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"The Navy is ditching its century-old tradition of having Chinese servants on warships amid fears they could be spying.

Hundreds of Chinese laundrymen have worked on British ships since the 1930s with most from Hong Kong but will now be replaced by Nepalese Gurkhas.

The Sun reported that the Ministry of Defence had made the decision over fears
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by threatening the loved ones of laundrymen.

The paper said that three Chinese nationals were barred from joining HMS Queen Elizabeth, the Navy’s flagship aircraft carrier, on her strike group voyage to the contested South China Sea.

A fourth Chinese laundryman was dismissed this month after 39 years of washing and pressing sailors’ uniforms and officers’ white tablecloths because his family lives in Hong Kong.

The tradition began as a local custom early in the last century and was formalized through contracts with various Hong Kong companies.

‘Navy has no choice’

Former First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West told The Sun that the Navy had “no choice” but to cut the historic ties with Chinese laundrymen.

“If it is a question of security, the Navy has no choice. But it’s sad as Chinese laundrymen have fought wars with us, some have died for us.”..."

delete please ty


When unfeasible policy failed, instead of reexamining a better way forward, they double down with more extraterritorial decree.
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Moscow's ability to sell more to the world than it buys means it's
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far better than expected. Its economy will grow this year while
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, the International Monetary Fund estimates.

To do that, the Stanford sanctions group says countries should demand proof of Western insurance before letting vessels pass chokepoints — now only recommended by the U.S. Treasury. Tanker owners also could be forced to take shipments only from approved oil traders based in sanctioning countries.


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I don't know if you guys have noticed, but there is now a massive propaganda effort by the US and its colony Philippines to distract from the Palestine genocide by using the South China Sea issue

After watching football yesterday, I realized something.

The United States will attack someone in the Middle East again. They will do it.

However, they do not want to appear to be belligerent. Therefore, they have to paint China as being equally as belligerent.

That is why the Philippines make these resupply runs every two days. That makes no sense. That is a propaganda show they were told to do.

And as we have seen in other media, official outlets, and social media, (last few days), there is a push to paint China as belligerent, when nothing really has happened, other than that BRI Forum, which really is the most important thing to happen in regards to China the last few months.

So I think the chances of more direct American military action in the Middle East is rather high, and I fully expect it.

As for the propaganda, none of this is going to work.

One side brings the world together to make more deals. The other side drops bombs, sometimes on those same countries that came to China for the BRI Forum.

People are stupid, but not that stupid.

The United States is not in a good place right now.
