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Quite simply, the Anglo led west, indeed the Zionist Anglo led west, have no principles and will do and say anything to give them and their cabal an advantage over other nations and societies.

Back in the 1930s, when imperial Japan was doing to Chinese what the Israelis are currently doing to the Palestinian, the Japanese promulgated films and propaganda depicting Chinese women falling in love with abusive manly Japanese IJA soldiers. The desired effect was to demoralise Chinese and instil in Chinese women, a tendency to view Japanese men as the socially and superior mating choice at the expense of Chinese men, and in effect, destroy and replace Chinese culture with Japanese imperial culture.

When you look at modern Anglo Zionist led propaganda and depictions of China and Asian women and Asian men, there is no difference to what the IJA were attempting to do and what the modern anglos are attempting to do with China and Chinese women. Hell, just look at the hiring practices of white western companies in China, say the New York Times in China before it got kicked out. Besides the key white males in leadership roles, you’ll find the employees were mainly young Chinese women and homosexual Asian men ie those not deemed a threat and competition for the white western imperative. You’ll see this in all multinational western companies as well as a matter of fact, including companies often used by the CIA as shell companies.

For chinese celebrities such as the black pink girl, Zhao Wei, etc, they are symbols and representatives of China, so when they actively or inadvertently prostitute their own celebrity, they are effectively telling the world that Chinese women are fair game for everyone in the world, not unlike a Thai prostitute; that Chinese women are to act as a sink for the incels of the world, which is why a male from a place as comparably insignificant as say Turkey or India, can come to China and believe he is as entitled to the bodies of Chinese women, as the white westerners he so ardently tries to ape and emulate.
All the more reason why I support the complete blacklisting of celebrities that reflect poorly on China.


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The popular belief here is that Asian girls are easy—if you're white.

If some people are consistently easy towards particular counterparts, they are going to be seen as easy by particular people. That's just a natural reaction to an action. No one they can blame for it but their own peers and themselves.

To be fair, the same people who gravitate towards a particular other demographic (any not of their own) tend to do so because they reject or are rejected by their own. This cuts across all categories. Gender, ethnicity, religion, etc.
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Registered Member
My bottom line actually makes sense in any society while your bottom line is tyranny on a grand scale and barbarianism/hooliganism/uncivilized behavior on a personal scale. It's illegal in any society to act the way you wish and that includes in China. Physical violence used against someone who is acting within his rights, regardless of your benefit or liking, is against the law in every country.
Relations between states are entirely different from relations between people within a state. There is no system of laws to govern the former like there is the latter and there never will be because there is no monopoly on force in the international system.

It was, is, and always will be the law of the jungle. The best one can hope for is to make a little Borrellian garden within that jungle, that your corner of it is relatively well-kept. This is what I advocate China do, and the use of force against those who want to bring the jungle to China's garden is perfectly legitimate within that framework.

Even more true than the absence of law is the absence of rights. Rights themselves are imperfectly applied in societies governed by law - does a homeless person have the same rights in any meaningful sense as a billionaire with an army of lawyers? You can extrapolate how invalid they are between states. The only rights a state has are those it has the economic, technological, and military strength to claim for itself.
Once again, if you flip what you said and it now sounds unacceptable to you, then your original sentence was as well.

"America is within its rights to use any means up to and including military force to compel surrounding countries to sever military ties to China."
The golden rule is as inapplicable as law. Neither your nor my bottom line sounds acceptable when applied to China, while they both sound acceptable when applied to America - mine more so than yours. That is because I axiomatically reject any kind of equality between America and China which would form the basis for the golden rule.

The correct response to American aggression against China isn't to appeal to non-existent law or inapplicable interpersonal morality, but to meet aggression of any kind - be "within America's rights" like sanctions or not - with strength. If America quotes the flip of my bottom line, the response is: "Try it. Come get some."


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To be fair, the same people who gravitate towards a particular other demographic (any not of their own) tend to do so because they reject or are rejected by their own.
Yup. Daddy issues are an instant giveaway for these types. You can pretend to be "rediscovering" your roots all you want but soured relationships with your parents are not so easily concealed. It takes years of effort to mend toxic relationships and is simply beyond the commitment threshold for bananarangs.
Back in the 1930s, when imperial Japan was doing to Chinese what the Israelis are currently doing to the Palestinian, the Japanese promulgated films and propaganda depicting Chinese women falling in love with abusive manly Japanese IJA soldiers. The desired effect was to demoralise Chinese and instil in Chinese women, a tendency to view Japanese men as the socially and superior mating choice at the expense of Chinese men, and in effect, destroy and replace Chinese culture with Japanese imperial culture.
I do remember such a Japanese film from the 1930s where Japanese men was depicted as you described, abled honourable men where Chinese women cannot avoid falling in love with. I'll post the film if I am still able to find it.


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I am sure those "Chinese" are not Chinese but Americans. Same goes with those "Koreans" and "Japanese". In a typical Chinese culture society (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam) a person would thank/attribute their success to their parents, their teacher/mentor/friends and their hard working in that order. They will NEVER ever attribute that to their genetics which is just another way of saying I am born smart.

A person speaking like you discribed would only get scorn. Chinese culture to this day respect a person of group member, not a self glorifying smart ass. This aspect of Chinese culture is one important reason of Chinese as a whole looks down on the western racism, as idiotic and hubris.
It's also an incredible self-own. Hard work and diligence are admirable traits in every society on Earth. Claiming superiority because of genes is to discount all of that and instead open the door to being marked as lazy and undisciplined. No self-respecting person wants that.


Registered Member
The popular belief here is that Asian girls are easy—if you're white.

Also, it takes two to tango. Unfortunately, many girls are straight up enablers for this stereotype.

If some people are consistently easy towards particular counterparts, they are going to be seen as easy by particular people. That's just a natural reaction to an action. No one they can blame for it but their own peers and themselves.

To be fair, the same people who gravitate towards a particular other demographic (any not of their own) tend to do so because they reject or are rejected by their own. This cuts across all categories. Gender, ethnicity, religion, etc.
No man is an island, and all of these racist self hating Asian women did not develop this way in a vacuum.

Anglo society is racially hierarchical, with whites st the top and below them, a free for all for other races, with the largest minority group, the African Americans leversging their voting power to allocate more resources and therefore more opportunities and sexual opportunities to themselves from the scraps, the Anglo Zionist ruling class trickles down to the floor.

Now, you can argue that Asian women are simply exercising their natural born instinct to pursue the highest value man for the sake of their own genes, as women of other races do, but in my experience, the way these Asian women behave in front of white men can accurately be described in Chinese as 嗲 (dia3), or in modern slang, as “the pick me girl”. No Chinese girl, on either side of the strait behaves this way unless it’s meant in an ironic way between friends and gf and bf, and yet I often see Asian women in the west behave as the most pathetic pick me girls towards white men.

This mentality does explain the treacherous behaviour of certain Chinese women, such as these women who feted Janet Yellen when she visited China.
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or this rather famous individual

They have internalised the racism promulgated by Anglo hollywood propaganda, no different to IJA propaganda and in thought, deed and action, betray their own kith and kin for the sake of what they mistakenly believe is the better mating choice,

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Can it be, the anglos have been ordered by their Zionist masters to refocus attention and resources to protecting the Jewish homeland so throw the Ukies under the bus so that Israel can finish genocide the Palestinians and also, Anglo America needs to prepare for racial Ragnarok against china.


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this rather famous individual
Is that the "air of freedom" bitch? Last I heard she was trying to change her name due to being blacklisted by Chinese companies.
They have internalised the racism promulgated by Anglo hollywood propaganda, no different to IJA propaganda and in thought, deed and action, betray their own kith and kin for the sake of what they mistakenly believe is the better mating choice,
I only feel apathy for the Asian guys in the imperial core who choose to only chase Asian girls. Why would you throw your lot in with the people who say "I don't date Asians" despite the fact that they are Asian. You fool, AM representation is at its peak in media right now and will only increase in the future. Why aren't you maximizing utility in your potential SO?


Registered Member
Is that the "air of freedom" bitch? Last I heard she was trying to change her name due to being blacklisted by Chinese companies.

I only feel apathy for the Asian guys in the imperial core who choose to only chase Asian girls. Why would you throw your lot in with the people who say "I don't date Asians" despite the fact that they are Asian. You fool, AM representation is at its peak in media right now and will only increase in the future. Why aren't you maximizing utility in your potential SO?
I don’t blame them, especially if they haven’t gone back to Asia and lived as a citizen in Asia. Like a fish not knowing what water is because it’s omnipresent, it took me living in China on both sides of the strait to really realise how unbelievably racist Australian society really is. Not even the Europeans were this obsessed about the purity of the white race as Anglo Australians are, with persistent fesrs over being “swamped by asians”. When you hear young Caucasian Australian kids talk about having to nuke China, and they could have only gotten that rhetoric from their family and social environment, I don’t see how this type of Australia can continue in an environment where China is rising.

One final comment I’ll make about asian women in the west and specifically, western men: there is currently the phenomenon of the American “Passport Bro” ie American or other western men, including African American men, choosing to travel to Latin America or south east Asia or Japan to leverage their American currency to get a woman. This strikes me as peculiar since throughout the 90s~2000s, the western commentariat were saying how china was facing riot and revolution due to the gender imbalance leading to violent unmarried Chinese men inciting revolution, Arab spring style, and yet today we see violent incel rampages coming from none other than the glorious master race in the anglosphere.

But all that aside, it does reveal how despite the massive civilisation assist coming from their own white Anglo supremacist propaganda organs, that a significant number of Anglo American men still cannot find viable mates, and must resort to seeking brides in matin American and Asia. If anything, this reveals the unhealthy nature of Anglo society which acts as a foil to china’s emphasis of relationships between individuals, families and the state and society for social harmony.

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US elites are gonna have trouble front running the stock market without their tools active in the Chinese market, the worlds biggest market at that.


Registered Member
The popular belief here is that Asian girls are easy—if you're white.

Also, it takes two to tango. Unfortunately, many girls are straight up enablers for this stereotype.
You can't fault the arrogance of those white folks in Canada or elsewhere for that matter, since it's pretty common that a lot of Asian girls do find white men attractive and for some, they get with the white men in order to advance into the social hierarchy as well as professionally.