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Indian Nationalist on twitter/reddit is actually real life policy :oops:?! My prediction is that Uncle Sam will end up pulling the leash on India at some point to try to keep them in place and India will react in the most retarded bombastic way
i have this theory that a country importance is directly proportional to how much worth it has for Gulf Arabs. let see how this works out in this case.

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US disciplines India:

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U.S. trade chief Katherine Tai raised concerns with India over the move, which would also affect companies such as Apple, Samsung, Dell and HP. India will defer an import licence requirement for laptops and tablets, two government officials said, a policy U-turn.

Worm aliens have invaded 'Murica...
This explains so much about what goes on in Florida...

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The study "suggests that the zoonotic parasite was introduced to and has become established in a new area of the southeastern United States."

In case there was any doubt to the ineptitude of Western elites:

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As background material, the packets cite one-page profiles from Forbes magazine or Wikipedia articles about the proposed target for sanctions.
One evidence packet relies on 10 open-source links with varying degrees of reliability. Another on nine. Another on four. They include articles from publications like the Financial Times and Reuters but also rely heavily on machine-translated articles from Russian or Ukrainian sources of varying credibility.
Asked whether a Wikipedia article was appropriate evidence for applying sanctions, the same EU diplomat said: “There is no common definition of if it could be acceptable or not, but this would also have to be a very good Wikipedia article.”
While defending a challenge by a Russian businessman, Driessen found himself having to explain to the judges why the Council had based its decision in part on an article that was labeled as having been written by an AI bot called “Carmen.”
He was also asked about the reliance on another website, called “Russian Crimes,” that seemed to have been written by journalists who don’t exist, and which the Council cited in its legal responses to complaints against the sanctions decision.
A reverse image search on the Russian search engine Yandex reveals that one of the headshots of the alleged authors is of a New York-based model, while the profiles of other authors appear to use stock photos.
“At this point, it is a bit like reading tea leaves but one educated guess could be that this is the result of the alleged ‘assessment’ conducted by the European Council,” a lawyer said. “If that is the case it is hard to say whether one should laugh or cry.”
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The Hindu caste system.
Wait I don't get the reference?

What makes Hinduism result in producing bad results for a country.

actually, most of Southeast Asia did in fact adopt Hinduism: Angkor, Champa, the Philippine states of Maynila, Tondo, and Pangasinan, Brunei and most of the Javanese Kingdoms before Islam etc. Bali is still Hindu. In many of these cultures Buddhism and Hinduism were practiced together with little favouritism for either. In Thailand, the monarchy still hires a group of local Brahmins to perform Hindu rituals, Cambodia is similar.

They just weren't insane enough to adopt the caste system which was a process that took place only gradually even in the tribal areas of India (Brahmanization). Also, Buddhism was not good for either SEA or Tang China; in both cases they led to monasteries accumulating massive amounts of donated tax-free land and draining the state finances and forced the rulers to purge the monasteries. cf. Victor Lieberman, Strange Parallels Vol. 1

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Trudeau insists he isn't trying to "cause problems" with India, only that he is trying to uphold "rules-based order". He's getting defensive now that it's obvious that the Five Eyes only believe in rules when it suits their interests and are only willing to give half-hearted 'concern' for the 'allegations'


actually, most of Southeast Asia did in fact adopt Hinduism: Angkor, Champa, the Philippine states of Maynila, Tondo, and Pangasinan, Brunei and most of the Javanese Kingdoms before Islam etc. Bali is still Hindu. In many of these cultures Buddhism and Hinduism were practiced together with little favouritism for either. In Thailand, the monarchy still hires a group of local Brahmins to perform Hindu rituals, Cambodia is similar.

They just weren't insane enough to adopt the caste system which was a process that took place only gradually even in the tribal areas of India (Brahmanization). Also, Buddhism was not good for either SEA or Tang China; in both cases they led to monasteries accumulating massive amounts of donated tax-free land and draining the state finances and forced the rulers to purge the monasteries. cf. Victor Lieberman, Strange Parallels Vol. 1

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Trudeau insists he isn't trying to "cause problems" with India, only that he is trying to uphold "rules-based order". He's getting defensive now that it's obvious that the Five Eyes only believe in rules when it suits their interests and are only willing to give half-hearted 'concern' for the 'allegations'
What do you expect? Only morons believe in so called human rights and universal rights. Western powers always talk the talk but not walk the walk. That's why when EU cries about Ukraine most global south just looks the other way. No one gives a damn about a bunch of hypocrites.


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actually, most of Southeast Asia did in fact adopt Hinduism
I can't tell about South east ,but as a south asian, I find this bemusing if it's true,given the fact that we live so close to center of "Hinduism".

The actual Sanskrit name of hinduism is sanatan, which means very old. Hinduism was/is nothing more than mishmash of ancient rituals that was practiced across the globe. Nature, Element,Animal worshiping has happened across different continents in different cultures.

For example , Zoroastrians worship fire, hindus too. Now hindus give theory that worshiping fire is hindu practice.While in reality, it has no connection whatsoever.
Jainism is older than hinduism, so is shamanism. These are world views,not specific set off rules based beliefs.

I hardly believe any country ever adopted hinduism, because more or less, it's meaningless. It doesn't have the appeal of broader world view based belief of Buddhism or Shamanism, neither it has masculine Militaristic characteristics like Islamic religion that attracts Thanos- like minded people.
People may find it's culture interesting given the amount of dancing & singing that goes with it. Hindu people themselves can't tell you what it is, according to some it is way of life, according to some, it is a religion.
And you will find their beliefs/rituals vary significantly. For example, Bengali hindus do pooja of some gods, northern indians do pooja of some other Gods, South Indian hindus worship some other. And south Indians don't believe in Geeta to be the holy book of Hinduism.

The Hindu caste system.
Actually it has minimal impact, the caste system.
The problem with Hinduism is, they want to preserve their "old" identity ,while being attracted to organized abrahamic religion's practice regardless of they admit it or not (Arya samaj or Arya society founded by Vivekananda was a product of it) & trying to give hinduism that sort of form . And ultimately being cucked in between cultures. They were colonized,but they were also amazed by the power of colonizers. They are ashamed & thrilled to be colonized at the same time.

It's a bit confusing to understand , so let me give you an example. Hindus like to call themselves tiger,lion while being child of Gau mata(Cow mother) leading a vegan life style. But there is no vegan tiger or lion. It's a confusing set of identity they want for themselves made through self-fantasizing.
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Trudeau insists he isn't trying to "cause problems" with India, only that he is trying to uphold "rules-based order". He's getting defensive now that it's obvious that the Five Eyes only believe in rules when it suits their interests and are only willing to give half-hearted 'concern' for the 'allegations'
That has been the case all along. Only this time, the West's biggest cheer leading Babe India, is getting spanked by daddy. Truedue's isolation story has been put to back burner after David cohen's interview. Didn't you notice the silence in Indian media for last couple of hours after that interview?
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Registered Member
actually, most of Southeast Asia did in fact adopt Hinduism: Angkor, Champa, the Philippine states of Maynila, Tondo, and Pangasinan, Brunei and most of the Javanese Kingdoms before Islam etc. Bali is still Hindu. In many of these cultures Buddhism and Hinduism were practiced together with little favouritism for either. In Thailand, the monarchy still hires a group of local Brahmins to perform Hindu rituals, Cambodia is similar.

They just weren't insane enough to adopt the caste system which was a process that took place only gradually even in the tribal areas of India (Brahmanization). Also, Buddhism was not good for either SEA or Tang China; in both cases they led to monasteries accumulating massive amounts of donated tax-free land and draining the state finances and forced the rulers to purge the monasteries. cf. Victor Lieberman, Strange Parallels Vol. 1

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Trudeau insists he isn't trying to "cause problems" with India, only that he is trying to uphold "rules-based order". He's getting defensive now that it's obvious that the Five Eyes only believe in rules when it suits their interests and are only willing to give half-hearted 'concern' for the 'allegations'
Hinduism isn't really a single religion though. Different regions have different practices, worship different gods and have very different practices. The closest analogy would be claiming all Chinese folk religions are a single religion.

The concept that it was was created largely in the late 19th century as part of rising Indian nationalism and anti-colonialism.