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I always hear about people saying that Italy is a particularly surprisingly racist place. My closest experience is my mother took a trip there one time and people thought she was Japanese until she pulled out the American passport, and then instantly the hostility and negativity would go away and they become nice all of a sudden.

Is it that bad?

Few anecdotes from myself and my family:

- When I was at elementary school after a quarrel with a bully I was told by a teacher that I was lucky that they treat me so well here in Italy because elsewhere they would have told me to go home, imagine telling such a racist bs to a 9 years old kid

- If you have a dispute with a neighbour you might have every reason in the world but the police officers will always side with the italian neighbour.
He can do to you whatever he wants to annoy you and no police officer would ever lift a finger, but if you dare to pay back with the same thing, alas, be prepared to have them coming to your door again and again and to face unpleasant consequences.

- When my nephew made a small scratch on another kid in the kindergarten, the teachers made us to apologise to the kid and to his family, but when another kid made a bump on my nephew's head with a wooden rod they pretended that is was totally fine and even acted offended by our questions.

I don't know if other europeans countries are better but Italy is totally not a safe place to live in and to run business for chinese people, even when the we try to avoid contact with the locals because every time we try we are burned they manage to criticize us for being a "closed community that does not try to integrate in the society".

There's plenty of reasons still. Despite their impending doom.

The truth is that Europe is still better for most people until you get to a bare minimum of 7 figures of net worth. In USD that is.

Even at 7 figures you must still think very hard and carefully about whether or not you can maintain that level of income or that quality of life in a completely different employment market and demand market. Not to mention the numerous other deeply personal choices like if you even like living in the U.S. Or would enjoy living in a poorer and not as developed country. Not to mention just simply being separated from your people and being the outsider.

IMHO it's not until you can get to 8 figures of networth (this is doable for just doctors and lawyers...you just need to be a good one) that the U.S. becomes and undeniably better place to be.

Reason being that Europe's social services, culture towards combating exploitation and abusive employers, and overall benefits of living in a society that isn't completely consumed by greed and selfishness still puts it miles ahead of the U.S.

Norway I believe gives you 8 weeks or possibly 7 weeks of PTO annuallly as a federal law! That alone makes it enticing for someone who just doesn't care about climbing the ladder anymore and simply wants to enjoy life.

but the other social services is enticing as well.

Can't be fired without the employer proving that you actually did suck at your job andddddd that the employer took multiple, numerous, and earnest-effort steps to try and get you to perform up to minimal standards. That's a straight law for most of Europe BTW.

In reality, the culture is also different regarding employment law. In the U.S. even if you had a law like this then the only thing that would happen would be people gaslighting employees they don't like until their performance or something else suffers badly enough to warrant documentation lthen they would simply make completely bad faith efforts to try and document proof that the employee is failing rather than just trying to help, and finally fire teh employee. In Europe, this kind of toxic culture and overall attitudes of shitbaggery and shittiness to human beings is not nearly as tolerated or acceptable.

Of course, the whole free healthcare, free education, long unemployment, etc. is leagues ahead of what the U.S. offers.

Not saying that there aren't problems with Europe. The non-euorpean European citizens that I've talked to have all mentioned that you are most certainly an outsider and they let you know it...albeit not necessarily in aggressive or hostile ways all the time, but it will happen sooner or later. Also, it's true that in the long run Europe is likely doomed to become what they were before the Renaissance...a violent and warlike shithole.

The labour protections you mention are a thing of the past, nowadays many youngsters and immigrants work on precarious employments that have none of those benefits.


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it is a terrible idea for Xi to ask to meet anyone from the US except Biden, as that breaks diplomatic protocol. he should only meet at the explicit request of others and has the right to refuse.
Well it doesn’t hurt to speak to US Congress directly since they are ones really driving US foreign policy. Biden had to be tough on China to please his gerontocrats. If the top gerontocrats could be “persuaded” to change, there would be a high chance Biden could change, too.


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EU Formally Opens Anti-Subsidies Probe Into EVs Made in China​

October 4, 2023 at 2:57 AM EDT

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More illusions of grandeur.

What they really are suggesting, is that Chinese state subsidies prevented the rise of the European wide EV and battery industries.

You see, the Chinese are polite. They are not gonna say, "Man, you freaking whacked out on drugs."

That is why those rebuttals from the Foreign Ministry are like stale bread. It is embarrassing for everybody.


Time to open their gates with Fentanyl and hypersonic missiles!


A potato

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I havent studied situation that time but highly likely if China still partnered with USSR it would not have received Western support and ultimately both will have stagnated anyway,
but one thing is clear Gulf Arabs were against Soviet communist party not just because they were communist but they have Turkic inside in power. and that include Afghan of 1980s. when Japanese PM says that Saudi are leader of Islamic world. what does it mean in practical terms?. it means Japan will not do any business in Turkic states or Iran without consulting Gulf Arabs. think about this thing. Even today Gulf Arabs can rolled up entirely of SCO by tweaking some things. and thats reason Russia keep certain distance from Afghan as it can reveal things about Arabs to Turks.
Kuwait was pro soviet or friendly to the soviets.


Senior Member
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Few anecdotes from myself and my family:

- When I was at elementary school after a quarrel with a bully I was told by a teacher that I was lucky that they treat me so well here in Italy because elsewhere they would have told me to go home, imagine telling such a racist bs to a 9 years old kid

- If you have a dispute with a neighbour you might have every reason in the world but the police officers will always side with the italian neighbour.
He can do to you whatever he wants to annoy you and no police officer would ever lift a finger, but if you dare to pay back with the same thing, alas, be prepared to have them coming to your door again and again and to face unpleasant consequences.

- When my nephew made a small scratch on another kid in the kindergarten, the teachers made us to apologise to the kid and to his family, but when another kid made a bump on my nephew's head with a wooden rod they pretended that is was totally fine and even acted offended by our questions.

I don't know if other europeans countries are better but Italy is totally not a safe place to live in and to run business for chinese people, even when the we try to avoid contact with the locals because every time we try we are burned they manage to criticize us for being a "closed community that does not try to integrate in the society".

The labour protections you mention are a thing of the past, nowadays many youngsters and immigrants work on precarious employments that have none of those benefits.
Same but a bit better in Germany.

1st gen migrants moved here out of economical necessity, now that europe is indeed EU-Nuch and Europoor this necessity to stay in europe is not existent anymore.


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Dam breach in Indian-occupied Sikkim. Apparently from heavy rainfall.
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HT reporting that the dam was "damaged", and only at least 30 people reported "missing". Looking at the videos from X, its much more than that.
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Bharat Supapowa had spent a lot of time complaining about Chinese upstream dams in the Himalayas, when itself had built dams that slowed water flow downstream to Bangladesh. Bharat Supapowa joined the chorus of the Western and Hanjian media, gleefully predicting the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam. Perhaps India should just learn to shut up and improve its infrastructure. But knowing India, they'll eventually play this disaster down, and continue their Jai Bharat, trash China talk.
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Dam breach in Indian-occupied Sikkim. Apparently from heavy rainfall.
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HT reporting that the dam was "damaged", and only at least 30 people reported "missing". Looking at the videos from X, its much more than that.
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Bharat Supapowa had spent a lot of time complaining about Chinese upstream dams in the Himalayas, when itself had built dams that slowed water flow downstream to Bangladesh. Bharat Supapowa joined the chorus of the Western and Hanjian media, gleefully predicting the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam. Perhaps India should just learn to shut up and improve its infrastructure. But knowing India, they'll eventually play this disaster down, and continue their Jai Bharat, trash China talk.
If the safe dams are in India and the US while the Three Gorges are collapsing than there must be a lot of collapsing dams in this world.


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Dam breach in Indian-occupied Sikkim. Apparently from heavy rainfall.
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HT reporting that the dam was "damaged", and only at least 30 people reported "missing". Looking at the videos from X, its much more than that.
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Bharat Supapowa had spent a lot of time complaining about Chinese upstream dams in the Himalayas, when itself had built dams that slowed water flow downstream to Bangladesh. Bharat Supapowa joined the chorus of the Western and Hanjian media, gleefully predicting the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam. Perhaps India should just learn to shut up and improve its infrastructure. But knowing India, they'll eventually play this disaster down, and continue their Jai Bharat, trash China talk.

RIP to the victims. Now is not the time to take shots at Indian QC. Crappy iPhones is one thing but dozens of lives lost is another.