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Supposedly Israeli military base taken by HAMAS.
Is it time to start a new thread?
The Israelis have learnt the best lesson of nazi rule and apply them too their adjacent neighbours today, like hitler, they to will be judged.

The existential threat from the arabs is dead, israel does not need to subjugate the west bank or gaza, they still do out of mental disarray.

Not to mention west bank and gaza re completely irrelevant, just keep them poor forever and they will never pose a threat.
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Registered Member
At the current moment, I don’t think we need a new thread. Mostly because I doubt this entire event will last more than a week and the aftermath will be a prolonged bombing on Gaza for at least a month. Of course that would change if something bigger happens instead.

On a side note, talk about a complete failure from MOSSAD to gather intelligences on the buildup of weapons and militants. Someone head is definitely rolling soon in MOSSAD and cold water being poured on the Saudi-Biden negotiations.


Registered Member
Lot's of foreign delegates visiting China lately, Borell probably wants China to pass on negotiation terms to Putin for them. He better pray that the EU doesn't do anything retarded to China in the next few days.

I don't think that is possible, as they cannot help themselves.

It is like when the guard rely the message to Maria Anntoonette that the peasants did not have enough bread.

We know the last thing she said, after they cut her off.

European royalty, they know how to be nasty.



Registered Member
At the current moment, I don’t think we need a new thread. Mostly because I doubt this entire event will last more than a week and the aftermath will be a prolonged bombing on Gaza for at least a month. Of course that would change if something bigger happens instead.

On a side note, talk about a complete failure from MOSSAD to gather intelligences on the buildup of weapons and militants. Someone head is definitely rolling soon in MOSSAD and cold water being poured on the Saudi-Biden negotiations.
I think this was all planned by Netanyahu, he needed retaliation to justify a larger conflict with Palestinians for his own domestic politics.

Way more action than Armenia vs Azerbaijan 2022 for sure.


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LOL. Talk is cheap. They can say whatever they want until the moment bombs drop from the sky. Of course he does not dare to declare independence. He knows what's coming to him if he does. Meanwhile, the number of their "countries with diplomatic relationships" keeps shrinking.

But while the number of countries that officially recognize Taiwan (province) has shrunken, treacherous island has succeeded in intesifying engagement with the countries of the geopolitical West. Nowadays they are competing who will send a larger delegation to Taiwan province. They are signing various agreements and U.S. even deployed ~200 troops there last spring.

In that regard rat bastard Lai is right that they don't need to declare independence when so many countries already treat them as though they're independent.

Status quo definitely mustn't be allowed to continue.