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So i've been pondering over this move; a Chinese fleet in the middle east is very similar to the US doing their 'freedom of navigation' around China's backyard, except the PLAN is purposefully sticking their finger in the US Navy's eye by their very presence- indeed, the US considers the Persian Gulf and its oil rich nations to be their very own backyard- even more so considering how much of the anglo american elite are either jewish, Israeli or zionist sympathisers.

So a Chinese warfighting fleet armed with hypersonic missiles is a way of goading the US into doing something stupid in the middle east. What're they gonna do? Try to instigate another war like they did in Ukraine to 'demonstrate their strength' to the Chinese? It's a checkmate move because if the US acts militarily ala Gulf War 3.0, China is assured at least another decade of development as the anglos are re-focused on their master's Holy Land in Israel. If the US doesn't make a move, they will demonstrate their impotence to the arab allies and eventually the Israelis are going to get swamped by the Arabs especially since the Arab street is already inflamed by Israeli atrocities. Twerking, homosexual Israelis lapping up water and gloating at dying Palestinean children isn't helping Israel's viability this century either.

Oh and one other thing
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the last time yield was this high was back in 2007...right before the GFC and i doubt China's in a generous mood this time round.

The Anglos are appealing to the public to let them step up their Racial Holy War Against China.


Registered Member
Lmao, Collin is literally having a nuclear meltdown over Twitter because of the SCS incident. His profile is fully filled with impotent rage over GT and other Chinese media. How does it feel to get uno reversed LOL
I just don't quite understand that fella, in terms of his angle, his seemingly unhinged take on China and what he expects the region to do against what he lovingly describes as a "GANGSTER" in the neighborhood. Does he and people like him expect China to just acquiesce to the diktat of not just the U.S. and the west including Japan, but also to 4th rate powers in the region like the Philippines and expect the Chinese people regardless of government to just say please more?

The guy keeps getting interviewed along with another Asian retards like Dan Huang, Richard "half-persian" Heydarian in mostly western media outlets as some kind of neutral arbiters, experts when they are mostly stenographer for the American interests. Yet, nobody accuses them publicly of being in the pocket for American think tanks, American defense industries, and American NGO's which is nothing more than C.I.A. fronts.


Registered Member

So i've been pondering over this move; a Chinese fleet in the middle east is very similar to the US doing their 'freedom of navigation' around China's backyard, except the PLAN is purposefully sticking their finger in the US Navy's eye by their very presence- indeed, the US considers the Persian Gulf and its oil rich nations to be their very own backyard- even more so considering how much of the anglo american elite are either jewish, Israeli or zionist sympathisers.

So a Chinese warfighting fleet armed with hypersonic missiles is a way of goading the US into doing something stupid in the middle east. What're they gonna do? Try to instigate another war like they did in Ukraine to 'demonstrate their strength' to the Chinese? It's a checkmate move because if the US acts militarily ala Gulf War 3.0, China is assured at least another decade of development as the anglos are re-focused on their master's Holy Land in Israel. If the US doesn't make a move, they will demonstrate their impotence to the arab allies and eventually the Israelis are going to get swamped by the Arabs especially since the Arab street is already inflamed by Israeli atrocities. Twerking, homosexual Israelis lapping up water and gloating at dying Palestinean children isn't helping Israel's viability this century either.

Oh and one other thing
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the last time yield was this high was back in 2007...right before the GFC and i doubt China's in a generous mood this time round.

The Anglos are appealing to the public to let them step up their Racial Holy War Against China.
China's ships are most likely there just for the planned rotations of forces at the west Indian region, something they always do.


Junior Member
Registered Member

So i've been pondering over this move; a Chinese fleet in the middle east is very similar to the US doing their 'freedom of navigation' around China's backyard, except the PLAN is purposefully sticking their finger in the US Navy's eye by their very presence- indeed, the US considers the Persian Gulf and its oil rich nations to be their very own backyard- even more so considering how much of the anglo american elite are either jewish, Israeli or zionist sympathisers.

So a Chinese warfighting fleet armed with hypersonic missiles is a way of goading the US into doing something stupid in the middle east. What're they gonna do? Try to instigate another war like they did in Ukraine to 'demonstrate their strength' to the Chinese? It's a checkmate move because if the US acts militarily ala Gulf War 3.0, China is assured at least another decade of development as the anglos are re-focused on their master's Holy Land in Israel. If the US doesn't make a move, they will demonstrate their impotence to the arab allies and eventually the Israelis are going to get swamped by the Arabs especially since the Arab street is already inflamed by Israeli atrocities. Twerking, homosexual Israelis lapping up water and gloating at dying Palestinean children isn't helping Israel's viability this century either.

Oh and one other thing
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the last time yield was this high was back in 2007...right before the GFC and i doubt China's in a generous mood this time round.

The Anglos are appealing to the public to let them step up their Racial Holy War Against China.
Yes. This is a desperation move. I’ve never seen the west so rattled before.


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Super Moderator
I find it impossible to read the Western press these days. It didn't used to be that way years ago, and I don't think it's entirely because I've lost patience. They've become increasingly unhinged and delusional. This must have been what it was like to read Pravda in the last days of the Soviet Union.

Reminds me of a football game in which our school played BYU. During the first quarter BYU fans behaved in stereotypical Mormon fashion and chanted “put the fear of God into them”. But when the game reached 4th quarter it looked like they’ll lose barring a miracle some of them started chanting “f*** them in the ass”.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I just don't quite understand that fella, in terms of his angle, his seemingly unhinged take on China and what he expects the region to do against what he lovingly describes as a "GANGSTER" in the neighborhood. Does he and people like him expect China to just acquiesce to the diktat of not just the U.S. and the west including Japan, but also to 4th rate powers in the region like the Philippines and expect the Chinese people regardless of government to just say please more?

The guy keeps getting interviewed along with another Asian retards like Dan Huang, Richard "half-persian" Heydarian in mostly western media outlets as some kind of neutral arbiters, experts when they are mostly stenographer for the American interests. Yet, nobody accuses them publicly of being in the pocket for American think tanks, American defense industries, and American NGO's which is nothing more than C.I.A. fronts.
What I learned is that Fox News and other extreme Western media love to invite the guy who can say the most outrageous thing with the straight face on television. In other words, the media don't care about the truth so long as you can say it with a straight face and it aligns with their narrative. The thin veneer of being a 'China-watching expert' gives them a latitude to be authoritative while pulling things out of their ass with a straight face, and Fox News loves that shit.
What Israel is doing in Gaza for the last what, 12 years, is what actual indiscriminate bombing looks like. I mean Ukraine has actually been accused of using human shields, if Russia were to apply Israeli "logic" to its operations, it should have been droping FOAB's over each Ukranian city, specially given how much Israel loves collective punishment of little strategic value.

Same for the massacres, as Israel has a long and historied background of wiping out entire Palestinian villages. Seriously, IDF behavior(and that of the terrorists gangs that predated in 1948) make the war in Ukraine seems like an humanitarian task by comparisson.

Perhaps they are just reenacting Jehovah's commandments from the Book of Joshua.

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Registered Member

So i've been pondering over this move; a Chinese fleet in the middle east is very similar to the US doing their 'freedom of navigation' around China's backyard, except the PLAN is purposefully sticking their finger in the US Navy's eye by their very presence- indeed, the US considers the Persian Gulf and its oil rich nations to be their very own backyard- even more so considering how much of the anglo american elite are either jewish, Israeli or zionist sympathisers.

So a Chinese warfighting fleet armed with hypersonic missiles is a way of goading the US into doing something stupid in the middle east. What're they gonna do? Try to instigate another war like they did in Ukraine to 'demonstrate their strength' to the Chinese? It's a checkmate move because if the US acts militarily ala Gulf War 3.0, China is assured at least another decade of development as the anglos are re-focused on their master's Holy Land in Israel. If the US doesn't make a move, they will demonstrate their impotence to the arab allies and eventually the Israelis are going to get swamped by the Arabs especially since the Arab street is already inflamed by Israeli atrocities. Twerking, homosexual Israelis lapping up water and gloating at dying Palestinean children isn't helping Israel's viability this century either.
A Chinese fleet off the Anglo/Zionist Holy Land also safeguards the open passage of the Suez canal considering the high likelihood of Israeli capture of the Sinai and closure of the Suez Canal - which would serve Anglo american interests of crippling China-europe trade.

A quick look at Twitters/X today and you can see how quickly pro ukrainian propaganda outlets and mouthpieces quickly sprang into pro Israeli and jewish astroturf- which was puzzling considering they were cheering and lauding actual Nazis in ukraine not 18 months past.

The Israeli government should really stop hiring sasha baron cohen for ideas