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Registered Member
Lol shut the fuck up and shove your grade 10 civic class bullshit back up your own ass. The political system and media in Canada are some of the most racist ive ever seen.

Canada is if nothing else a "white is right" country. Freeland's grandfather's a Nazi and she actively denies it, while Han Dong who was cleared is still suspended from the caucus. These people actively bring Nazis to parliament and not check, why? because they are white and assumed to be okay. The white people here kidnapped native children and killed them by the hundreds at residential schools, and don't even have the decency to hand their bodies back, just buried them at school. The army's got so many neo-nazis they dont even bother to discharge them anymore, just ask them to wear long sleeve shirts over their swastikas and Rhodesian flag tattoos.

Hu AnMing was Canadian when the Americans persecuted him, yet not a peep from our white government. The two white spies freelancing for the American CIA get nabbed and the government goes blames a whole ethnicity.

if you honestly think whites and non-white are treated the same you are either a racists or very naïve and stupid.

A few points to consider
- I think there is a big difference between everyday life racism vs. whatever is practiced by the government.
Are people experiencing everyday life racism in Canada? I don't think so for the most part.

- Because there isn't that strong history of hard racism like in the Southern US, (White, but also other) Canadians do think that racism is not a big deal, which in turn lets off real racist BS like Meng Wenzhou arrest, "foreign buyers" taxes, "Chinese influence" etc.

The "Foreign Buyers" bogeyman was especially egregious. The government kept using this coded language, even when it was clear who they were targeting.

Now the Chinese investment and immigration has cooled, but prices are still up, guess it was not Chinese people's fault? Maybe it's Trudeau letting in millions of people and not giving cities any money to develop infrastructure or ways to effectively diversify urban settlement?

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Out of ~ a million people immigrating last year, over a quarter were from India, making the biggest single chunk of the pie. The next was China at only 7%, and it was not a whole lot more people than that hugely populated country of Afghanistan (31,000 vs. 25,000).


Registered Member
I never made a comment on this, but I think I will now.

I do not agree with this "low probability," because it is "zero probability."

Posturing, is just like posturing.

What do Korea and Japan have to gain in a war with China. Will the Americans abandon them when the going gets tough just like the South Vietnamese.

This is not a serious question in my view.

This expression from people who date, like boy and girl going out on a date, kind of sums it up.

Flirting, is not a commitment.

Every girl knows that.

Guys being guys, well, you know how we are.

What did the Nazi Germany have to gain by going 1 v 3 against 3 superpowers each individually stronger than it?

"But we're different". Hear that before?


Registered Member
Try reading this "study" recently published and linked here by our forum member @Taiban which can be read here:

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The level of gaslighting and projection American intellectual class level against China is just beyond comical; it's quite tragic.
View attachment 119427View attachment 119428View attachment 119429

Then read this recent OP-ED published in SCMP by Professor Majoney.
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It's clear that America is hellbent on trying to create provocative conditions as that's the current American strategy is to paint themselves and their allies as the "GOOD GUYS" and China as the "BAD GUY" because that's how quixotic and messianic those people/cultural affinity are. And if China were to take the bait of whipping the bejeesus out of the non-existent PH navy, then America would have managed to accomplishing their tasks in painting China as the cancer that must be stopped, if not destroyed.

As I said, I am against violence in SCS. But an actual forced entry to a PRC-held feature would stain China's credibility. I believe defending the features is a good red line particularly because the Philippines has no legal sovereignty on them. I don't think the Philippines will try that but if they do, I think China should use military force.


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Cyberattacks hit military, Parliament websites as India-based group targets Canada​

The federal government is coping with cyberattacks this week and a hacker group in India claims it has caused chaos in Ottawa — but Canada's signals-intelligence agency says the "nuisance" attacks likely haven't put private information at risk.

The attacks seem to have hit institutions controlled by the government, but not the core infrastructure from which federal departments and agencies operate.

The Canadian Armed Forces says that its website became unavailable to mobile users midday Wednesday, but was fixed within a few hours.

The military says the site is separate from other government sites, such as the one used by the Department of Defence and internal military networks. The incident remains under investigation.

Modi didn't send HAL Tejas but sent cyber warriors instead :(


I wonder where did the Canadian Armed Forces buy the gift cards to get the Indian Hackers to stop the attacks? :p


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Cyberattacks hit military, Parliament websites as India-based group targets Canada​

Modi didn't send HAL Tejas but sent cyber warriors instead :(

View attachment 119436

I wonder where did the Canadian Armed Forces buy the gift cards to get the Indian Hackers to stop the attacks? :p
Looking forward to India completely destroying the 5 eyes.


Junior Member
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As I said, I am against violence in SCS. But an actual forced entry to a PRC-held feature would stain China's credibility. I believe defending the features is a good red line particularly because the Philippines has no legal sovereignty on them. I don't think the Philippines will try that but if they do, I think China should use military force.

No matter what China does it will be accused as aggressive and actions will be taken against China by the west. Whether its more defense spending, more alliance building, more sanctions/bans. This also gives countries like Phillipines and India complete freedom to be extremely aggressive as well. This is the trend of the world.

Sadly next 30-40 years will be full of challenges, fights and tensions for China. And rising without Fighting a war and also not losing more land and getting humiliated will be tough.

The only way to respond is to increase Chinese support and influence for western adverseries such as Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico (Yes!), literally any large non-white country that is a neighbour of the west and has nationalistic physche will be a future western adversary and can be supported by China. Nationalism will give rise to a desire to promote their own uniqueness and desire for more influence and power. That means they will reject western subordination. China just needs to help them rise.


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After the Western powers weaponize the world financial system and semiconductor, do these guys ever look into mirror.
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“In this critical minerals and materials context we are up against a dominant supplier that is willing to weaponize market power for political gain,” Granholm said. “But our global energy crisis has taken on a new dimension, which is the urgency of this clean energy transition.”
Looks like a job for this elite DEA Agent.



Junior Member
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Sir a map of Scarborough shoal, there is only one entrance inside the shoal, the Chinese CCG always maintain a ship inside and one at the mouth of the lagoon. so there is no way for the Philippine CG to enter unless they blew up those ship and provoke a war. These noises are being raise to gather public support as constant use of China threat had lessen their value, it was always a recurring theme and we are sick of it.

And if you see the map, the entrance was dredge so that a ship can be moored inside, Its a rich fishing ground and Chinese CG are there to protect it from overfishing...lol

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The solution to this is very simple. Filipinos won't be able to enter the shoal if it is an island.

Especially an island with anti-ship missiles and detachment of Chinese Marines.

