Miscellaneous News


According to ASPI, Australia should get 18 SSNs because it needs to be able to deploy 2 subs in 2 oceans simultaneously. Also, British SSN readiness problems are caused by the UK having too few SSNs rather than recruitment and maintenance problems. The writer is a retired submarine specialist (whatever that is).

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The readiness and particularly industrial arguments for having more than eight submarines is sound enough; it is the cost implications of building and crewing more than eight nuclear submarines that are terrifying. This is one of the many reasons why we should not be embarking upon this foolish nuclear endeavour in the first place. Rather, we should build at least 12 large SSKs to be delivered at a consistent drumbeat that allows us to maintain production indefinitely with a persistent supply chain and work force.

Ironically, avoiding intervals of starvation that cripple both supply chains and the accrued knowledge of a skilled workforce and hence make ramp-up costs and schedules for the next program stratospherically high was one of the very sensible suggestions to emerge from Australia's naval shipbuilding review a few years back. Clearly that has all now been thrown in the bin with the Morrison/Albanese government's "all the way with USA"-inspired nuclear fervour.
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Junior Member
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US politicians: Lets waste 100 billions dollars on never ending wars and maintaining parasitic relationships.
Middle Class Americans: Can we have universal healthcare?
US politicians: How we are gonna pay for that? What?! Don't be a Marxist!


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you know the sharks are smelling blood in the water when their soldiers are fair game

As callous as this sounds I'll mention it anyway, this is a classic case of "Fool Around and Find Out." And, check underneath the body for drugs. IIRC, that's one way of smuggling them into the country in the past.


Registered Member
Indian refiners want to use dirhams over yuan in order to comply with the government’s instructions, according to one of the people familiar with the matter. However, some suppliers of Russian oil are not in favor of using the UAE’s currency since it requires them to conduct the transactions out of Dubai, which would result in more scrutiny of the funds, the person said.
Indias obsession and animus against china has a lot more to do with their own narcissism than any actual fear of China. The only reason why Indians would select China as their rival out of say, a more appropriate Nigeria, is because a white man compared the two countries. I’m not even kidding, such is the slavish mess of the Indian ruling class.

Secondly, if you were going to pick a rival, it’s usually to encourage yourself to do better, otherwise it’s no different to a loud mouthed braggart in a pub claiming he can take on mike Tyson. Despite Anglo American obsession and fixation on China, china’s true rival and enemy is itself. Being better than China of yesteryear and the last Five Year Plan is paramount in the minds of the leadership of zhongnanhai. What goes on in the minds of the Indian elites who only want India to be better insofar as it elevates their social stature under white Anglo judgement. Pathetic.


Senior Member
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When was your road to Damascus moment and why?
Mine was actually going there for holiday 2018 and driving the gaotie, then I realized german politics lied to me all the time because they said trains couldnt be made faster or punctual because of non sense arguments they made.

There is a common joke in germany that the rail service under hitler was better than today....

I am dependent on train because of work and study related travel but for a distance of 280 km (~150 miles) I take 6 hours with train...
Therefore I was quite astonished when Beijing to Shanghai does 6 times the distance in half the time.

So I started digging and reasearched for things I always felt betrayed by my politicians but couldnt put it in words and just compared how china handled those things differently.
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Registered Member
Russia prefers Yuan and doesn't want useless Rupee.
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Russia has an excess supply of rupees, which it’s struggling to use, while at the same time its demand for yuan has grown sharply in the past year as the economy becomes more reliant on China for imports. Russian businesses have been settling more of their trade in yuan, with the Chinese currency this year replacing the dollar as the most traded currency in Russia.

Indian refiners mostly pay for Russian oil imports in dirhams — the currency of the United Arab Emirates — US dollars, and a small amount of rupees, if oil prices are above the $60 a barrel cap imposed by the US and its allies on Russian oil. While the yuan is sometimes used in smaller transactions, Russian oil suppliers are requesting that the Chinese currency be the main unit of transaction for oil trade, according to the senior Indian government official.

Russia has accumulated billions of dollars worth of rupee assets given its wide trade surplus with India, but it’s struggling to use the funds. The rupee isn’t a fully convertible currency internationally, making it difficult to use in global trade.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in May the build-up of rupees is a “problem” and discussions were taking place on how the funds can be transferred into another currency.

Indian refiners want to use dirhams over yuan in order to comply with the government’s instructions, according to one of the people familiar with the matter. However, some suppliers of Russian oil are not in favor of using the UAE’s currency since it requires them to conduct the transactions out of Dubai, which would result in more scrutiny of the funds, the person said.

I hear you can buy iPhone 15 Made in India now… are you listening Putin?


Lieutenant General
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Russia has accumulated billions of dollars worth of rupee assets given its wide trade surplus with India, but it’s struggling to use the funds. The rupee isn’t a fully convertible currency internationally, making it difficult to use in global trade.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in May the build-up of rupees is a “problem” and discussions were taking place on how the funds can be transferred into another currency.
Russia can just use those rupees to pay for Indian labor. They can hire factories to make whichever goods they need and export them back to Russia. The problem is the Indians aren't making this easy either. For example the Russians tried to setup a deal to assemble Indian cars in Russia with Tata, but the instant the Indian managers they were talking with spoke with the board of directors, the deal was off. Turns out the board of directors at Tata Motors was packed with British people following their acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover.
So they basically are leaving the Russian car market to Chinese companies.

Russia also had issues when they talked with some companies in China like BYD. Probably because they have foreign investors and want to sell cars to the West they wouldn't send cars to Russia. Russia also tried to import Volvo cars from Geely, but the Swedish managers were against it. They do sell regular Geely branded cars in Russia just fine though.
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Registered Member
Big news.
China retaliates to the recent US chip sanctions by requiring licence (similar to the germanium and gallium case) to export three grades of graphite.

China produces about 65% of the world's supplies. In some finished products China's market share is closer to 100%...
Graphite is used in lithium batteries. China is targeting American electric-vehicle/battery industry

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China puts export curbs on graphite​

China has imposed export controls on graphite, a material used in electric-vehicle batteries, as Beijing hits back at US-led restrictions on technology sales to Chinese companies.
China, which dominates global supply chains for the mineral, will require special export permits for three grades of graphite, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs said on Friday
China is the leading producer of graphite, accounting for about 65 per cent of supplies in 2022, according to the US Geological Survey’s 2023 annual report on the mineral.

The country’s market share in some finished graphite products is closer to 100 per cent, according to the Institute for Energy Research, a Washington-based research group.

Nice target list:


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Biden expected to tap Asia hand Kurt Campbell as No. 2 US diplomat​

WASHINGTON, Oct 19 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to nominate his top White House Asia aide Kurt Campbell to serve as deputy secretary of state, said three U.S. sources on Thursday, tapping the veteran policy-maker as Washington seeks to stabilize ties with China.

The sources, who included a U.S. official, a congressional source and a U.S. source familiar with the matter, were confirming an earlier report by the Politico news organization.
Campbell is viewed as an intellectual author of former U.S. President Barack Obama's "pivot to Asia" strategy, a vaunted but so far still limited rebalancing of resources to the region.

He outlined his approach to Asia in a 2016 book "The Pivot" which advocated strengthening existing alliances and building closer relations with states like India and Indonesia in the face of a rising China.

Campbell is a China Hawk, compared to him, his predecessor Wendy Sherman was a dove.