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Registered Member
For me, my Road to Damascus was very early on when I was early teens. I was raised by two libtard parents, and the cringe things Chinese elementry school teachings of loving communists didn't help. Moved to Canada at 10. But I discovered fairly early on that media keeps lying about things of China that I know is untrue. Since then all their media talk points are discredited to me. In other words I hardly liked the 'liberal democracy' in first place, it just took me longer to understand the importance of Communist Party of China. Chinese education propaganda on kids felt too heavy handed to me which made me feel suspicion. I am always skeptical even as kid, and parents whining about CCP didn't help. As a result it took me a while to come to appreciate CPC, until early teens. But as my revenge I managed to convert one of my parent to communist. :)
How did you manage to do that?


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US Nuclear Test Raises Concerns of New Arms Race With Russia​

  • Department of Energy detonated explosion at Nevada test site
  • Arms control experts say steps needed to prevent escalation
The US conducted a high-explosive experiment at a nuclear test site in Nevada just hours after Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing, prompting concerns of a new arms race between the world’s top nuclear powers.

The Energy Department, which oversees the US stockpile of more than 5,000 nuclear weapons, said Wednesday’s test in southern Nevada used chemicals and radioisotopes to “validate new predictive explosion models” that can help it to detect atomic blasts in other countries.

While the test is legal, the timing was notable: It came shortly after Russia announced it would no longer adhere to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which bans nuclear explosions. The treaty has never entered legal force even though Russia and the US have both observed its norms since the end of the Cold War.

WTF? The nuclear tests are back on? No wonder the US rushed to release that nuclear test report. Turns out Oppenheimer was just used to assuage public opinion about nuclear tests.

Good thing I already bought my Geiger counters, I'm expecting US, Russia, China, NK and India to do more nuclear tests now.


Talk about desperation to distract their current war crimes against Palestinians. Most global south countries have witnessed the hypocrisy of the Western liberal international order through the current Ukraine conflict and Israel conflict.
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I have the honour of delivering this cross-regional joint statement on behalf of the following 51 countries: Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Eswatini, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, Netherlands, North Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Marshall Islands, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United States, and my own country, the United Kingdom.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Talk about desperation to distract their current war crimes against Palestinians. Most global south countries have witnessed the hypocrisy of the Western liberal international order through the current Ukraine conflict and Israel conflict.
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I have the honour of delivering this cross-regional joint statement on behalf of the following 51 countries: Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Eswatini, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, Netherlands, North Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Marshall Islands, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United States, and my own country, the United Kingdom.

Not a "Muzi" to shake a stick at. LOL.


Registered Member
No joke, that's real power.

It was actually the Arab Spring and the actual Damascus was involved. I was never a liberal jihadist like the types you see trying to grab the NED bag, but I had the idea that China would democratize after it developed because I thought that was the only successful model. Then I saw liberal democracy fail spectacularly in the Arab world with a range of outcomes from catastrophic civil war in Syria to reversion to military dictatorship in Egypt (which was good for it because it saved it from becoming another Syria). The seeds were planted then.

A couple of years later Xi Jinping came along and the seeds sprouted. The anti-corruption campaign and governance reforms, along with China's technological advancement, convinced me that this was the system suitable for China. All the tl;drs I wrote on Reddit during this period of political awakening were essays on Xi Jinping Thought before there was a Xi Jinping Thought.

I got the PhD before the program was even instituted, ya hurr.

Arab spring is pretty late. I guess you are fairly young? If the Middle East is going to be a catalyst, there's like so many choices... that whole second invasion of Iraq thing was a pretty good one.

Also, how could you mention Libya as part of the Arab Spring? Worst own goal ever

LMAO this thread has turned into a path to Wumao thread.
I'm not sure how people need a path. It should be pretty obvious
I had a laundry list of obvious things, but I deleted it for being too long...


Registered Member
How did you manage to do that?
As usual, when someone is convicted that one side is evil and one side is good, always better to convince "the good side is actually evil" than say evil side is good. HK riots and Uighur genocide things really opened her eyes that "medias are indepenent and truthful" is a load of crap. From there on it is on her own effort to notice more inconsistencies. Once the 'good guys' are not so good, suddenly 'bad guys' have some merits.

A potato

Junior Member
Registered Member
For me, my Road to Damascus was very early on when I was early teens. I was raised by two libtard parents, and the cringe things Chinese elementry school teachings of loving communists didn't help. Moved to Canada at 10. But I discovered fairly early on that media keeps lying about things of China that I know is untrue. Since then all their media talk points are discredited to me. In other words I hardly liked the 'liberal democracy' in first place, it just took me longer to understand the importance of Communist Party of China. Chinese education propaganda on kids felt too heavy handed to me which made me feel suspicion. I am always skeptical even as kid, and parents whining about CCP didn't help. As a result it took me a while to come to appreciate CPC, until early teens. But as my revenge I managed to convert one of my parent to communist. :)
What age does to people. Luckly my parents were always WUmaos


Registered Member
Does anyone here think that it is anti-Semitic to say that most major media companies in the United States are run by or owned by Jewish people? I said that and my post was removed in less than a minute. I did not in any way, shape, or form intend to incite hatred against Jewish people. However, what I said was a fact. Do NBC, ABC, CBS, Disney, Warner Bros., Meta, Google, The New York Times, etc. not constitute the majority of large media companies in the United States?

Is it anti-Sinitic to say that China dominates the production of solar panels? Is it anti-Sinitic to say that many of the most popular games in the world (Fortnite, League of Legends, Clash Royale, Genshin Impact, etc.) are owned by Chinese companies? It's not. Both of those statements are true.
I am not a moderator, so here is only my personal opinion.

Every truth has impacts on society. It is not always good impact, depending on the context. And a fact may not be relevant to the truth or to the matter in question but only harmful.

First example, ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia were pictured as controlling economy which fueled hantrade and percecution of Chinese in Indonesia in the 50s 60s and 90s. Chinese may not be controlling, but was prominant which is a fact, is repeating that fact during those time the right thing to do? I don't think so.

Second example, some years ago, there was a trend in Chinese media report of crime that delebrately emphasizing the fact of the criminal's provincial and ethnic background especially some proud cities in the south-east. For example, if you are from Henan living in Nanjing, and the news keeps reporting "today there is a Henan thief arrested", would you support that fact reporting? If you are from China, you should know what I am talking about. Luckiely China cleaned up those medias, now we don't see it any more.

Third example, Karl Max and many prominent Communists are Jewish, should this fact be repeated every time we face a political matter between Communist country and the west? As a Marxist, I regard him as just a great thinker, his ethnicity means nothing in what he taught or did, and has no bearing to actions that China should take.

As a Marxist. I attribute all human actions to be based on materialistic interests. Certain people do certain things are because they are in a certain materialistic interest group, not because of ethnicity. Suggesting a connection between ethnicity and action is to remove the true root cause from the picture, at best you will miss the real target, at worst you are doing damage to your goal of solving problems.

Yes, Jewish people are prominent in certain influencial business in the US to drive a favorable policy for Israel, so are early Chinese immigrants from the ROC era and their children drving an anti-PRC policy till this day. What is the point of the ethnicity anyway?

I must say that many people who object what the west is doing are actually thinking in the same way as the west without knowing, "thanks" to the dominance of western propaganda for hundreds years. It is often the western narative that portrait everything with a racial, national and ethnical background since the creation of "nation state" in the late 1700s. Yes ethnicity becomes an areal problem because the west made it so, it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. If people keep thinking and acting in the west line, we are just heading to the dead end. "Others do so I do" isn't nessesarily helpful to ones goal.

Lastly, your post being removed is apparently due to the recent event in Gaza. IMO, Israel bears the responsibilty of the root cause, but treating the matter in an enthical perspective is counter productive except adding fuel to racial tension.