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A potato

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Same, I used to have a high opinion in relation to the USA and Japan, but during highschool when I learnt the truth and even further during my Uni days, I turned completely against these b@stards and I await the day that China finally gives these cowards what they deserve. I only pray that this happens during my life time so that I can get a good look at my relatives who I will say are in absolute need of a reality check. I managed to get through to my cousin but the rest of them still have a long way to go. Thankfully my parents are the ones to explain all this to me so I credit them for saving me from being a libtard.
quick question, does this apply to everyone (All ethnic groups) or mainly hans ? because it would be reasonable to assume ethnic minorties like the Tibetans would less likely to fall for US propaganda due to them rewriting history and the how in reality the held the 13th Dalai Lama at gun point to declare indepnednece. Or the Uighurs because all the Soviet and British sponsered separatist groups.


Registered Member
I personally would prefer Israel and Palestine to be merged into a French speaking catholic kingdom of Jerusalem but that’s because I have nostalgia for Medieval 2: Total War.
quick question, does this apply to everyone (All ethnic groups) or mainly hans ? because it would be reasonable to assume ethnic minorties like the Tibetans would less likely to fall for US propaganda due to them rewriting history and the how in reality the held the 13th Dalai Lama at gun point to declare indepnednece. Or the Uighurs because all the Soviet and British sponsered separatist groups.
A consistent theme in all of our Roads To Damascus has been the inequality and unfairness of the Anglo led world order, whether it be an Asian student denied access to tertiary education because the white Anglo ruling class fears the competition against their own mediocre Anglo children or the bamboo ceilings in corporate to protect the same Anglo mediocrity from the high competence of Asian workers.
Or something much more personal, my own personal experience was during the 2008 Beijing Olympics when American, Australian and British Karens decided to exercise their civilisational narcissism by informing me quite unironcjally how much they disapproved of ‘my government’s human rights record’. They did not know nor would have cared that I was actually from Taiwan. From that point forward I dropped all Taiwan independence and became an unflinching Han chauvinist Chinese nationalist.
This awakening was further developed when you observe the racial awareness amongst anglos who form the Five Eyes and who will collectively ally against you in the office space and elsewhere, why for eg a British fresh off the plane worker gets senior leadership roles with minimal experience over Australian born 3rd generation Chinese immigrants.
All I have to say is, the anglosphere has not served itself with its own system of apartheid.

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you know the sharks are smelling blood in the water when their soldiers are fair game

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Gee, I wonder why India wasn’t invited to BRI? Guess sitting on that fence and actually becoming an Anglo sepoy isn’t working anymore
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So Tim Cook did end up studying Xi Jinping Thought?
No joke, that's real power.
When was your road to Damascus moment and why?
It was actually the Arab Spring and the actual Damascus was involved. I was never a liberal jihadist like the types you see trying to grab the NED bag, but I had the idea that China would democratize after it developed because I thought that was the only successful model. Then I saw liberal democracy fail spectacularly in the Arab world with a range of outcomes from catastrophic civil war in Syria to reversion to military dictatorship in Egypt (which was good for it because it saved it from becoming another Syria). The seeds were planted then.

A couple of years later Xi Jinping came along and the seeds sprouted. The anti-corruption campaign and governance reforms, along with China's technological advancement, convinced me that this was the system suitable for China. All the tl;drs I wrote on Reddit during this period of political awakening were essays on Xi Jinping Thought before there was a Xi Jinping Thought.

I got the PhD before the program was even instituted, ya hurr.


Registered Member
No joke, that's real power.

It was actually the Arab Spring and the actual Damascus was involved. I was never a liberal jihadist like the types you see trying to grab the NED bag, but I had the idea that China would democratize after it developed because I thought that was the only successful model. Then I saw liberal democracy fail spectacularly in the Arab world with a range of outcomes from catastrophic civil war in Syria to reversion to military dictatorship in Egypt (which was good for it because it saved it from becoming another Syria). The seeds were planted then.

A couple of years later Xi Jinping came along and the seeds sprouted. The anti-corruption campaign and governance reforms, along with China's technological advancement, convinced me that this was the system suitable for China. All the tl;drs I wrote on Reddit during this period of political awakening were essays on Xi Jinping Thought before there was a Xi Jinping Thought.

I got the PhD before the program was even instituted, ya hurr.
I see, you're the Professor emeritus of that Xi Jinping thought program.


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BEIJING (Reuters) - In a war with the U.S. over Taiwan, China would need to create a global network of companies under U.S. sanctions, seize American assets within its borders, and issue gold-denominated bonds, according to Chinese government-affiliated researchers studying the Western response to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.

The sanctions against Moscow have prompted hundreds of Chinese economists, financiers, and geopolitical analysts to examine how China should mitigate extreme scenarios, including loss of access to U.S. dollars, according to a Reuters review of more than 200 Chinese-language policy papers and academic articles published since February 2022.


Russia prefers Yuan and doesn't want useless Rupee.
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Russia has an excess supply of rupees, which it’s struggling to use, while at the same time its demand for yuan has grown sharply in the past year as the economy becomes more reliant on China for imports. Russian businesses have been settling more of their trade in yuan, with the Chinese currency this year replacing the dollar as the most traded currency in Russia.

Indian refiners mostly pay for Russian oil imports in dirhams — the currency of the United Arab Emirates — US dollars, and a small amount of rupees, if oil prices are above the $60 a barrel cap imposed by the US and its allies on Russian oil. While the yuan is sometimes used in smaller transactions, Russian oil suppliers are requesting that the Chinese currency be the main unit of transaction for oil trade, according to the senior Indian government official.

Russia has accumulated billions of dollars worth of rupee assets given its wide trade surplus with India, but it’s struggling to use the funds. The rupee isn’t a fully convertible currency internationally, making it difficult to use in global trade.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in May the build-up of rupees is a “problem” and discussions were taking place on how the funds can be transferred into another currency.

Indian refiners want to use dirhams over yuan in order to comply with the government’s instructions, according to one of the people familiar with the matter. However, some suppliers of Russian oil are not in favor of using the UAE’s currency since it requires them to conduct the transactions out of Dubai, which would result in more scrutiny of the funds, the person said.