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I doubt that's what he meant; I think that's his escape but if that's what he meant then he didn't say it in English. To legislatively outlaw antisemitism or Nazism is common sense; America is founded on a legislative assurance of non-racism. It's not even worth saying. But how the people feel cannot be regulated by law.

And this guy keeps shifting the goalpost pretending to say things he didn't say to escape being obviously wrong.

Yeah, it's no secret there is no encouragement of free thought in the West and there's no freedom either. It's all made up bullshit for their citizens to feel a moral high ground. In Germany, you can go to jail for painting a mural against Zelensky or wearing a T-shirt with Z on it. In the US, it's a cancel culture war for your political beliefs to scare people into political assimilation. Americans literally believe that free thought means you politically agree with the US or you're a foreign government shill/bot. If the US is going on a tech/trade war against China and a Chinese netizen calls out the US for doing so in fear of China's rise, then they think the CCP paid him to say it or that they'll shoot his family if he doesn't because deep down, he has to be anti-China and pro-America. That's their understanding of free thought and that's how smart they are.
This is why I automatically disregard any research with "individualism culture vs collective". I consider that as a racist dogwhistle word for white(independent thinkers!) vs non-white. The western culture is extremely conformist in general, much more than Chinese. They are only individualistic in a few selective matters and that is all that counts.

Example: In US people are divided into Republican vs Democrats. You are expected to conform and adopt all of party lines. If you do not support the same party you are basically Hitler. Similar thing happen in other "individualistic" country. In China people care far less about political affiliation.

Example 2: Try being the 'wrong religion' in any of the "individualistic" country. You will see why they conform so much. Far less of a problem in China if you practice exotic religion.
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Registered Member
I heard alot of those jews that fled to china colaborated with Japan. There were even talks about creating a jewish state in japanese occupied china
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And then you wonder why Jews are universally hated no matter where they go in history. They refuse to change their culture which contains no gratitude. Because they are God's chosen people, only their suffering matters. Everyone else can step aside. It screams of narcissism.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
I heard alot of those jews that fled to china colaborated with Japan. There were even talks about creating a jewish state in japanese occupied china
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Chinese workers in 2003 were forced to sign contracts agreeing not to have any contact with Israeli women.
Police spokesman, Rafi Yaffe, said there was nothing illegal about the requirement.
"A Chinese worker will agree to anything".
The labourers are also forbidden from engaging in any religious or political activity. The contract states that offenders will be sent back to China at their own expense.

Same thing happened in Australia
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Lieutenant General
Well I am a Jew and a communist who loves the party so you can start your tally here

Yes exactly it is wrong when the West does that so why do you do it

Why do black senators and men like Lloyd Austin oppose China despite being descendants of a racialized slave class? Why does Katherine Tai oppose China despite being ethnically Chinese herself? You said it already. They are politicians in the US. If you want to obtain political power in the US then you have to be willing to display unflinching anticommunist sentiment whenever and wherever it is asked of you with no hesitation, regardless of how dissonant this is with your personal background. That's how it works here, and how it has worked since the end of reconstruction. It has nothing to do with Jews or even China specifically, since the same shit happened with the USSR.

Also, despite how ridiculous it sounds to people like us, a lot of Americans including elites really do believe in the ideology that American identity is inclusive to everyone regardless of background, and that naturally makes it easier to forget hard truths about the country's history.

Yes exactly it is wrong when the West does that so why do you do it

Well I am a Jew and a communist who loves the party so you can start your tally here

Yes exactly it is wrong when the West does that so why do you do it

Why do black senators and men like Lloyd Austin oppose China despite being descendants of a racialized slave class? Why does Katherine Tai oppose China despite being ethnically Chinese herself? You said it already. They are politicians in the US. If you want to obtain political power in the US then you have to be willing to display unflinching anticommunist sentiment whenever and wherever it is asked of you with no hesitation, regardless of how dissonant this is with your personal background. That's how it works here, and how it has worked since the end of reconstruction. It has nothing to do with Jews or even China specifically, since the same shit happened with the USSR.

Also, despite how ridiculous it sounds to people like us, a lot of Americans including elites really do believe in the ideology that American identity is inclusive to everyone regardless of background, and that naturally makes it easier to forget hard truths about the country's history.

Why do black senators and Lloyd Austin oppose China? Because they're racist believing the narrative of China told by their oppressors. From my perspective what the West did to Africans is the same grand plan that took them 400 years to reach China to do the same thing. But because black senators and Lloyd Austin hate China for fighting against the very white supremacy that oppressed their ancestors, somehow you give them the authority to decide that hating Chinese is legal? Because they're black and oppressed, they can do no wrong? Another group that thinks the Chinese have never been oppressed because they don't know history meaning they're no authority on the Chinese... Katherine Tai is Taiwanese therefore not surprising anti-China. Are you going with the racism of Republicans thinking if you can find a black or another Chinese that hates Chinese, it must be okay? Hate is okay if more than one race hates Chinese...? You should think about that... Because Gordan Chang hates China, it must mean hating Chinese is legitimate because he's half Chinese? That's the logic going on here. Talk about bad omens again. You wouldn't like if that logic was applied to you.

I only brought this up because they're trying to drag China into this like China is guilty for doing nothing. And what's happening now is you're criticizing it because you don't want any counter to the narrative out there meaning leaving the narrative that China is somehow complicit for doing nothing. Like I said it's equivalent to telling the Chinese to ignore anything that happened to the Chinese and only care about what I care about because it's more important.


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Chinese workers in 2003 were forced to sign contracts agreeing not to have any contact with Israeli women.

Same thing happened in Australia
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not every Israel woman looks as good as Gal Dot, but after recent events, I will never watch another Wonderwoman movie the same way ever again... I don't know how I previously got conned into thinking Israel was best at warfare lmao