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5% of labor force is slashing GDP by 11%.
This is the combined effect of mobilized both not being able to work and also not being able to buy anything with the wages they would otherwise get from working. It's not to do with soft power or attracting foreign talent.
My counter-conservative instincts scream me to condemn this. But I can't because it is based for some reason I don't grasp.

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It's based because k-pop is a misogynistic industry that exploits women's bodies for marketing while working them to the bone, and at the same time inflicting insecurity and body dismorphia in young women. It's not based because it's "degenerate" or whatever other goofball ass shit this guy picked up from putinist accounts.


Registered Member
This is the combined effect of mobilized both not being able to work and also not being able to buy anything with the wages they would otherwise get from working. It's not to do with soft power or attracting foreign talent.
Israel goods trade deficit country. so buying less should not impact GDP that much. it is not full time remote warfare in trench that it impacts buying stuff anyway. but this exactly lack of Israel soft power that it cannot generate force structure from global diaspora who are fit and trained.


So called freedom of speech is no more.
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A group consisting of 16 French senators, most of them associated with the political party The Republicans (LR), introduced a bill, led by Senator Stéphane Le Rudulier, aimed at making anti-Zionism a criminal offense. Senator Le Rudulier argues that the rise in anti-Semitism is linked to hatred of Israel.

The proposed bill, which was submitted for a first reading in the Senate, includes penalties for various offenses related to anti-Zionism. It seeks to punish those who deny the existence of the State of Israel with one year of imprisonment and a fine of EUR 45,000.

Those who insult
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would face two years imprisonment and a fine of EUR 75,000, and those who directly provoke hatred or violence against the State of Israel with five years of imprisonment and a fine of EUR 100,000.

“With 16 senators we demand the criminalization of anti-Zionism. The explosion of anti-Semitism is fueled by hatred of Israel, the false nose of hatred of Jews Anti-Zionism could expose its perpetrators to up to 5 years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros,” Le Rudulier stated on X.

Senator Le Rudulier has also called for the dissolution of La France Insoumise, as well as parties that have advocated terrorism and Hamas, which he says call for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of Jews.

In a letter addressed to Élisabeth Borne, the senator denounces the presence of what he calls a “fifth column of Palestinian terrorism in France” and calls for the dissolution of several political groups accused of advocating terrorism.

Some political commentators have said there has been an increase in the conflation of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Richard Wagman, the honorary president of the French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP), has criticized the conflation, emphasizing that anti-Semitism is a form of racial discrimination and hatred, while Zionism and anti-Zionism are political ideas.


The first answer should be yes, if you have a principled stance. Economic retaliation to a sovereign right to deploy non-lethal military assets is bullying and tyrannical.

Just because China reacted "proportionately" does not exempt them from bullying. Just because China didn't "kill" South Korea does not exempt them from bullying.

The key is, you aren't really consistent with your principled stance on what bullying is. It can be bullying without an invasion.
No. Economic retaliation is well within China's sovereign rights and does not consitute bullying. If you piss me off, I will not do business with you. It's simple and well-principled. If you think that's bullying then refusing to go back to a restaurant because you have personal issues with the owner must be bullying too.
I did, and I don't accept that as sufficient to constitute tyranny.

Sure. The bottom line is this.
Your position: China is within its rights to use any means up to military force to compel surrounding countries to sever military ties to the US.
My position: China is within its rights to use any means up to and including military force to compel surrounding countries to sever military ties to the US.

If your way works and they break their military alliance with the US, I'm perfectly fine with that. If not, you get off the bus and I take it one stop further.
My bottom line actually makes sense in any society while your bottom line is tyranny on a grand scale and barbarianism/hooliganism/uncivilized behavior on a personal scale. It's illegal in any society to act the way you wish and that includes in China. Physical violence used against someone who is acting within his rights, regardless of your benefit or liking, is against the law in every country. Once again, if you flip what you said and it now sounds unacceptable to you, then your original sentence was as well.

"America is within its rights to use any means up to and including military force to compel surrounding countries to sever military ties to China."

Sound good? Like that?
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U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say​

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.
WASHINGTON — U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail to
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, according to one current senior U.S. official and one former senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions.

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal, the officials said. Some of the talks, which officials described as delicate, took place last month during a meeting of representatives from more than 50 nations supporting Ukraine, including NATO members, known as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the officials said.

Biden is probably going to ask Xi to pass a message to Putin during APEC.


Moved the following discussion from the Israel-Palestine thread to here:

No, that's oversimplification. First of, grouping 'Israel' with political zionism is akin to grouping hamas with Palestinians.

Hamas is as much an ideology as it is a militia, politico group. Zionism is relatively similar.

Perhaps you are right that Hamas, having it's root derived from the hyper conservative Muslim Brotherhood materialized and evolved from the decades of persecution and occupation however in it's current form it is NOT an entity that desires a 2 state solution. That is very clear from them.
They want to drive all Jews into the Red Sea just as hardliners in Likud want to drive all Palestinians from Gaza.
There are sizeable portion of Palestinians as there are sizeable portion of Jews who desire a 2 state solution and wants to live in peace HOWEVER those folks you cannot find in either the CURRENT version of Hamas or Likud.

You're ignoring the fact that 1) Hamas does not represent the sole government of Palestinians while the Israeli government does, and 2) Israel holds the dominant power in this relation, and therefore the onus for de-escalation lies with them. To bring up the truism: where there is oppression, there is resistance. The first step toward peaceful co-existence requires ending the oppression.

The Chinese method only works because Han Chinese are the majority population in China by a large margin. If, instead, Han were a minority, and Uyghurs were the majority, the policy simply would not work. Historically, rule by an ethnic minority can only be sustained via 1) adaptation to the majority's culture & identity 2) persistent repression or 3) a combination of both. The Manchu rule of China is a great example of minority rule in a historical context, where they blended with the majority population, adopting aspects of Chinese language, culture, government forms, etc., and managed to successfully suppress Han restoration sentiments for hundreds of years. Yet, they were still overthrown in the end.

If Israelis wanted to create a one-state solution, they'd need to 1) present themselves as patrons of Islam and 2) live with the fact that Muslims may end up eventually taking over, any way. Current Israeli leaders cannot accept either of these conditions, and so they refuse to become a "ruling minority," choosing instead to do whatever it takes to remain the demographic majority while still securing the borders of the state. That inevitably results in zero sum conflict with the Palestinians.

Again, not true.

In Xinjiang, Han and Uyghur Chinese are 42% and 44% respectively, making the demographics actually similar to the Israeli-Palestinian demography. The Han majority in the rest of China matters not except as a basis for economic development, as the policies implemented in Xinjiang are unique to the autonomous region.

I don't know why you brought up the Qing dynasty, as it has nothing to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict. Your understanding of the rise and fall of the Qing dynasty also appears to be fundamentally flawed. Han restoration sentiment was never a major factor during the Qing dynasty, otherwise Wu Sangui would have received a lot more support than he did. Feudal China did not have nationalism, and Han superiority was only a sentiment among the scholarly elite. The common folk couldn't care less who ruled them.


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Moderator - World Affairs
No. Economic retaliation is well within China's sovereign rights and does not consitute bullying. If you piss me off, I will not do business with you. It's simple and well-principled. If you think that's bullying then refusing to go back to a restaurant because you have personal issues with the owner must be bullying too.
China is using economics as leverage to override SK's sovereign decision making. That's called economic coercion. SK has hesitated to deploy additional US THAADs btw, it has succumbed to the pressure. It worked very well.


Lieutenant General
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Since US farmers like Trump so much, China should do a Trump on them. Trump says he wants to payout less per dollar owed to countries that bought US treasuries and bonds. He said he does that to entities he owes money to because if they want their money, since it's a lot, they'll have to take it or get nothing. He has lawyers that delay any court case where the party that he owes money eventually gives up and takes less than what he owes. That's what China should do to US farmers where China places an order then when its almost ready to ship, demand they charge less.

Nikki Haley says if she's President, she'll make China dependent on the US for food. How does she propose how to do that? It would have to involve violating human rights where either she'll have destroy the arable lands of other countries that would be competition to them or she would militarily invade China to takeover and force Chinese to buy only from the US. And remember this... she's only saying it because that's what US farmers want to hear.


Lieutenant General
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U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say​

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.

Biden is probably going to ask Xi to pass a message to Putin during APEC.

Translation... the West can't fight a two front war even when they aren't doing the fighting.