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But while the number of countries that officially recognize Taiwan (province) has shrunken, treacherous island has succeeded in intesifying engagement with the countries of the geopolitical West. Nowadays they are competing who will send a larger delegation to Taiwan province. They are signing various agreements and U.S. even deployed ~200 troops there last spring.

In that regard rat bastard Lai is right that they don't need to declare independence when so many countries already treat them as though they're independent.

Status quo definitely mustn't be allowed to continue.
Foreign fighters in Taiwan is a blessing in disguise, legal targets during AR. Think of all of the atrocities committed by the west during China's century of humiliation, China finally have a reason to get some payback. The Chinese would be especially ecstatic if there were British or Japanese military on that island, sadly those countries won't do it unless there is more pressure from Uncle Sam.


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Hamas members on the territory of a captured Israeli military base.

The footage shows a large number of armored vehicles and dozens of killed Israeli soldiers. Many, apparently, were killed right in the barracks.


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Hamas states that it has captured over 35 Israeli soldiers, police officers and settlers and has taken them to Gaza.

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Now I wonder if Hezbollah will get involved. Will zionist regime target them in their response & attempt to invade Southern Lebanon again ?


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Israel Merkava tank operators were captured by Palestinians


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BREAKING: The head of Shaar Hangf regional council, Efir Lipstein, was killed in the conflict.


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A rocket hit the warehouse of one of the largest car importers in Israel.


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Hamas members on the territory of a captured Israeli military base.

The footage shows a large number of armored vehicles and dozens of killed Israeli soldiers. Many, apparently, were killed right in the barracks.


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Hamas states that it has captured over 35 Israeli soldiers, police officers and settlers and has taken them to Gaza.

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Looks like they were caught off guard. What was mossad doing? No way they missed 5000+ rockets being shipped.


Junior Member
Looks like they were caught off guard. What was mossad doing? No way they missed 5000+ rockets being shipped.
Israel has slowly becoming more and more puritanic. Orthodox Jews are have been increasing, secularism has been shrinking both politically and demographically. This change has lead to more distancing from reality and under-preparedness especially since overwhelming success in the past created complacency.


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Hezbollah issued the following statement:

Hezbollah congratulates the Palestinian people, the resistance fighters, and the heroic Palestinian factions, especially our dear brothers in the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, on the wide-scale and divinely supported heroic operation, promising final and comprehensive victory.

This triumphant operation is a resolute response to the ongoing crimes of occupation and continuous encroachments on sanctities, dignity, and honor. It reaffirms once again that the will of the Palestinian people and the resistance's steadfastness are the only choice in confronting aggression, occupation, and a message to the Arab and Islamic world, as well as the international community as a whole, especially those seeking normalization with this enemy, that the Palestinian cause is a living cause that will not die until victory and liberation.

We call upon the Arab and Islamic nations and the free people of the world to declare their support for the Palestinian people and the resistance movements, which confirm their field unity with blood, speech, and action.

The Islamic Resistance leadership in Lebanon closely monitors the significant developments on the Palestinian scene and follows the field conditions with great interest. It maintains direct contact with the Palestinian resistance leadership inside and outside Palestine and continuously assesses the events and the course of operations. Therefore, we call on the Zionist enemy government to learn the important lessons taught by the Palestinian resistance in the field and the battlegrounds.


Looks like they don't intend to directly involve themeslves, at least not yet.


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Ukraine and Afghanistan war has shown that in modern warfare, defense is stronger than offense. Ragtag fighters with ManPADS and Anti-Tank launchers can do a lot of damage in urban environments. Now add to that cheap drones. Israel will be severely tested by these new realities of Warfare where their supposed superiority of Tanks, Planes and Air Defense will not be as effective as before.

Moreover, Muslims in the Middle East are getting richer, more sophisticated, more educated and gaining advanced arms technology. Modern Turkey and Iran are quite powerful with large armies with their own production of drones, tanks and other arms. Even the likes of Saudi Arabia is getting more sophisticated.

The more powerful muslims in Middle East get, the more precarious Israel's future will be. These countries can funnel plenty of weapons into Palestine and create life extremely hard for Israel. And their main backer the US and Europe are also weakening and getting distracted by China. So, they will have less and less influence to protect Israel in the future.

Middle East is not out of the limelight just yet. Its going to flare up again