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Okay, this is just unabashed flame bait! Heh!

Still, very interesting who would want to shut these people down.

They were always a fairly liberal leaning site. I used to follow Kaiser Kuo on quora, and for a time he was on the money, only paying lip service to western "ideals" for views, but later seemed to start taking those concepts seriously.


Chinese government has decided that discrimination is unlawful because it constitute as bullying, not other way around. If you don't like it go complain to Chinese government. It is the same for US. In the same manner you may think you have complete control of who to do business with, but you are wrong.
I have no problem with that. I said one needs to follow the laws of the land. Why would you think I have an issue with anti-discrimination in China or the US? It has nothing to do with international business and by conflating it with domestic law, you are quite wrong.
Try start a business in US and refuse to serve Jewish customer because they 'offend you', see how long it lasts. Of course, you are allowed to not buy stuff from people you don't like, but not vice versa.
Once again, domestic laws do not govern international trade. Your analogy makes no sense. Any country can ban trade with any other country and it would be well within its rights to do so.
What US is doing with its sanction go far beyond your example of "boycotting a business", so it is invalid. It pressure third party to not SELL to China. It retroactively pressures third party to cancel contracts just because the third party spent 10% on American components. Completely unlawful internationally.
As I said, this likely falls into the gray zone because it damages the third party by adding extra restrictions post contract but it is not unlawful and on the flip side, it would be a bigger violation of someone's rights to force the US to sell or continue to sell its technology. The buyer and the seller have to both agree and when one doesn't, for any reason, there is no sale. Very basic and no amount of crying about bullying is gonna change that.
Why, I am simply trying to explain at a level you can understand.
LOLOL I understand everything else here other than, "You know what makes Bruce Lee mad? You know how he felt about those racist people?" LOL That, as it pertains to international trade, I don't understand.
Not like you would agree even if the other guy gave you a dictionary definition. You would just make up a definition for yourself anyways.
Definition of what? I'm facing an argument here that if I dislike a guy, I have to apparently keep spending money at his business or I'm somehow bullying him. That's no dictionary definition and anyone can come up with something more valid than that.


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Taliban is more effective in banning poppy cultivation than NATO. Or maybe CIA felt the profit is too great to pass by and allow poppy cultivation to continue under their watch.
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Actually Taliban did that in their first government too more than 2 decades ago. By the time US invaded it was already eradicated, but when the US took control they allowed it to thrive again.


Registered Member
Actually Taliban did that in their first government too more than 2 decades ago. By the time US invaded it was already eradicated, but when the US took control they allowed it to thrive again.
They should put half of those unemployed poppy farmers onto fentanyl precursor synthesizing, and enroll the other half in an international export commerce course offered by a local Confucius Institute.


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I have no problem with that. I said one needs to follow the laws of the land. Why would you think I have an issue with anti-discrimination in China or the US? It has nothing to do with international business and by conflating it with domestic law, you are quite wrong.
Good, so you know using individuals as example for international politics is stupid. Then you should know better to not use it as example as you repeatedly have.
No, you didn't fix it; you snowflaked it. Sorry, but I don't do that shit where looking at someone the wrong way or telling them you don't wanna be their friend or hang out with them is bullying. Some people feel if 5 people are a group of friends but don't wanna add them, they're being mercilessly bullied. That's not my definition nor was it ever. If you didn't violate anyone's rights, you didn't bully anyone; that's how I see it and it's not cherry-picked from anything. That's how it was from a time when people didn't kill themselves because they got mean Facebook messages.
Well, not that the example is right for individuals in first place. But that is besides the point. I used the movie example as an equally awful argument. Individual relations do not apply to international relation.
Once again, domestic laws do not govern international trade. Your analogy makes no sense. Any country can ban trade with any other country and it would be well within its rights to do so.
Great, you get the point. Domestic laws do not govern international trade. The moment scope is beyond domestic matter it no longer applies.
As I said, this likely falls into the gray zone because it damages the third party by adding extra restrictions post contract but it is not unlawful and on the flip side, it would be a bigger violation of someone's rights to force the US to sell or continue to sell its technology. The buyer and the seller have to both agree and when one doesn't, for any reason, there is no sale. Very basic and no amount of crying about bullying is gonna change that.
Speaking of that, US is using domestic law to override international trade. It would be perfectly valid to cancel further American products to business selling to China. Not so much if the product is already sold after contracts. The same way domestic law cannot apply to arrest foriegners not obeying your law in their own country.

I guess you could say might makes right, and I won't refute that. I am not here to cry about morals. What is important is how China present itself.

I have been pretty consistent that China is a pragmstic country. China obeys international law, because it is good to. US do not, because it is shortsighted. It is pragmatic for China to expose how incompatible USA is to an international law based world order. It undermines US authority. It helps China on its next step of secure global leadership. When you have two equally powerful country struggle for leadership. One is firm and consistent, one is unhinged and irrational, which one to pick is obvious.

I say China should cry as loud as it can. Not because it will make bully stop being a bully, but to fuck with its reputation. Once justification is established, next time you can punch him in the face as hard as you can and no one will feel sorry for the stupid bully.


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By your logic, if you live in an apartment, and the family live on top of you is very loud, and you tell them they should be quiet is bullying?

A better analogy would be a neighbour of his in the next building pointed a high power telescope at his bedroom windows. Then by his logic, if he were to ask that person to stop, he would be bullying.

Interactions between individuals and groups of individuals living in a modern nation state do not make good analogy for interactions between nation states. One well-used definition of a nation state is that it asserts monopoly on violence within its jurisdiction. Individuals fighting each other with words and deeds can be made to stop by the nation state's enforcers.

No such thing between nation states.


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Okay, this is just unabashed flame bait! Heh!

Still, very interesting who would want to shut these people down.

CIA directive. Kaiser is not a smart cookie from what I see.

The strategic direction of the US towards China is clear as day. For him to go counter to that because he thought he is immune ("freedom of speech" lol), this should teach him some good lessons.


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Nazi Germany: we had to exterminate the Jews because no one else in the world was willing to accept them!
This often comes up about regional states not taking people but not understanding there perspective. These Gulf states are welcoming to foreigners who can contribute but they have transform there soft power by making religion of higher clans just like during time of Khazaria empire. This transformation made maintaining soft Power aka legitmacy even more important. It is not easy to explain in words. You can already see there is no Israel help with this ultimatum so how long will Gulf states keep the bargain when it impact there soft power.
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Previously Israel need to be portrayed as strong power and in return Gulf states expect leader like Trump that can find effective solution for Europe and countries with confused identities.