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We literally have that, Taiwan under DPP is liberal ruled China. Not even they dip that low.
It's a small island, that did get quite a lot of help/investment from US.

Not to mention Chiang took A LOT of wealth from mainland China when he fled to Taiwan.

TL: DR, liberally ruled China would be far worse off than both current day China and current day Taiwan.

The bigger coastal cities might be like Taipei, but much of rural and poorer China would be 'near' India level.


Registered Member
It's a small island, that did get quite a lot of help/investment from US.

Not to mention Chiang took A LOT of wealth from mainland China when he fled to Taiwan.

TL: DR, liberally ruled China would be far worse off than both current day China and current day Taiwan.

The bigger coastal cities might be like Taipei, but much of rural and poorer China would be 'near' India level.
No China will be worse off but never as bad as India. Not even in Chiang's time. China's social development need to go back to Qing era to come close.


Staff member
Super Moderator
It's a small island, that did get quite a lot of help/investment from US.

Not to mention Chiang took A LOT of wealth from mainland China when he fled to Taiwan.

TL: DR, liberally ruled China would be far worse off than both current day China and current day Taiwan.

The bigger coastal cities might be like Taipei, but much of rural and poorer China would be 'near' India level.

Libera rules China will have neither Xinjiang nor Tibet. It may even lose a chunk of Gansu and Sichuan. Developmentally you’ll see some model cites along the coast like Shanghai and Guangzhou but the wealth disparity will tremendous.


Registered Member
"relatively bloodless"

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The stories of these people are rarely mentioned, but many Chinese in India post 1962 were put into concentration camps and continued to face discrimination.

Not sure if people know this but I think India is the only country to have put Chinese people in concentration camps (maybe imperial Japan did as well?). All this cause Indians were butthurt about losing the 1962 war to China.
"relatively bloodless"

Concentration camps yes. But no death squads, mass graves, or gas chambers. 1962 India was still a led by Congress. Cruel and racist, but not Nazi level yet.

But today's India is governed by the BJP, which is essentially the RSS. So all bets are off if another Sino-India war erupts. If there are any remaining Indian Chinese still stuck in India, get the hell out of there ASAP! We don't know when India is gonna pull another backstab on China, and provoke a hot war.


Lieutenant General
If this is genocide I think a lot of homeless people in San Francisco are gonna volunteer for genocide.

Thats actually some next level flexing by China.

They outright won their own war on terror by completely curbstomping ISIS, Al-K and all the other extremists terrorists organisations that dared to try to come into China; and made being a ‘genocided’ minority comprehensively better than being a member of the white majority in the west.

No wonder the collective west utterly lost their shit over Xinjiang and went into fake news overdrive to create an industrial amount of fabricated bullshit to bury the truth under. Because if their own populations ever learnt the truth, not only would the blacks be rioting demanding the same ‘genocide’ the whites and the whole literal rainbow will be out rioting demanding the same.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Thats actually some next level flexing by China.

They outright won their own war on terror by completely curbstomping ISIS, Al-K and all the other extremists terrorists organisations that dared to try to come into China; and made being a ‘genocided’ minority comprehensively better than being a member of the white majority in the west.

No wonder the collective west utterly lost their shit over Xinjiang and went into fake news overdrive to create an industrial amount of fabricated bullshit to bury the truth under. Because if their own populations ever learnt the truth, not only would the blacks be rioting demanding the same ‘genocide’ the whites and the whole literal rainbow will be out rioting demanding the same.

Or worse, they’ll be demanding the genocide from Uncle Xi and Uncle Chen. The only way for that happen would require…


Registered Member

A documentary by a Taiwanese Youtuber about the rapidly dwindling Indian Chinese community in Kolkata and India in general. Most of the people he interviewed are of Hakka decent. Many of the older generation can speak Hakka and Mandarin, but the newer generation can't do so anymore. The Indian Chinese population in Kolkata had reduced from around 20000 to about 2000 people. The only ones left behind are mostly the older folks. That is a staggering loss of population. The Indian Chinese used to run thriving businesses like the leather industry, but that have largely disappeared. The Chinatown in Kolkata used to be a thriving place, with its own Chinese vernacular school and Chinese temples. Now all of that is being abandoned as the Indian Chinese are moving overseas. They are moving to places like Taiwan province, Canada, or the US. Why not Mainland China? I suspect it has something to do with growing up in an anti-China environment, and also the PRC's strict immigration policies.

The elephant in the room is why the Indian Chinese are leaving India. The older folks say that since the 1962 war, the Indian government and community have been treating them badly. Business and career opportunities dwindled, and they have never recovered since. They won't say it directly, but what they are experiencing is basically state racism. This reflects very badly on India as a so called multiracial nation. The overseas Chinese diaspora are very resilient people. They have survived and thrived in SEA, and the West, despite facing intense racism in their adopted countries. But in India, they can't even take it anymore. That means that India had to be practicing racism on a level beyond the worse levels in SEA and the West. India had actually achieved a relatively bloodless, but successful ethnic cleansing of its own overseas Chinese community. Yet India dares to call itself a "Mother of Democracy". India is a terribly racist country. Only the fascist nations ruled by Nazis are worse. We should all remember that whenever India seeks to become a Supapowa, because it would not be a good thing for Asia.

Yeah a lot of these people are in Canada now. So much so that "Hakka food" here is synonymous with Indo-Chinese food.
I think they don't move to China mainly because of the immigration policies and the cultural drift. Most of them are 3rd generation by this point, they may not even speak their native language anymore (which was never Mandarin to begin with). Also, as per one of the other articles posted, many lack formal education as well.


Registered Member
It's a small island, that did get quite a lot of help/investment from US.

Not to mention Chiang took A LOT of wealth from mainland China when he fled to Taiwan.

TL: DR, liberally ruled China would be far worse off than both current day China and current day Taiwan.

The bigger coastal cities might be like Taipei, but much of rural and poorer China would be 'near' India level.

The reality is a lot of the economic growth of Taiwan is thanks to illiberal governments. Growth under Chiang Ching Kuo, also growth as a result of reopening of ties with PRC.

What did DPP build?