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Weidel, Salvini, Orban, does anyone know the other "right wing" european political leaders who are friendly with China? The 老保联盟 often joked about in guanqi podcasts might be real ;)

1. That is why I never believed this containment of China, lead by the Americans, is real. It is all fake. It is all talk, and all fake. To contain China like the Americans want, there must be commitment. Instead, all we have is political confusion in the West.

2. China's friends in the West, they still around. They still got influence. Some are actually rising.

3. And there is still Trump Daddy lurking around, his story is not done yet. Wuhoo!



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Glacial lake outburst flood kills 14 in Sikkim, 102 people missing: What is GLOF, and why does it happen?​

Fourteen people have been killed and 102, including at least 23 Army personnel, are
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situated in the state’s northwest at 17,000 ft — burst due to incessant rains, leading to the release of water in downstream areas. This caused the rise of water levels in Teesta river that flooded at least four districts, including Mangan, Gangtok, Pakyong and Namchi on Wednesday (October 4), according to Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority (SSDMA).

“The lake outburst in portions of Lhonak Lake in North Sikkim caused a rise in water levels with very high velocities near about 15m/sec, crossed the
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(Centre Water Commission) Melli site measuring 227 m, near about 3m above Danger Level, at 0600 am,” it added.
This weibo post explains the large damage caused by the failed dam to the Indian Army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
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For reference, 1002什么's excellent map shows where everything is in the illegally annexed Indian state of Sikkam.

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UAPA case against NewsClick for plot to disrupt sovereignty of India: police​

NewsClick says it does not propagate Chinese propaganda; Delhi Police allege that a false narrative has been propagated to discredit efforts to contain pandemic

The foreign remittances received by the news portal are already being investigated by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) since 2021.

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The source said that the fresh terror case registered by the Special Cell of the Delhi Police was being investigated by multiple agencies.
NewsClick, whose
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, said in a statement on Wednesday that it does not publish any news or information at the behest of any Chinese entity or authority, directly or indirectly. “NewsClick does not propagate Chinese propaganda on its website,” the news portal said.
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Another official said they were probing if the foreign funds were being used for “information warfare.”

Indian domestic media has declared China as the enemy for decades. The Chinese side hasn't branded India as an enemy, but you can clearly tell from the lack of articles, (i.e., the overtly negative ones are suppressed, while there aren't any positive ones to publish), that China is very unhappy with India for the past few years. In these uncertain times of the new era, it's time for China to close ranks, both internally and externally. Even though China doesn't formally announce its foreign policy stance, we should all be aware of what China's position on India is, i.e., China at the recent G20.
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Glacial lake outburst flood kills 14 in Sikkim, 102 people missing: What is GLOF, and why does it happen?​

This weibo post explains the large damage caused by the broke dam to the Indian Army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
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For reference, 1002什么's excellent map shows where everything is in the illegally annexed Indian state of Sikkam.
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UAPA case against NewsClick for plot to disrupt sovereignty of India: police​

NewsClick says it does not propagate Chinese propaganda; Delhi Police allege that a false narrative has been propagated to discredit efforts to contain pandemic

Indian domestic media has declared China as the enemy for decades. The Chinese side hasn't branded India as an enemy, but you can clearly tell from the lack of articles, (i.e., the overtly negative ones are suppressed, while there aren't any positive ones to publish), that China is very unhappy with India for the past few years. In these uncertain times of the new era, it's time for China to close ranks, both internally and externally. Even though China doesn't formally announce its foreign policy stance, we should all be aware of what China's position on India is.
Comrade Trump will unite US and China together to deal with Indian threat. The secret happy ending.


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WARSAW/BERLIN, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Fighting to win an unprecedented third term in office, Poland's nationalist government has seized on a target close to home: Germany, its NATO ally and biggest trading partner.

In a tight race ahead of Poland's Oct. 15 election, leaders of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party have accused Germany of trying to dictate Polish government policy from Berlin on anything from migration to gas.

The feud has frayed Europe's broadly united front supporting Ukraine against Russia's invasion, shredding a plan for a joint Polish-German tank repair plant for Kyiv's benefit.

The populist PiS leadership also says Germany is plotting to install the party's main electoral opponent, the liberal former prime minister Donald Tusk, back in power.

PiS has tapped into a mistrust towards Germany that still runs high in part of the electorate, above all elderly conservatives who remember the devastation of World War Two.

"Do you know where you can read the (opposition's campaign) programme? In German newspapers," Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told a campaign event.

His party casts Tusk, who said his grandfather was forcibly conscripted into the Nazi Wehrmacht during World War Two before escaping to the Allied side, as a German puppet and the "political husband" of former German chancellor Angela Merkel. A campaign video also mocked Merkel's successor Olaf Scholz.

Months of spats between the two neighbours have tested the solidarity of the Western alliance that rallied around Ukraine after the Russian invasion last year. They have come at a time when other issues, including the election of a pro-Russian leader in EU member state Slovakia, are threatening disruption.


The quarrel has already impacted efforts to help Ukraine.

In April the defence ministers of Germany and Poland, with a smile and hug of solidarity, announced the creation of a joint hub in Poland to repair German-made Leopard tanks damaged in battle in Ukraine.

But the deal quickly collapsed. In another dispute, Warsaw resisted a German offer to station Patriot missile air defence units in Poland before eventually agreeing to it.

"It's very unhelpful that Poland, the people from the Law and Justice Party, continues to criticize Germany in such a harsh public way," U.S. General Ben Hodges, who commanded U.S. Army forces in Europe in 2014-17, told Reuters.

"It's unhelpful because it puts strain on the relationship between two NATO allies, which therefore puts strain on the overall cohesion of NATO."

The tank plant would have been a joint effort by German manufacturers Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and Rheinmetall (RHMG.DE), neither of which responded to a request for comment, and the Polish defence conglomerate Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ).

Among the sticking points, one German source said Poland was asking for too much money for the repair works. Another source, a German diplomat, said the talks failed partly because German companies were reluctant to share technical information.

"But it also showed a little bit the same thing we had for the Patriots, a general mistrust on the part of the Poles and a sort of being in the habit of treating a partner in a way that is not usual for a partnership in the EU or in an alliance."

As things stand, PGZ is repairing some Leopard tanks using spare parts supplied from Germany.

"To some extent, it depended on the speed of action and decisiveness of the German side. We were negotiating. Unfortunately, we have a slightly different view of what it should look like," Sebastian Chwalek, PGZ's CEO, told Reuters.

Other tanks will be repaired elsewhere, "which is maybe a little bit more costly and maybe a little bit more time consuming but it's happening anyway," the German diplomat said.

"It's a sign of the present relationship that we cannot agree on such things."

Polish government officials did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment.

A German Foreign Office spokesperson said Berlin and Warsaw work closely together on European security and defence but declined comment on "current domestic political debates in Poland".

While ties between Poland and Germany have been frosty since PiS first came to power in 2015, Poles now see them worsening. Just 47% think relations are good, according to a German Polish barometer poll this year, down from 72% in 2020.

Many Poles, included 56% of respondents in the opinion poll, feel Germany has not done enough to compensate for the damage inflicted by the war. PiS has called on Germany to pay over 1 trillion euros in reparations, which Berlin rejected.

A PiS source who requested anonymity described relations as "competitive", saying Berlin and Warsaw "could work together on many issues" but others were divisive, including reparations.

Two German lawmakers privately told Reuters that Berlin could have been more forthcoming in addressing Polish concerns and take conciliatory steps over the issue of reparations.

"I think we should be looking beyond the cartoonish (Polish policy) that this (election) campaign has put in front of us. It's the moment for Germany to look into the mirror," said Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff of the German Marshall Fund.

Scholz's government has largely brushed off the attacks from PiS. A government source said Berlin was extra cautious not to even inadvertently provoke Warsaw.

"We're treading on egg shells," the source said.

To be sure, some analysts believe the Polish rhetoric towards Berlin could be dialled down after the elections.

But irritants on both sides are likely to persist, including over migration, which again mushroomed into a flashpoint over a cash-for-visas scandal in Poland last month.

"Now, to be honest, what I hope will happen is that my president will invite the two leaders kind of the way he did the leaders from Japan and South Korea, invited them to Camp David,” Hodges said.

"You know, maybe at some point President (Joe) Biden meets President (Andrzej) Duda and Chancellor Scholz and says: Fellows, we have got to fix it."

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Wang Yi calls for speedy 'green transformation' around Trans-Himalayas region​

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday called for speedy green transformation around the trans-Himalayan region in pushing for sustainable economic development of the area.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks at the third China Xizang Trans-Himalaya Forum for International Cooperation held in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region.

Guess which trans-Himalayan country was not present ;)

Somebody is about to croak soon, dying outside of Xizang must feel pretty bad.

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Here’s What to Know About Tensions Over Tibetan Buddhism​

Much centers on the question of who gets to choose the successor of the Dalai Lama when he dies.
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A documentary by a Taiwanese Youtuber about the rapidly dwindling Indian Chinese community in Kolkata and India in general. Most of the people he interviewed are of Hakka decent. Many of the older generation can speak Hakka and Mandarin, but the newer generation can't do so anymore. The Indian Chinese population in Kolkata had reduced from around 20000 to about 2000 people. The only ones left behind are mostly the older folks. That is a staggering loss of population. The Indian Chinese used to run thriving businesses like the leather industry, but that have largely disappeared. The Chinatown in Kolkata used to be a thriving place, with its own Chinese vernacular school and Chinese temples. Now all of that is being abandoned as the Indian Chinese are moving overseas. They are moving to places like Taiwan province, Canada, or the US. Why not Mainland China? I suspect it has something to do with growing up in an anti-China environment, and also the PRC's strict immigration policies.

The elephant in the room is why the Indian Chinese are leaving India. The older folks say that since the 1962 war, the Indian government and community have been treating them badly. Business and career opportunities dwindled, and they have never recovered since. They won't say it directly, but what they are experiencing is basically state racism. This reflects very badly on India as a so called multiracial nation. The overseas Chinese diaspora are very resilient people. They have survived and thrived in SEA, and the West, despite facing intense racism in their adopted countries. But in India, they can't even take it anymore. That means that India had to be practicing racism on a level beyond the worse levels in SEA and the West. India had actually achieved a relatively bloodless, but successful ethnic cleansing of its own overseas Chinese community. Yet India dares to call itself a "Mother of Democracy". India is a terribly racist country. Only the fascist nations ruled by Nazis are worse. We should all remember that whenever India seeks to become a Supapowa, because it would not be a good thing for Asia.
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Somebody is about to croak soon, dying outside of Xizang must feel pretty bad.

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Here’s What to Know About Tensions Over Tibetan Buddhism​

Much centers on the question of who gets to choose the successor of the Dalai Lama when he dies.
The only one true next Dalai Lama is the one selected by the Golden Urn in Xizang, China.

It would be hilarious if the West and India selected their very own false Dalai Lamas, with both of them fighting for legitimacy outside of Xizang. The CIA-aligned CTA appointing their own false Dalai Lama. While the Modi selects his own false Dalai Lama that would be loyal only to him. I think its quite feasible, and would be very entertaining to watch.


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The only one true next Dalai Lama is the one selected by the Golden Urn in Xizang, China.

It would be hilarious if the West and India selected their very own false Dalai Lamas, with both of them fighting for legitimacy outside of Xizang. The CIA-aligned CTA appointing their own false Dalai Lama. While the Modi selects his own false Dalai Lama that would be loyal only to him. I think its quite feasible, and would be very entertaining to watch.

Modi will launch sargical strike against the fake-ass CIA Dalai. Canada will get butthurt and cut relations with India.


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A documentary by a Taiwanese Youtuber about the rapidly dwindling Indian Chinese community in Kolkata and India in general. Most of the people he interviewed are of Hakka decent. Many of the older generation can speak Hakka and Mandarin, but the newer generation can't do so anymore. The Indian Chinese population in Kolkata had reduced from around 20000 to about 2000 people. The only ones left behind are mostly the older folks. That is a staggering loss of population. The Indian Chinese used to run thriving businesses like the leather industry, but that have largely disappeared. The Chinatown in Kolkata used to be a thriving place, with its own Chinese vernacular school and Chinese temples. Now all of that is being abandoned as the Indian Chinese are moving overseas. They are moving to places like Taiwan province, Canada, or the US. Why not Mainland China? I suspect it has something to do with growing up in an anti-China environment, and also the PRC's strict immigration policies.

The elephant in the room is why the Indian Chinese are leaving India. The older folks say that since the 1962 war, the Indian government and community have been treating them badly. Business and career opportunities dwindled, and they have never recovered since. They won't say it directly, but what they are experiencing is basically state racism. This reflects very badly on India as a so called multiracial nation. The overseas Chinese diaspora are very resilient people. They have survived and thrived in SEA, and the West, despite facing intense racism in their adopted countries. But in India, they can't even take it anymore. That means that India had to be practicing racism on a level beyond the worse levels in SEA and the West. India had actually achieved a relatively bloodless, but successful ethnic cleansing of its own overseas Chinese community. Yet India dares to call itself a "Mother of Democracy". India is a terribly racist country. Only the fascist nations ruled by Nazis are worse. We should all remember that whenever India seeks to become a Supapowa, because it would not be a good thing for Asia.

"relatively bloodless"

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The stories of these people are rarely mentioned, but many Chinese in India post 1962 were put into concentration camps and continued to face discrimination.

In 1965, the Indian government began to release the internees. They were allowed to leave the camp in small batches. The last internees were released from Deoli in mid-1967, after four and half years of captivity.[6] However, when the internees were transported to their old neighbourhoods, the local governments often did not know what to do with them and kept them in local prisons, in some cases for more than a year.[11]
After the internees were freed after years of incarceration, many discovered that their properties had been sold off in their absence, but were only offered tiny sums for compensation. Almost all internees had their homes, shops, and factories looted or taken over by locals.[6]The Chinese population in Calcutta decreased by half, from 20,000 to 10,000. Those who remained were seen as enemies, and most could not hold any job except in the restaurant, tanning, and shoemaking businesses.[12] Moreover, their movements were restricted. Until the mid-1980s, the Chinese-Indians were required to report to designated police stations once a month; until the mid-1990s, they had to apply for special permits to travel more than a few kilometres from their homes.[6]

Not sure if people know this but I think India is the only country to have put Chinese people in concentration camps (maybe imperial Japan did as well?). All this cause Indians were butthurt about losing the 1962 war to China.