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Or just get rid of him because probrably the other tibetan schools (Nyingma, Sakya and Kagyu) will take over and replace the Gelugpa.
Banchan Lama is another head of Gelugpa sect, so the religious landscape for the small religious population isn't going to change. But it doesn't matter really because of following.

I do agree to PRC terminating the Dalai lineage by not selecting a new Dalai lama. Unlike what western media says, I don't believe Chinese Tibetans care much about such religious figure head, most young tibetans with proper education are likely atheists. It took a short time, two or three generations for Europeans to throw away the church, for Han Chinese to throw away emperors, why should Tibetans be any different. It is only in western propaganda that somehow Tibetans is a different human species who are genetically coded to be more religious.


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Bharat Supapowa ranks 111th out of 125 countries in the Global Hunger Report 2023.
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Highest child wasting rate in the world. Then what good is that "demographic dividend"?

Bharat Supapowa dropped even further in the Global Hunger Index this year, by 4 places. Even when India have sent a probe to the moon. Even after India had hosted the G20 and proclaims itself as the "leader" of the Global South. Even after India had announced with its friends the: India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor.

Of course, the any ranking system that puts India in a bad light is wrong. An India ruled by the 56-inch chest Supapowa PM, Narendra Damodardas Modi can never fall this low in the Global Hinger Index! There has to be a global agenda against Bharat Supapowa. All off the world must be wrong, and the great PM, Modiji is always right!
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LOL! This is impossible! How can a Bharat Supapowa rank 111th out of 125 countries in the Global Hunger Report 2023? Supapowa Bharat demands a reevaluation!

This is an insult! Supapowa India cannot rank lower in the hunger index than inferior nations like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, ever!

How dare the Global Hunger Report don't use Indian government data! PM Modiji never lies! The world should have just accepted his data!
Bharat Hunga Supapowa

A potato

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Banchan Lama is another head of Gelugpa sect, so the religious landscape for the small religious population isn't going to change. But it doesn't matter really because of following.

I do agree to PRC terminating the Dalai lineage by not selecting a new Dalai lama. Unlike what western media says, I don't believe Chinese Tibetans care much about such religious figure head, most young tibetans with proper education are likely atheists. It took a short time, two or three generations for Europeans to throw away the church, for Han Chinese to throw away emperors, why should Tibetans be any different. It is only in western propaganda that somehow Tibetans is a different human species who are genetically coded to be more religious.
Nah I think the tibetan population is still deeply religous (including young people) because of the fact that CCP gave political power to both Chinese and Tibetan buddhist monks. But yeah Dalai Lama is going away as he loses influences to other lamas. Because my dad told me that Tibet has multiple lamas who allot of them (mostly non gelugpas) fought the Dalai Lama. Dalai Lama isn't even the head of Tibetan buddhism as he claims to be meaning that alot of people in Tibet don't even care about him or outright hate him before CCP or KMT. Even in whithin tibetan exiles there is already secterian conflict lol (Pedo Lhama persucted the bon religion until the 1970s).


This is a pretty trivial red herring. The fact of the matter is that they intentionally carried out an operation to kill as many non-combatants as they could, and this resulted in about 500 civilian deaths with hundreds more captured. That's already an atrocity by any objective metrics. Fixating on one point of possible propaganda about babies is just misdirection. Likewise Iraqi conduct in Kuwait was still insanely cruel even if the incubator incident never happened. Remember that the US, USSR, and PRC were in unanimous agreement that Iraq's actions were totally unacceptable and all voted in favor of intervention.
The distinction between "the factual and accurate report of atrocities" and "atrocity propaganda" does exist. For example:
If I state that a few Marines are psychopathic animal abusers, because the military is a reflection of the society at large, and there are animal abusers and psychopaths in any society, then it's just my expression of disapproval and anger to the behavior of a few animal-abusing and psychopathic Marines. However, if I claim that most Marines are psychopathic animal abusers and they probably treat local people not much better than animals, and are willing to kill them for fun like how they treated that poor puppy, then that sounds like "atrocity propaganda".

Bah, this train is never late, first there was:
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Yes, that's someone from a Washington think tank.

I guess that's what it's like when you become a superpower, people think you got fingers in every pie and scheming all the time.
This is projection. China won't instigate a war to prevent competition with BRI. On the other hand, when China announced BRI in 2012, some other countries incited violence in Xinjiang, possibly in an effort to derail the project.

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160 page report from Congress about US strategic posture. The below stuff is some recommendations.

Defeating China and Russia simultaneously.

China nuclear forces is no longer a small threat

Deploy US Nuclear Forces in Asia-Pacific.

Expansion of US nuclear weapons and removal of military spending caps.
Having to fight a two-front war with the world's prominent military and nuclear forces is the worst scenario possible. This is an open admission of US' total failure in its economic and political policies.


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Guess all those shorts against Hong Kong came back to bite Soros. No wonder he hates China so much. You don’t break the bank of China, China breaks YOU.

Additionally, how’s Soros gonna fund all those programs and entities directed against China if he’s laying off 40% Staff?

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American communist Jackson Hinckle is being intimidated by the governmen, as a political dissident.

This, coupled with persecuting Palestine supporters in corporate finance and higher education really lays bare that freedom of speech was always myth in the west.

Additionally, I do wonder if this clampdown on dissent foreshadows an attempt to control a society before a major war.


So the witch-hunt begins.
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So much for freedom of speech/press in the West:

Wang Yi reminds the world of China's consistent view on Palestine.

"Both Palestinians and Israelis have the right for their own state on their own land. Security and safety of both Palenstinians and Israelis must be guaranteed."

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Lieutenant General
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Anyone notice every time there's a rocket attack on Israel all you see on TV is parking lots full of burning cars. Or how about at the music festival attack they already had bodies in body bags in a tent the same day of the initial attack. I read the festival took place near Gaza where Hamas terrorists were still operating the area days after.

And remember how the West said it was a war crime to cut-off food, water, and electricity to Ukraine.