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Registered Member
I was lurking there and boy oh boy, the cesspool of stupidity and american boot-licking Indians on that forum that's supposed to be about Pakistan is insane but HIGHLY ENTERTAINING!!
There are a lot of good members before, Taishan ( from what I know he is a Taiwanese) is one BUT he hadn't posted since then, hopefully he joined this forum.


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The Chinese Communist Party has passed legislation to force any person of Chinese origin anywhere in the world to support their intelligence services,” he said. “It means they have a way to coerce people here in our countries to essentially tell them, to give them the secrets.”

The OP should not paraphrase the quote


Registered Member
Yellen is right. As long as the dollar is the reserve and trade currency, the US can print trillions, the dollar still appreciates, they can buy all the weapons from Europe, Korea and Japan and hurt Russia and Iran at the same time. Who cares if Europe would be disarmed? No country would attack them...
Treading water economically would be somewhat impressive if not for the fact US has a lot of catching up to do, and that their opponent is not just treading water, they're booming.
China, in theory the biggest rival power, continues to use and save dollars, and this does not seem to change. China also does not intervene in either Ukraine or Israel, so the US can easily fight two wars at once.

US's explicit desire is to destroy Russia and Iran, two countries that are getting closer to China but apparently not close enough for China to help them in a war. This is the view in the West.
First, US has to prove that they can actually threaten these proxies to begin with.

2nd largest economy in the world, but in practice struggle supplying enough arms to fight Russia, a Germany sized economy.

China has good cause to believe America is a paper tiger, as long as US keeps demonstrating lack of capability, Beijing feels no rush to head for a decisive conflict.

Why launch an all out assault and risk fracturing the world when actors as weak as Hamas are able to bloody the noses of Americans?

The view from China seems to be that the MSS alone is sufficient to clash with America and incur American casualties globally. In this manner, Beijing waits for America's Afghanistan moment, and then after that, their Gorbachev moment.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I was lurking there and boy oh boy, the cesspool of stupidity and american boot-licking Indians on that forum that's supposed to be about Pakistan is insane but HIGHLY ENTERTAINING!!
I've always wondered why Pakistan Defence Forum has so many Indian members... But yes, not worth posting there, a dumpster fire, but entertainment indeed.


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An article about this BRI summit, and it reads like a faq.

The people in the West, know very little about China.

There was an omission in the article. An article about the BRI summit, does not mention the number of countries attending that Chinese banquet in the Great Hall Of The People.

It is not mentioned because it is embarrassing for the Americans. This meeting the Americans cannot arrange. No way are the Americans able to get this many countries to visit Biden and have a banquet, along with official business.

While they feast and do business in China, on the other side of the world, GI Joe and Bazooka Joe has to do their job.

The contrast cannot be more stark.

Diplomatically speaking, the United States is getting beaten over the head with this Chinese banquet.

Therefore, do not mention it.

That is why I suspect we see this revelation in the news of Canadian spy plane intercepted by Chinese armed jets, and a standoff with China Coast Guard and Japanese Coast Guard over DuYuToi just recently, smacks obviously of a low budget puppet show.

American propaganda works, only on stupid people.

It did not work on those eating the Chinese buffet in the Great Hall Of The People.

Generally speaking, if your opponent or rival is stupid, or doing stupid things, they will lose probably, they could even forfeit the game.

Every time a German company closes their plant, because of the effects from that war, what do we call that?

Guess it is always someone else fault. Always.



Registered Member
Yellen is right. As long as the dollar is the reserve and trade currency, the US can print trillions, the dollar still appreciates, they can buy all the weapons from Europe, Korea and Japan and hurt Russia and Iran at the same time. Who cares if Europe would be disarmed? No country would attack them...

China, in theory the biggest rival power, continues to use and save dollars, and this does not seem to change. China also does not intervene in either Ukraine or Israel, so the US can easily fight two wars at once.

US's explicit desire is to destroy Russia and Iran, two countries that are getting closer to China but apparently not close enough for China to help them in a war. This is the view in the West.
Ummmm, but no one needs to attack Europe of there own people end up doing that for them given that well, with out enough weapons, who is going to stop a civil wars from going off due to out of control inflation and who would bother wanting to send them resources if the Europe is that weak. Also, the USA might want to destroy Russia and Iran at the same time but do they seriously think that can do so when the weapons supply runs dry (the collective west can’t produce enough weapons nor any where near quick enough to really make it count). Also the USA as a collective doesn’t have remotely the will not the appetite for a real fight when entire forces can be eradicated via either a hypersonic missile or a nuke if Russia feels sufficiently threatened. Seriously, why would China bother assisting either nation when both nations can handle the USA with all of its problems going off right now plus is national image going further down the toilet because of what’s going on in Israel thanks to their literally funding of a genocide that’s obviously not going to make the Arabs like them one bit, it’s not like a civil war isn’t going to go off when their is no gas or water or electricity to keep the people from going nuts.
Hence Yellen is ultimately wrong, she can’t fund everything at once and expect inflation to stay down and the USA weapon and energy stockpile to remain at high levels. And China doesn’t have to lift a finger for the USA to chuck itself off a cliff, their own stupidity is doing a good job of that on their own


Registered Member
You know what comrades, even though I know I got my biases, but damn, some things I cannot get over.

War or peace? What is better?

As of right now, the Americans are paying for two wars. Although they did not start them, they are still paying. Everyone knows that.

And the Chinese, all they do is pay for dinner in the Great Hall Of The People for the BRI Summit to do more business.

I mean, just what the heck is going on?

Great move eh?


And we still got to listen to the bashers saying how bad Chinese diplomacy is.

Kind of silly. Damn fools. Ha!



Registered Member
You know what comrades, even though I know I got my biases, but damn, some things I cannot get over.

War or peace? What is better?

As of right now, the Americans are paying for two wars. Although they did not start them, they are still paying. Everyone knows that.

And the Chinese, all they do is pay for dinner in the Great Hall Of The People for the BRI Summit to do more business.

I mean, just what the heck is going on?

Great move eh?

In the end, the only conclusion and question I can draw is, does God really bless America because everything I can see right now seems to indicate the complete and utter opposite, this scenario greatly resembles the book of kings where all the screw ups costed the Jews dearly and the funny/scary part is that the exact same scenario is happening right now to two nations (one of which is populated by Jews), both equally horrible, should be equally well informed of the consequences but equally dumb and stupid enough to ignore these lessons only to repeat them time and again expecting different results.


Lieutenant General

Just like Australia bragged it was going to find friendlier countries to replace Chinese customers in buying their wine, they're still begging China to buy today. You can say you can find other customers but greed is greed. They want to to sell to all they can so they can to make as much money as possible not be satisfied with less. Their stock market culture says it all. A company can still be profitable but if they don't make more than before, their stock value drops. Don't tell your largest customer you'll find alternatives especially when they buy a majority of what you have because they can find alternatives from you a lot easier. Remember when Trump wanted to create a soybean mafia and tried to create a soybean alliance with Brazil. All that meant was Brazil was going to lose its monopoly over the Chinese soybean market and lose money. Americans still holding on to believing the world would chose the US first than make more money.

If the EU won't sell their advanced technology to China, don't complain about any trade imbalance. What else does the EU have to offer China? Nothing China can't get from anywhere else. Who else is going to buy it if they won't sell it to China? Not many because it will be out of reach of the majority of the world and they make no money. How weak is Japan when they whine about China, their seen enemy, not buying its radioactive fish? Allies not stepping up? How about the US complaining about forced technology transfers in order to gain access to the Chinese market...? They could always say, "No!" In other words it's called business as usual.

Look at how the West is irritated by how business works. It's because they're just laundering imperialism in the guise of business. They hate it how they have to give you something in exchange for your money when they think you're suppose give it to them freely for no reason except because they exist like they were a God.