Miscellaneous News


China is very influential in the Middle East nowadays - deal with it!

China’s Two-Faced Approach to Gaza​

Xi Jinping poses as a peacemaker but stokes disorder.
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Giving up your sovereignty and being a sycophant of the US has its consequence.

The EU’s plan to regain its competitive edge​

Brussels is trying to devise another new strategy amid fears of being left even further behind the US and China

The headline numbers are stark. The EU economy, in dollar terms, is 65 per cent of the size of the US economy. That’s down from 91 per cent in 2013. Per capita, US gross domestic product is more than twice the size of the EU’s, and the gap is increasing.
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Sigh, people waited for hours for the reopening of the restaurant. But it had to be closed after only 2 days because of security issues, unruly and disrespectful customers.


No you cannot explain away using your own logic. The British do not have to invite Chinese and dogs for a party, just like country do not have to trade with each other.
I've already explained it, but you didn't get it. I already explained that they have to follow local laws. If they're an establishment, they have to follow Chinese laws on discrimination. That's the modern take. Back then, they victimized China with their imperialism so they're wrong to be on Chinese soil in the first place.
When you cite laws, I answered laws are made to prevent this in first place. Why are laws made? You know the answer but you are afraid to say it, because it would be admitting you were wrong. Because it is malicious bullying.
No, I don't know what kind of bullcrap you're asking about but I explained why it's not ok for an imperialist to snatch up a spot in a victim country and barr locals from entering. It's simple and it serves no point on your behalf.
Here is the part you are dense about,
Your entire argument is dense to hell based on a 1 minute fictional movie clip.
it never about "being friend" and boohoo I am lonely and I need their approval. You think Bruce Lee care about being friend with racist scums? That is not why he is angry.
Jesus you are dumb. How the hell did this become about Bruce Lee?? Who cares/what does it mean what Bruce Lee's movie character cares about or is angry at??
The same reason American sanctions are evil, because it is not about making good business deal, it is about force other country not to trade with a country to try starve them out. Not just stop trading with US, but to force other country to pick trade with that tiny country or me the bigger economy. I suppose you can say "yeah, that is totally lawful, technically no rights violated". Then I will just concede, because at least you are being consistent.
Yeah, they have awful intent but it is within their rights to do that. That's the first thing you got right. As I'm about to have to explain to Phead, you can be awful and you can cause pain, but that's still not bullying if you do these things without violating anyone's rights. That's you exercising your own legitimate right to do what you think serves your interest.
Bullying has nothing to do with China's rights, but South Korea's rights.
Actually, it does have to do with China's rights. Did China act within its own rights or did it do things that went beyond what its rights allow it to do? Trade ban? Within its rights. Invasion? Exceeded own rights and violated SK's.
South Korea has a right to enter any alliance, deploy any security posture, deploy any security asset on it's soil.
Holy shit, you are entirely clueless.
It's not truly Moon's un-impeded freedom of action if you are decision-making process is made under duress.
No, man. You're the one who's slower than cold molasses. Putting someone under duress is completely fine as long as you acted within your own rights and did not violate his. Being free of all duress is not a right. Being free from invasion is.
Bro, bullying can be verbal and non-violent. Look up the definition of bullying please. I'm sick and tired of your made-up definitions.
I'm sick and tired of your snowflake shit saying it's bullying someone just to not patronize his business. You still haven't answered what would constitute a legitimate non-bullying response to an offense if even boycotting a business is bullying. Am I supposed to keep giving my money to someone who's offending me in order to not be bullying him??
Again, it's not about China's rights, it's about South Korea's rights. Jesus Christ.
Again, that's wrong, Holy Spirit. As long as China acts within its rights, it's fine. And even if you were right on this point, you'd still be wrong because South Korea has no right to conduct business in China or to have diplomatic relations with China as they are all privileges granted by the Chinese government.
It's bullying the Dutch and Chinese, end of story!
Sorry, you're not the author and you don't end the story. At the very base of it, the US can retract its participation and its technology. And if you think that's bullying you, in other words, the US owes it to you to allow you access to their tech, then your snowflake self has no business competing with the US anyway.
To say there is no harm or discomfort by SMIC due to Western restrictions is deeply disingenuous - it is technological bullying.
There's a lot of harm and discomfort but those 2 don't mean bullying occurred because the US acted within its rights. You have to understand that there are ways to coerce and cause pain without violating anyone's rights and thus they are legitimate options for influencing the outcome. Don't scream like a baby, "It hurts; I'm being bullied!" SMIC doesn't have the right to access US tech; it's a privelige the US can give or take away. Just because taking it away hurts doesn't mean you have rights to it.
The inept is saying US tech sanctions is bullying Dutch, not China.
Kinda the Dutch, but like I said, it's gray. You can't force the US to sell you its tech. That's trying and failing to bully the US. The inept think everything is bullying and others owe them their service but the cold hard truth is nobody needs to give you anything and crying that you're being bullied only makes people laugh.
Talk about no consistent standard and double-standards man.
So point out where I contradicted myself.

Here is a list of things I think constitute American bullying and violating others' rights:
Hijacking Iranian ships for oil
Attacking Syria/Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya, etc...
Using stolen oil from the countries they attacked to control the energy market
Declaring (not seriously though) that refusal to use the dollar is tantamount to warlike hostilities
Fly any people or equipment to Taiwan
Any FONOPS in the SCS or military-purposed flights that violate China's EEZ

Here is a list of things I think the US did within its rights meant to hurt China but do not violate China's rights:
Trade War (putting tariffs on Chinese goods)
Tech War (refusing to sell tech to China and China's suppliers)
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It's China's "right" to withdraw business, just like South Korea's "right" to place THAAD on their soil. However, China went further to demand that SK not deploy additional THAAD, not enter US-led anti-ballistic missile defense, and not enter into Trilateral alliance with US-Japan, which is overriding SK's sovereign decision making.

Bullying has nothing to with China's "rights", but how it affects South Korea's "rights" - bullying it has to do with violent or non-violent intimidation or threats to override SK's rights.

The "
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" as preconditions for resuming diplomatic ties is economic coercion for a geostrategic objective (i.e., break the US containment of China).

So I find it rather convenient you are inconsistent with your definitions, have no principled moral stance, and just cherry-pick whatever is most convenient for your narrative.

That's literally just making things up - the definition of bullying has nothing to do with violation of China's rights, but of SOUTH KOREA's rights.
So you are saying it is ok for SK to have a radar at 1200 KM range while Seoul to Beijing is only 950KM. And China tells SK not to do such a thing is bullying?

By your logic, if you live in an apartment, and the family live on top of you is very loud, and you tell them they should be quiet is bullying?

And so, China should sell weapons to NK and place them right next to Seoul, and SK should be quiet about it, saying anything is bullying.


Registered Member
So you are saying it is ok for SK to have a radar at 1200 KM range while Seoul to Beijing is only 950KM. And China tells SK not to do such a thing is bullying?

By your logic, if you live in an apartment, and the family live on top of you is very loud, and you tell them they should be quiet is bullying?

And so, China should sell weapons to NK and place them right next to Seoul, and SK should be quiet about it, saying anything is bullying.
A better analogy would be a neighbour of his in the next building pointed a high power telescope at his bedroom windows. Then by his logic, if he were to ask that person to stop, he would be bullying.

Deleted member 24525

The THAAD issue implicates second-strike survivability, and all rules and norms go out the window when that is involved. As such framing the debate about interstate norms around this example is foolish; you're trying to generalize an extreme case to all cases, and that is obviously going to cause problems.


Registered Member
I've already explained it, but you didn't get it. I already explained that they have to follow local laws. If they're an establishment, they have to follow Chinese laws on discrimination. That's the modern take. Back then, they victimized China with their imperialism so they're wrong to be on Chinese soil in the first place.

Chinese government has decided that discrimination is unlawful because it constitute as bullying, not other way around. If you don't like it go complain to Chinese government. It is the same for US. In the same manner you may think you have complete control of who to do business with, but you are wrong.
I'm sick and tired of your snowflake shit saying it's bullying someone just to not patronize his business. You still haven't answered what would constitute a legitimate non-bullying response to an offense if even boycotting a business is bullying. Am I supposed to keep giving my money to someone who's offending me in order to not be bullying him??
Try start a business in US and refuse to serve Jewish customer because they 'offend you', see how long it lasts. Of course, you are allowed to not buy stuff from people you don't like, but not vice versa. What US is doing with its sanction go far beyond your example of "boycotting a business", so it is invalid. It pressure third party to not SELL to China. It retroactively pressures third party to cancel contracts just because the third party spent 10% on American components. Completely unlawful internationally.

Jesus you are dumb. How the hell did this become about Bruce Lee?? Who cares/what does it mean what Bruce Lee's movie character cares about or is angry at??
Why, I am simply trying to explain at a level you can understand. Not like you would agree even if the other guy gave you a dictionary definition. You would just make up a definition for yourself anyways.
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