if those sneaky Cubans took spare rocket fuel blocks and slotted them into the empty space left in the rockets after China responsibility removed those fuel blocks to lower the range to sub-300km when exporting those rockets.

Oh it’s way easier than that. There are just some easily detachable counter weights that are there to ensure it follows international arms export regulations. Do not, I repeat, do not remove them under any circumstances.


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Tech conference canceled over bogus women​

The organizer of the DevTernity event was accused of padding its diversity bona fides with fake women speakers.

Sizovs lamented that “1000s of events chasing the same small sub-group of female speakers”. Nearly half of the event’s speakers had reportedly pulled out by Monday night amid reports the conference had attempted to inflate its diversity credentials with fake profiles of female speakers and participants.

Job market for tech is extremely hard right now. Most men there are not going for politics virtue signaling but are legit looking for jobs because most of them, even highly educated ones with years of experience, are only 3-4 paychecks away from homelessness.


Registered Member
Similar policies have also been widely criticized in our country. The status of dogs as pets is considered to have been elevated to an abnormal level, and the reason for implementing this policy is only to "Fasting cats and dogs is a common practice in many developed countries". This has actually intensified the public's aversion to the West, because the cultural traditions and dietary habits of Chinese people cannot be defined by the West.
Who exactly defines "civilization"? Is the formulation of laws only to consider international feelings?

Similar situations have been recurring throughout history. Especially Japan and South Korea, two countries deeply controlled by the United States. I have read some about the dietary history of these two countries. The dumping of agricultural products in the United States combined with political coercion, ultimately leading to a change in the dietary structure of the people in these two countries (from rice to wheat).

The most terrifying invasion is not using violence to invade and coerce, but to lure you into obeying their demands.
The issue (at least for China) is that as very few are interested in trying dog meat, let alone have it as a staple in their diet, there are less and less farmers who can deliver it at market demanded standards. Similar to the west, where the consumption of opossum and other rodent types were once widespread, but fell off sharply, or the southern European countries which had some types of mouldy cheese, where the quality cannot be guaranteed anymore either.

The standards are meant to be enforced equally and fairly, to make sure food is healthy and long term safe for the consumers. It would be hypocritical to ban consumption of unsafe American meat and dairy while allowing unsafe products to remain on sale just because they're domestic Chinese. That's not the point of the standards.

Either dog meat must undergo rabbitization, becoming more widespread among the public to justify profitable, high quality farming, or it will go the way of rattlesnakes and opposums and disappear as a historical curiosity and something for extreme cooking.

The way society looks currently, the latter is much more likely. Some things just follow the tides and trends of the times. Many types of food have been failed out due to unpopularity, I don't see it as concerning at all, rather it's natural.
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Moderator - World Affairs
China can make it's own independent decision such as banning wild life trade and consumption right after the pandemic, irrespective of Western lecturing and pressure. It's based on China's own sovereign decision and scientific evidence, not influence by Western politicians.

If China said one day domesticated dog and cat consumption is banned because they breed and spread SAR-CoV-2 and other disease, thus unfit for human consumption , then it's ultimately a Chinese sovereign decision and science, not foreign pressuring.


Registered Member
China can make it's own independent decision such as banning wild life trade and consumption right after the pandemic, irrespective of Western lecturing and pressure. It's based on China's own sovereign decision and scientific evidence, not influence by Western politicians.

If China said one day domesticated dog and cat consumption is banned because they breed and spread SAR-CoV-2 and other disease, thus unfit for human consumption , then it's ultimately a Chinese sovereign decision and science, not foreign pressuring.
They don't spread these diseases, that's wholly unscientific beliefs, I'm frankly baffled where anyone would get that from.

There are well founded worries on how closely dog farms adhere to general animal husbandry criterias. Meat that has not been processed in safe ways will cause gastrointestinal sickness in those who consume it.


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300 kilometers is only barely enough to reach the southern outskirts of Miami from the northern coastlines of Cuba. China would have to grant permissions for the export of MRLS with >300 kilometers of range in order to reach downtown Miami... Which risks opening up a pandora box of its own.

However, US military installations at Key West and (especially) Guantanamo is definitely within range.

Also, if Havana is also buying the anti-ship variant of the MRLS, then Cuba could theoretically close off access to the Gulf of Mexico from the rest of the Atlantic, if not putting shipping that enters and exits the Gulf of Mexico under threat. The straits between Cuba and Cancun, Mexico (to the west) plus between Cuba and Miami (to the north) are no more than 300 kilometers wide.
Polonez is from Belarus with Chinese tech inside. If Belarus is able to increase the range on their own, China can't object. In reality, it is probably Chinese engineers telling Belarussians how to increase the range without officially doing so. More importantly, increasing range is easy to do if the base model (where it is derived) has greater range. There isn't really anything China need to do officially. It is perfect deniability.

This is the reason that China refuse to join any treaty agreement with US in arms control.