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Registered Member
I know a lot of people here and china look down on humanities/social science major but in my opinion it's not healthy in general. Humanity/Social Science is useful in some area. A good example is related to media/propaganda.. Chinese propaganda is clumsy in general because the government is hiring wrong guy in charge. In general, nobody hired a STEM graduate for marketing purpose. Like, the Taliban understand how to use meme while i doubt the older guy in propaganda department understand meme and how to use it.
I try to not look the down to them, it just happen that a lot of these think tankers with horrible bad takes in really complicated subjects come from these schools, I'm just surprised that people who graduated from law schools all the sudden have such influence over a 600 billion dollar industry like the semiconductor industry. It looks like now US politicians who don't know what a transistor is, see the people semiconductor industry as greedy nerds and now these think tankers have become the only voice they want to hear.
In your example a lot of think tankers are not diplomats, they are lawyers or graduated in some weird something studies but not diplomacy.


Registered Member
Believe or not, in the wake of the Iraq invasion the think tankers of the American enterprise institute, the ones instigated the invasion of Iraq didn't have a clear understanding of the Sunni - Shia divide. Their knowledge of the region was very poor and they didn't understand the complexity of the situation of the region.


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Believe or not, in the wake of the Iraq invasion the think tankers of the American enterprise institute, the ones instigated the invasion of Iraq didn't have a clear understanding of the Sunni - Shia divide. Their knowledge of the region was very poor and they didn't understand the complexity of the situation of the region.

I believe it. The anti-terrorist chief under Bush didn’t know the difference between Sunni and Shia and thought that Bin Laden was Shia.


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A poster in the Huawei cafeteria about an American reporter's interview with a Chinese soldier heading to the front lines during WWII.

American reporter: How old are you?
Chinese soldier: 16 years old.

American reporter: Do you miss your family?
Chinese soldier: They are all dead already.

American reporter: Do you believe China can win?
Chinese soldier: China will undoubtedly win.

American reporter: What will you do after China wins? Get married and have kids? Or stay in the army?
Chinese soldier chuckles: By then, I will have already died in battle.

james smith esq

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majoring in humanities or social science is how you min-max your opportunity to become homeless and/or selling yourself as a prostitute. either the sexual or propaganda kind.
Actually, “physical” scientists and engineers are the biggest prostitutes there are, as all their inventions belong to their slave masters. Tell me that works for hire ain’t glorified prostitution! Unless they‘re funding their own research, which none of them are, they’re nothing but four-eyed, weak-bodied, autistic and socially retarded, desk-jokey, myrmidon, that are “highly” educated to serve the purposes of others. STEM (Stuck Trading Exploitation for Munny)!

Without the “social” science tradition, there would be no holy and sacred “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, no communism, no historical materialism. Funny that so many sycophants that worship at the feet of those that adhere to and advocate these theoretical constructs strive, so desperately, to demean the processes by which these constructs were developed, simply to assuage their social inadequacies and insecurities.

See how ignorant generalizations work? They can be applied equally to everyone!