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Registered Member
China has only agreed with those UN nations to maintain peace in NE Asia. Now, the US and it allies are practically at war with China. Why would China continue to rigidly enforce such sanctions.

Although, it is interested that MSM is at full flown propaganda war against China and NK. It is probably due to NK helping Russia and they are very upset and hoping to pressure China to put pressure on NK.
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We stand ready to investigate supposed breaches in the Korea matter with the same rigor and resolve as America's and the ICC's investigation into Afghanistan war crimes.

For the Korean military commanders and sellers of arms, we shall give them the full range of treatment given by Canada to nazi commanders. Then, nobody can complain and say we weren't tough enough.


Registered Member
The popular belief here is that Asian girls are easy—if you're white.

Also, it takes two to tango. Unfortunately, many girls are straight up enablers for this stereotype.

Slightly different interpretation when I saw this from a long time ago.

A little racist yes, but literally the opposite of white supremacy. He is accepting the end of white European dominance of the cultural landscape and is in fact advocating for adopting Chinese culture by his offspring.

That being said, I can understand some of his feeling as a police officer in Ontario. The police forces in any reasonably sized city simply do not want to hire more white guys, unless you can speak a foreign language. It’s not necessarily a PC thing, just reflecting the reality of the demographics. In Toronto especially, the qualifications have also become greatly inflated. If you don’t have a full 4-year university degree, forget applying.


Registered Member
It isn't "power" but "wealth". In the past generations, westerners generally have more money and are willing to concede more economically for a relationship. If it was about "white" people in general, why is nobody going for eastern europeans and Ukrainians?
Actually Ukranian and East Europeans are generally well educated and richer than what you consider avg Westerner. it is just there countries are poorer and they settled in West. you can also look at numbers in US silicon valley or NYC.

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Billionaire’s fortune grows by £7.2bn to £23bn following gains from Warner Music and Dazn
Blavatnik, 63, was born in Odessa, in Soviet Ukraine, emigrating to the US with his family in 1978 after studying in Moscow. In 1986, he founded Access Industries, a privately held industrial group based in the US.


Lieutenant General
I dont know about other Asians, but Chinese are the opposite of sycophants, more like they're selfish and only in something if it provides a benefit. They constantly question any type of authority, to make sure the "boss" they're serving is actually up to par, being quick to drop percieved "incompetent" leaders.

It isn't "power" but "wealth". In the past generations, westerners generally have more money and are willing to concede more economically for a relationship. If it was about "white" people in general, why is nobody going for eastern europeans and Ukrainians?

When people are young, they can do what they want and go for love relationships, but once they get older and don't have as much economy as they'd like, then people have to become "realistic" about their choices.

As the level of wealth has now changed massively, it gives people more choices and options. The trend points towards near all inter-cultural relationships in the future for China, as that's what 90% of people generally feel most comfortable with.
It's all selfishness in being a sycophant. They're looking out for themselves looking to get theirs more that everyone else by sucking up to the ones in power. The Asian part is acknowledging there's an authority and they accept a secondary or lower position just as long as they're higher up than everyone else on the hierarchy. Just look at the Japanese and South Koreans. They want to think they're white just so they can think they're better than Chinese and others but they accept abuse by whites because they're not white. Self-hating young Asians want to be white. They're no different.


Registered Member
It's all selfishness in being a sycophant. They're looking out for themselves looking to get theirs more that everyone else by sucking up to the ones in power. The Asian part is acknowledging there's an authority and they accept a secondary or lower position just as long as they're higher up than everyone else on the hierarchy. Just look at the Japanese and South Koreans. They want to think they're white just so they can think they're better than Chinese and others but they accept abuse by whites because they're not white. Self-hating young Asians want to be white. They're no different.
Well, I can't claim to be knowledgeable in Japanese or Korean culture, as I'm not from there. But they're also a different type of Asian than Chinese. They were historically from vassal states, while Chinese were from the governing state.

I can just speak from what I know about Chinese people.


Registered Member
Slightly different interpretation when I saw this from a long time ago.

A little racist yes, but literally the opposite of white supremacy. He is accepting the end of white European dominance of the cultural landscape and is in fact advocating for adopting Chinese culture by his offspring.

That being said, I can understand some of his feeling as a police officer in Ontario. The police forces in any reasonably sized city simply do not want to hire more white guys, unless you can speak a foreign language. It’s not necessarily a PC thing, just reflecting the reality of the demographics. In Toronto especially, the qualifications have also become greatly inflated. If you don’t have a full 4-year university degree, forget applying.
Facts. I live in Toronto and my police friend said the same. Being white is a serious disadvantage in hiring.


Registered Member
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Chinese made luxury cruise liner delivered; at least now, Nordic cruise companies will no longer need to complain about hordes of Chinese aunties eating up their buffet food because they won’t be getting their business.
It's an unfortunate side effect of Confucian society

Strengthen Chinese economy rest will follow naturally, China with developed economy would be two times larger than US and EU combined Chinese women would be busy fighting off foreign women in dating market when that happens
It’s already happening as European women, particularly Russian women are moving and studying in China and marrying Chinese men. Unlike the anglosphere, these women do not cling onto the myth of white anglo supremacy.

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But all that aside, the anglosphere has only managed to conquer the world culturally because it could fund its propaganda organs ie Hollywood
with the advent of AI, hollywoodks funding advantage is eroded and only the nations with the largest and most lucrative film markets will br able to dictate what get shown, and that’s gonna be china, not India with it’s hundred million consumers and billion plus livestock who don’t provide the funds to sustain such projects


Some Australians, including those who work for the main stream media, as a "tradition", are nothing short of being a racist. They really hate to see any improvement between the relationship of China and Australia.

Maybe China should send their hospital ship.

The West and Japan's debt traps will not only cost the Philippines an arm and a leg, at the end there would be little to show either probably.

Now everyone sees that Xinjiang is so, so much better than Gaza, Adrian Zenz is really freaking out.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
Again, not true.

In Xinjiang, Han and Uyghur Chinese are 42% and 44% respectively, making the demographics actually similar to the Israeli-Palestinian demography. The Han majority in the rest of China matters not except as a basis for economic development, as the policies implemented in Xinjiang are unique to the autonomous region.
Look, there is no risk of Uyghurs ever taking over the government of China. It doesn't matter if they're 99% of the population in Xinjiang - they're 1% the population of the PRC. That is not the case in a one-state solution for Israel.

I don't know why you brought up the Qing dynasty, as it has nothing to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict. Your understanding of the rise and fall of the Qing dynasty also appears to be fundamentally flawed. Han restoration sentiment was never a major factor during the Qing dynasty, otherwise Wu Sangui would have received a lot more support than he did. Feudal China did not have nationalism, and Han superiority was only a sentiment among the scholarly elite. The common folk couldn't care less who ruled them.
The average person is not a nationalist in any country. They're always mobilized by local and regional elites. If those elites think they can win against the ruling minority by playing the majority culture card, then it's a political threat. You don't face that problem with a cultural minority that's 1% of the population because they just lack the mass appeal.

You might not think this mattered historically, but it very much did. It's why every conqueror of China ended up having to adopt the Chinese language, culture, and elite identity. Otherwise the country's local and regional elites would regard them as "barbarians," who in Chinese political ideology had no legitimacy to rule China. The Manchus were very much aware of this, hence their repeated attempts at presenting themselves as patrons of Confucianism, dynastic continuity, etc.

It's the same with Palestinians and Muslims at large. In their political ideology, Jews have no right to rule over Muslims. Only Islamic leaders have that right. So if Israel wanted to rule over a Palestinian majority, then they'd need to convert or at the minimum, become patrons of Islam.

Which is of course, impossible.
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Moved the following discussion from the Israel-Palestine thread to here:

You're ignoring the fact that 1) Hamas does not represent the sole government of Palestinians while the Israeli government does, and 2) Israel holds the dominant power in this relation, and therefore the onus for de-escalation lies with them. To bring up the truism: where there is oppression, there is resistance. The first step toward peaceful co-existence requires ending the oppression.

Again, not true.

In Xinjiang, Han and Uyghur Chinese are 42% and 44% respectively, making the demographics actually similar to the Israeli-Palestinian demography. The Han majority in the rest of China matters not except as a basis for economic development, as the policies implemented in Xinjiang are unique to the autonomous region.

I don't know why you brought up the Qing dynasty, as it has nothing to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict. Your understanding of the rise and fall of the Qing dynasty also appears to be fundamentally flawed. Han restoration sentiment was never a major factor during the Qing dynasty, otherwise Wu Sangui would have received a lot more support than he did. Feudal China did not have nationalism, and Han superiority was only a sentiment among the scholarly elite. The common folk couldn't care less who ruled them.
We will just have to agree to disagree. While I am also aghast by the disproportionate violence on the civilian population by the IDF and that I understand much of the anger and violence of hamas stemmed from years of occupation, I also recognized that if IDF and everyone in Israel toss all of thier weapons into the red sea, peace won't suddenly materlized like magic and that Hamas will also lay down thier arms and sing kumbaya with the Jews.
To think that would be extremely naive of you. The truth is there is a lot of hate on both sides. And as I've mentioned earlier this hate can only be placated if they is a 1 state solution OR the extremists on both sides are dismantled.