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So Apixaban starts in around 6 hours and last 3 days with a 12 hour half life. You just need a normal dose, not a high dose, with plavix it's increases the chance of a bleed. Plavix lasts 7 days. I'm not saying they will make him bleed 100% of the time but with these two common meds you can increase the risk of a bleed and all they need is to take as aspirin for a headache to truly bleed easily

Sorry but how are you supposed to make it look like a natural death if the guy is bleeding uncontrollably for no apparent reason? You don't think people are going to put 2 and 2 together?


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Sorry but how are you supposed to make it look like a natural death if the guy is bleeding uncontrollably for no apparent reason? You don't think people are going to put 2 and 2 together?
This is the final time I'm going to explain my position because some people just dont get it and without a medical background it's a waste or my time to explain to them.

Since you're asking, I've seen many people with a hemorrhagic stroke. It can occur with those who are lot on blood thinners. And it's indistinguishable form those who do take blood thinners on CT scan. It can occur with vascular malformations and high blood pressure. People who take blood thinners don't walk around with bleeding all over the place. They look normal and may take longer to clot from a cut. No cuts or other skins breaks. No visible bleeding. So if someone is on blood thinners and they don't know it, their stroke would usually be chalked up to unknown htn or vascular aneurysm. Especially if they took advil or aspirin. The usual blood tests to check for blood thinning would be normal.

Anyhow My example was just a quick example so it's not great but the concept is there. I'm sure if one wanted to, one can make better poisons and make it look natural.

I don’t see Eliquis on the menu.
Wow what an intelligent and funny reply. You sure add a lot of good info to this forum and should give yourself a pat on the back for all your effort.