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Trump is not ruling out being the new House speaker​

Believe it or not, the House speaker doesn't actually have to be serving in the House.

Even though it will unlikely happen, imagine Comrade Trump being speaker of the house :cool:

View attachment 119629

That would be the ultimate revenge. When that happens we can do a who must go meme with Trump.


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31 deaths in 48 hours in a government-run hospital in Maharashtra. Big questions about hygiene and negligence.
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India had been busy telling everyone that it has become a Supapowa. Yet India can still have a govt-run hospital that look like this. Who knows how many more of them looks like this.

Horrible. RIP to those victims. They were victims of negligence, not unlucky patients. It is very sad that their government, and the Jai Hinds were more concerned about promoting Bharat Supapowa than decent healthcare for the common Indians.

As usual, the blame game begins.

More videos for everyone to see how the Bharat superpower has arrived.


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More videos for everyone to see how the Bharat superpower has arrived.
Hmmm. What goes around comes around but to be reasonable, if the USA was trying to get India on side to mess with China, this alone shows how quick the USA is in regards to throwing in the towel when they don’t get its way. I mean, if China was to do something like this (hypothetically speaking), they would’ve spent years to do it while the USA expects results they moment they throw billions at the problem, which is just like the situation with Ukraine, which ultimately results in a massive f@ck up in the end.

Still Indias inability to fix things and lack of ability to self reflect is a problem that will never be solved until they get rid of this caste system along with well toning down its religious dependence on drinking cow piss entirely. Heck, the amount of Indians pouring into the area where I live is a good indication as to how much a dumpster India is now in that the moment they have the money, they nick off to green pastures without a second thought. Besides, I can safety say that going there as a woman is a death sentence given Indias current reputation for well, gang related violent sexual deviant activity to put it as mildly as humanly possible. No wonder why the USA is ability to milk this so easily despite being no better if we are being serious about this because we can all see the cities in the USA slowly descending to Indian level and that is something that no western nation should ever compared to on any level, even Japan with its extreme beta male tendencies and Canada with its Nazi bull crap has yet to go down that path and given how they are supposed to be inferior to the USA, this is a surprise to me
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Registered Member
RIP to the victims. Now is not the time to take shots at Indian QC. Crappy iPhones is one thing but dozens of lives lost is another.
Would Indians on twitter and the commentaries have extended that level of civility to Chinese if the roles were reversed? What was their behaviour last year during the Zhengzhou floods? Indians can always choose to believe in “alternative facts” such as the Indian army massacring hundreds of PLA in Galwan and how anglos will build them up to counter China.
My only sympathy are to the Sikkimese who would have benefited from an independent government had the Indians not invaded them.
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what is with the Europea/ caucasoid obsession with birth rates and ”The Great Replacement? Pure projection Hiding a dark wish of greed.

In fact, this EU …piece shows just how the EU sees itself in a multipolar world
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I don’t see any British or American archetypes there; strange how they don’t see themselves contending against the anglosphere despite US policies killing European industry eg nordstream


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Would Indians on twitter and the commentaries have extended that level of civility to Chinese if the roles were reversed? What was their behaviour last year during the Zhengzhou floods? Indians can always choose to believe in “alternative facts” such as the Indian army massacring hundreds of PLA in Galwan and how anglos will build them up to counter China.
My only sympathy are to the Sikkimese who would have benefited from an independent government had the Indians not invaded them.

what is with the Europea/ caucasoid obsession with birth rates and ”The Great Replacement? Pure projection Hiding a dark wish of greed.

In fact, this EU …piece shows just how the EU sees itself in a multipolar world
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I don’t see any British or American archetypes there; strange how they don’t see themselves contending against the anglosphere despite US policies killing European industry eg nordstream

You are gonna descend to their level now? Seriously?


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Good news, 'journalists' will soon find themselves out of a job in HK.
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Business Insider

MSM still figuring out how to slander Chinese EVs and self-driving as China pulls ahead in tech.
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The Blaze
Brad Templeton, a consultant and a former member of Google’s self-driving car team (now
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), said that a fleet of robotaxis could be “a potent weapon,”
possibly used to crash into and kill people in the event of an armed conflict.

Rep. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, chair of a House subcommittee on communications and technology, said
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that “Communist China poses an immediate threat to our national security through their use of driverless cars within our very borders.”
US competitor of Chinese self-driving cars fear-mongers on Chinese companies, how unexpected.


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You are gonna descend to their level now? Seriously?
Come now, I am simply respecting the Indian belief in karma as an agent of nemesis. Strangely, for a culture that makes a big deal about spirituality and religion, they sure do care a lot about earthly matters like nickel and diming every square inch of the border with China and getting mad because they can’t murder who they want, the way their idols in the anglosphere can.

The Conducian attitude of being a better role model and example works for civilised and morally upright people~ it does not work for individuals who function more like mouths with feet, who regard acts of mercy as weakness, and who sought to kick china at a time when she was under attack. You can’t teach these people civility without using the hard rod of humiliating them, laughing at them by pointing out the ridiculous notions of superiority they have are juxtaposed with the designated streets for laying faeces, universal healthcare where scores of newborns die due to unhygienic practices or in the case of America, the streets of fentanyl conscripts for their war against china.

As a Chinese diplomat once put it: turning the other cheek is a western pipe dream, the Chinese practice is to strike back hard when attacked.

Now back to the news, it looks like the US elites are experiencing a power struggle between millennial, zoomer factions and gerontocrats
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