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AfD leader hospitalized after alleged attack​

Tino Chrupalla, the co-chair of Germany’s AfD, was hospitalized on Wednesday after collapsing at a campaign event in Ingolstadt, the party’s national website reported. While the details of the incident have not been officially made public, the party hinted at an “assault incident” precipitating his collapse.

Sources exclusively told RT.de that the politician was attacked using a syringe containing an unknown liquid that caused anaphylactic shock. Police reportedly told Austrian journalist Gerald Grosz, who was also listed to speak at the rally, that Chrupalla had collapsed after taking selfies with members of the public.

The Upper Bavaria North Police Headquarters announced on Wednesday evening that Chrupalla was found to have had no apparent injury at the hospital, according to German news outlet Focus, though other outlets have indicated that his situation is “still being clarified.” The Ingolstadt Criminal Investigation Department is reportedly looking into the incident, and police have asked any attendees who took photos or videos in the area to submit them online via a special upload portal.

Chrupalla’s AfD co-chair, Alice Weidel, had canceled a Unity Day appearance in Bavaria-Thuringia on Tuesday for security reasons following a threat of attack to her second home in Switzerland that required the relocation of her family with a security escort.

AfD members and their families frequently require personal protection due to violent threats, physical attacks, and vandalism, according to German media outlets – Chrupalla himself has been attacked before – but party representative Stephan Brandner told NZZ that a threat requiring the relocation of a politician and her entire family to a safe house was unprecedented in post-war Germany.

The party’s defense policy spokesman, Rudiger Lucassen, warned the outlet that the “heated political climate” in which AfD was routinely demonized by other parties could easily produce “an attack with fatal consequences against one of our members.”

While the AfD has grown in popularity among the German electorate to the point that it plans to nominate its own candidate for chancellor for the first time in 2025, victory would require one or more coalition partners to run the federal government. Germany’s other parties have thus far refused to work with the right-wing populists, who are often denounced as extremist bogeymen by the media.

The AfD’s youth wing was designated an extremist organization by the German federal government earlier this year, subjecting its members to covert surveillance and onerous legal hurdles for employment and weapons licenses. The party has been illegally shut out of the two main public news channels and was labeled a suspected threat to democracy last year, while some in party leadership worry that despite – or perhaps because of – its increasing popularity, attempts may soon be made to ban it from politics entirely.
Sources exclusively told RT.de that the politician was attacked using a syringe containing an unknown liquid that caused anaphylactic shock. Police reportedly told Austrian journalist Gerald Grosz, who was also listed to speak at the rally, that Chrupalla had collapsed after taking selfies with members of the public.


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Few anecdotes from myself and my family:

- When I was at elementary school after a quarrel with a bully I was told by a teacher that I was lucky that they treat me so well here in Italy because elsewhere they would have told me to go home, imagine telling such a racist bs to a 9 years old kid

- If you have a dispute with a neighbour you might have every reason in the world but the police officers will always side with the italian neighbour.
He can do to you whatever he wants to annoy you and no police officer would ever lift a finger, but if you dare to pay back with the same thing, alas, be prepared to have them coming to your door again and again and to face unpleasant consequences.

- When my nephew made a small scratch on another kid in the kindergarten, the teachers made us to apologise to the kid and to his family, but when another kid made a bump on my nephew's head with a wooden rod they pretended that is was totally fine and even acted offended by our questions.

I don't know if other europeans countries are better but Italy is totally not a safe place to live in and to run business for chinese people, even when the we try to avoid contact with the locals because every time we try we are burned they manage to criticize us for being a "closed community that does not try to integrate in the society".

The labour protections you mention are a thing of the past, nowadays many youngsters and immigrants work on precarious employments that have none of those benefits.
This is sad to hear...but too often a common story for Chinese immigrants in numerous other countries.

But certainly not a surprise at all.

The Italian-AMERICANS here in murica are definitely some of the worst experiences I've had too. Same kinda utter psychotic, deranged toxicity. Same kinda double standards and hypocrisy. Same kinda total lack of self awareness regarding integration and not seeing themselves as the problem.

I'm gonna be honest and say that I have had far too many negative experiences with Italians of all kinds everywhere and almost very little positive experiences. Like rare AF.

I don't know...maybe it's just them for once.

What else are they known for after the overrated Roman Empire?

Sending disgusting and sickening pedophile boy lover Catholic priests out to every corner of the world.

Oh and exporting gangbangers who think they're sophisticated because they wear suits and drink wine.

If anyone in Europe ever makes the mistake of warring with Russia they'll finally see firsthand just how pathetically they've fallen...and if Russia needs help lol ok sure!

China should take revenge for all those European atrocities during the century of humiliation.


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Same but a bit better in Germany.

1st gen migrants moved here out of economical necessity, now that europe is indeed EU-Nuch and Europoor this necessity to stay in europe is not existent anymore.
Agree it's same in the netherlands, I can handle the racism it's something I'm used too since I was like 4 years old. But lately everything is getting more expensive in the netherlands, my salary is not really growing fast enough so I'm losing buying power. I have no money problems but relatively seen my living costs grow faster than my salary.

So I'm asking why even stay here and be subjected to this light workplace discrimination while I can most probably earn more and pay less taxes in Asia.


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The real America the American dream crime crack head and homeless china should broadcast this video all around ever news station.
Not saying it's not a problem but that's an exaggeration. I'd say last year I was in different parts of San Francisco probably four or five days a week. Most of that in the video are basically bad neighborhoods and parts of downtown in San Francisco where there wasn't a lot of business activity in the first place. The same people who make these types of videos are the same who say China is collapsing. Just as we see Republicans in red states shipping migrants to blue states, it's been long suspected that for a long time before they were doing that with their homeless in their states giving them a bus ticket to San Francisco or Los Angeles. The Republicans want to portray these cities as an example of failure because they're traditionally Democratic just like they want to portray China as a failed country because it's run by communists.


Dam breach in Indian-occupied Sikkim. Apparently from heavy rainfall.
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HT reporting that the dam was "damaged", and only at least 30 people reported "missing". Looking at the videos from X, its much more than that.
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The dam was brand new, built in 2014.
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Today is the 17th anniversary of Wikileaks, which exposed one of the war crimes below.


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lmao the Blue Dot Network is still a thing?

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Just to rub it in Canadian faces their lack of sovereignty:

MK-ULTRA mind control experiments:
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The United States government cannot be sued in Canada for its alleged role in infamous brainwashing experiments at a Montreal psychiatric hospital, Quebec's Court of Appeal ruled this week.

The proposed class-action lawsuit is about the MK-ULTRA program — allegedly funded by the Canadian government and the CIA between the 1940s and 1960s at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute, which was affiliated with McGill University.

In a 3-0 decision rendered Monday, the province's highest court upheld a lower court decision that said a 1982 Canadian law governing how foreign states can be sued in the country cannot be used retroactively.
The court case stems from a January 2019 class-action application filed against McGill University, the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Canadian and U.S. governments after 300 Montrealers allegedly had their memories erased and were reduced to childlike states.


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An article by Reuters published in Singapore's Straits Times: this writing is the PERFECT example of the dishonesty of Western propaganda. Throughout the entire article on Ukrainian Nazi veterans celebrated in Canada, they failed to mention the word "Ukraine" or "Ukrainian" even once. Not even the name of the unit SS Galicia (the name of Western Ukraine) Division was mentioned, and of course also fails to mention that official Ukrainian national heroes like Stefan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych were also Nazi war criminals. So, instead of exposing the Canadian government for covering up for Ukrainian war crimes, they make it look like this is purely between Jews, Canada and Germany.
Han and earlier dynasty crossbows were amongst some of the best weapons in the ancient world
We've gone on about this for very long, so I'll keep it brief: China had crossbow tech, Greco-Romans had more torsion weapons, the ballista and onager etc. different requirements different advantages, no need to compare
that such tactics are definitely defeatable.
By the late Empire the Romans reverted to the fulcum, a kind of Greco-Macedonian phalanx, because their prior tactics were so ineffective against Goth/Vandal, Persian cavalry — the vast majority of their military problems were from Parthians and Persians (cavalry) — goes to show how specific their challenges were during their Golden Age period and their lack of exposure to steppe warfare like the Han had.
without those Auxillaries Rome would've ran out of human capital
That's precisely the thing, Rome was a kind of warmongering self-cannibalizing machine that did not have long term planning. Auxillaries were "paid" by getting citizenship rights after 25 years service. What happens when citizenship becomes widespread? What happens when you need to expand citizenship more quickly to boost tax revenues and increase political integration? No answer. Roman forces always relied on non-sustainable incentives.
Catholic priests out to every corner of the world.
gangbangers who think they're sophisticated
Correction here. First, Mafia come from Naples and Sicily, impoverished regions conquered by Italy. Many of them are not even willing to be Italians. also, very few missionaries were Italians as compared to all other European nationalities, especially during the colonial period. The Vatican is not part of Italy and in fact fought hard to resist Italian unification. There is an Italian saying, "no Italian was ever impressed by a Pope". Since the Middle Ages, Catholicism was much more deeply shaped by French influence. So they can't claim the Roman Catholic Church as theirs either.


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Apparently, western liberal democracies involve political assassinations. Truly, a model for the world. Also, they’re getting sloppy, whatever happened to suiciding someone who can shoot themselves twice in the back of the head and put themselves in a garbage bag?

Interesting comment; if Apple really was trying to bully Chinese factories to move out of China, then they deserve everything coming to them.