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Deleted member 24525

Typical "atrocity propaganda", probably as old as warfare itself:
Recent examples include "babies thrown out of incubators", Viagra for Libya government force to rape rebels, Assad gassed his own people, etc.
Here a former CIA operative talks about "atrocity propaganda":
Story about the "incubator babies":
The truth about "beheaded babies":

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This is a pretty trivial red herring. The fact of the matter is that they intentionally carried out an operation to kill as many non-combatants as they could, and this resulted in about 500 civilian deaths with hundreds more captured. That's already an atrocity by any objective metrics. Fixating on one point of possible propaganda about babies is just misdirection. Likewise Iraqi conduct in Kuwait was still insanely cruel even if the incubator incident never happened. Remember that the US, USSR, and PRC were in unanimous agreement that Iraq's actions were totally unacceptable and all voted in favor of intervention.


Lieutenant General
You should not be making sweeping claims about the psyche and ethnic relations of a country you did not grow up in without first doing a whole lot of research, which you clearly have not.

You were the first person to mention China here. I explicitly said that Jews actually appreciated China's apathetic attitude towards us and viewed it as a good thing, which is true. I am literally praising your country yet you snatch insults from the jaws of flattery. Slow down and actually read the whole message that a person sends you before responding.
I linked an article drawing China into this so it wasn't me that brought China up. Just ignore that.

james smith esq

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Registered Member
I think what Assassin mace is saying what gives Israel the right to expect and demand China to renounce neutrality and uncritically bend the knee to Israeli narrative like West does. They frame the convo as if China is guilty by association just by being neutral. China is neutral and Israel make it seem like it's killing babies. Only conniving Western media does that dance of "you either with us or against us" bullshit.
Dude, if you don’t understand that ”Israel” by “birthright of covenant” is privileged to expect and demand anything from everyone, then I don’t know what post-WWII world you grew-up in.
You do know that “the house Israel” is chosen by GOD, right?​


Registered Member
Chinese workers in 2003 were forced to sign contracts agreeing not to have any contact with Israeli women.

Same thing happened in Australia
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To be fair the Australian company contract says the Chinese employees can't make anyone pregnant, which can be justified I guess by saying Australia doesn't want temporary workers finding ways of getting immigration. The Israeli company contract is much stricter, they cannot have sex or marry Israeli (woman?), the ban on sex part is pretty hard to justify without being racist.

Regardless of this incidence, there are many stories on the Chinese internet which tell tales of how Chinese workers are discriminated and mistreated in Israel.

Deleted member 24525

I linked an article drawing China into this so it wasn't me that brought China up. Just ignore that.
I meant "here" as in SDF. We aren't the only people on the planet to have thought about Sino Jewish relations recently. What I am saying is that you picked out and posted an article you disagreed with as grounds to vent preexisting ethnic prejudice.

Let's take count, Hamas killed around 500 civilians and took hundreds more hostage. Israeli retaliation killed over a thousand by now and threatens to induce famine in the city of 2 million. Clearly what is worth attention at this point is a racist labor contract from 2003.


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Western Rule of law.
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EU seeks Tunisia's help to stop illegal immigrants. Tunisia isn't a beggar.
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As expected.
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The US knows they cannot stop the trend of De-Dollarisation and have resorted to simply stealing the assets of rival nations; it's why Wanda has dissociated its assets in the US.
If supporting Palestinians equal to supporting Hamas, then every Palestinians would be labeled as terrorists.
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if you want to know who your true rulers are, look at who you cannot criticise.

It makes sense that a mercantilist society like the anglosphere eventually became dominated by a race of people with a history of being money changers and merchants.

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methinks the CIA have been ordered to focus on the Middle East to support the true masters of the anglosphere and to make a quick demarche with China in the meantime.