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My road to Damascus started with 90s Hongkong movies got interested in Chinese culture read about Chinese history and the part about invention of gunpowder and Zheng he's journeys struck a cord, Up until then colonization seemed as a logical step for me any civilization with overwhelming advantage would exploit it to gather resources but China didn't the more I learned the more I was impressed, China is the only Major civilization that was developed independently outside the influence of middle eastern fertile crescent and still ended up the most technologically advanced most of the time back then


Registered Member
Until neodymium and samarium are restricted, these export controls are just warning shots.

I'd like to see how they plan on converting electrical energy into mechanical energy effectively without permanent magnets.
Actually AC motors don't use permanent magnets at all. As well as larger motors.

Nevertheless, not having access to neodymium and samarium magnets is still not good. It means that someone is gonna be denied access to technology of small DC motors, PC, and consumer electronics beyond the levels of the 1990s.


Junior Member
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I am not a moderator, so here is only my personal opinion.

Every truth has impacts on society. It is not always good impact, depending on the context. And a fact may not be relevant to the truth or to the matter in question but only harmful.

First example, ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia were pictured as controlling economy which fueled hantrade and percecution of Chinese in Indonesia in the 50s 60s and 90s. Chinese may not be controlling, but was prominant which is a fact, is repeating that fact during those time the right thing to do? I don't think so.

Second example, some years ago, there was a trend in Chinese media report of crime that delebrately emphasizing the fact of the criminal's provincial and ethnic background especially some proud cities in the south-east. For example, if you are from Henan living in Nanjing, and the news keeps reporting "today there is a Henan thief arrested", would you support that fact reporting? If you are from China, you should know what I am talking about. Luckiely China cleaned up those medias, now we don't see it any more.

Third example, Karl Max and many prominent Communists are Jewish, should this fact be repeated every time we face a political matter between Communist country and the west? As a Marxist, I regard him as just a great thinker, his ethnicity means nothing in what he taught or did, and has no bearing to actions that China should take.

As a Marxist. I attribute all human actions to be based on materialistic interests. Certain people do certain things are because they are in a certain materialistic interest group, not because of ethnicity. Suggesting a connection between ethnicity and action is to remove the true root cause from the picture, at best you will miss the real target, at worst you are doing damage to your goal of solving problems.

Yes, Jewish people are prominent in certain influencial business in the US to drive a favorable policy for Israel, so are early Chinese immigrants from the ROC era and their children drving an anti-PRC policy till this day. What is the point of the ethnicity anyway?

I must say that many people who object what the west is doing are actually thinking in the same way as the west without knowing, "thanks" to the dominance of western propaganda for hundreds years. It is often the western narative that portrait everything with a racial, national and ethnical background since the creation of "nation state" in the late 1700s. Yes ethnicity becomes an areal problem because the west made it so, it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. If people keep thinking and acting in the west line, we are just heading to the dead end. "Others do so I do" isn't nessesarily helpful to ones goal.

Lastly, your post being removed is apparently due to the recent event in Gaza. IMO, Israel bears the responsibilty of the root cause, but treating the matter in an enthical perspective is counter productive except adding fuel to racial tension.
Jews are successful in the west because they have a culture that places high importance on education, family and personal connections other cultures that have values like this are also very successful eg: Chinese, Indians, Nigerians but obviously they will never be as successful as Jews simply because they don't look white enough to be accepted more into the perceived 'sensitive' areas of economy like banking and media


Registered Member
LMAO this thread has turned into a path to Wumao thread.

My road to Damascus, is I never had one.

I liked watching sports, and did not like those bozos in politics. They are all goofs because they keep raising taxes. Especially the leftist, they raised taxes the most. We need tax cuts, damn it!

I liked China too, as it was very interesting, and is still very interesting. Like everything about it.

The biggest reason I never had a single moment to form some of my worldviews, is really just a byproduct of being part of a different generation.

The Vietnam War, was considered the only war the Americans ever lost, and that effect cast a long shadow, that affected a few generations after they pulled out of Saigon.

Papa Bush said it best, after the successful eviction of Saddam Hussein for Kuwait, that he said, finally the Vietnam syndrome was broken and tossed away. Something like that. Remember, this is after the Cold War was over.

As it turned out, that UN coalition to liberate Kuwait, turned out to be a fluke, as the forever wars returned. Today, there is Israel and Ukraine, two Vietanams.

I guess after the Cold War and how Papa Bush got that UN coalition together for the first Gulf War by the Americans, maybe people though things will be different this time.

That did not last long.

Papa Bush got his fellow Americans to believe that Vietnam would not be repeated anymore, maybe that belief held sway for 10-15 years.

Back to the usual. Blast from da past.



Registered Member
My road to Damascus, is I never had one.

Okay, I think should say something, else, that I strongly believe in.

During all this time, the past 25 years or so, the Americans were kind of changing and perhaps changing back.

All this time, the Chinese never changed. Not one bit.

Some things about China and Chinese people have changed, but this fundamental perception of the Americans, never ever changed one bit.

All that really changes from the Chinese side is the tone for engagement, or lack of. Hehe.



Registered Member
I am not a moderator, so here is only my personal opinion.

Every truth has impacts on society. It is not always good impact, depending on the context. And a fact may not be relevant to the truth or to the matter in question but only harmful.

First example, ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia were pictured as controlling economy which fueled hantrade and percecution of Chinese in Indonesia in the 50s 60s and 90s. Chinese may not be controlling, but was prominant which is a fact, is repeating that fact during those time the right thing to do? I don't think so.

Second example, some years ago, there was a trend in Chinese media report of crime that delebrately emphasizing the fact of the criminal's provincial and ethnic background especially some proud cities in the south-east. For example, if you are from Henan living in Nanjing, and the news keeps reporting "today there is a Henan thief arrested", would you support that fact reporting? If you are from China, you should know what I am talking about. Luckiely China cleaned up those medias, now we don't see it any more.

Third example, Karl Max and many prominent Communists are Jewish, should this fact be repeated every time we face a political matter between Communist country and the west? As a Marxist, I regard him as just a great thinker, his ethnicity means nothing in what he taught or did, and has no bearing to actions that China should take.

As a Marxist. I attribute all human actions to be based on materialistic interests. Certain people do certain things are because they are in a certain materialistic interest group, not because of ethnicity. Suggesting a connection between ethnicity and action is to remove the true root cause from the picture, at best you will miss the real target, at worst you are doing damage to your goal of solving problems.

Yes, Jewish people are prominent in certain influencial business in the US to drive a favorable policy for Israel, so are early Chinese immigrants from the ROC era and their children drving an anti-PRC policy till this day. What is the point of the ethnicity anyway?

I must say that many people who object what the west is doing are actually thinking in the same way as the west without knowing, "thanks" to the dominance of western propaganda for hundreds years. It is often the western narative that portrait everything with a racial, national and ethnical background since the creation of "nation state" in the late 1700s. Yes ethnicity becomes an areal problem because the west made it so, it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. If people keep thinking and acting in the west line, we are just heading to the dead end. "Others do so I do" isn't nessesarily helpful to ones goal.

Lastly, your post being removed is apparently due to the recent event in Gaza. IMO, Israel bears the responsibilty of the root cause, but treating the matter in an enthical perspective is counter productive except adding fuel to racial tension.
I disagree. Race/ethnicity is central to the problem. Israel act like this because Jewish people refuse to assimilate. People thinking in terms of race because that will be how people treat them, regardless how not racist one might be. I don't mean anything toward Jewish people in particular. See this post.
Jewish people are interesting in that they technically have a country called Israel. Jewish Americans are like any foreign ethnic group. It is the same as if the media controlled by say Japanese American(with full citizenship of course). Just like that they becomes questionable when the home country has conflict of interest from their country of origin. Would they side with their 'home country' or protect the interest of country they live? Multi-generational immigrant Jewish friend I have still have family in Israel, that is entirely the norm. Therefore it is reasonable to say they have strong motivation to protect Israel if it is in danger. I know I would if China is attacked, even though I have long been a citizen of Canada.
Now you mentioned oversea Chinese getting prosecuted. That is different. Chinese are rich, but they are taking the nation hostage by worshipping PRC and selling the nation 叛国。 Same cannot be said for Jewish American. Usually there is nothing wrong, but when national interest conflict with interest of Israel, I cannot trust a Jewish dominated elite act in the interest of the residing nation first.

Otherwise I do not mind their actual 'race', no matter skin color. They can be rainbow for all I care.