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A potato

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Hinduism isn't really a single religion though. Different regions have different practices, worship different gods and have very different practices. The closest analogy would be claiming all Chinese folk religions are a single religion.

The concept that it was was created largely in the late 19th century as part of rising Indian nationalism and anti-colonialism.
No wonder the Nepalis and Pakistani Hindus hate India despite India also being hindu.


Registered Member
The problem with Hinduism is, they want to preserve their "old" identity ,while being attracted to organized abrahamic religion's practice regardless of they admit it or not (Arya samaj or Arya society founded by Vivekananda was a product of it) & trying to give hinduism that sort of form . And ultimately being cucked in between cultures. They were colonized,but they were also amazed by the power of colonizers. They are ashamed & thrilled to be colonized at the same time.

It's a bit confusing to understand , so let me give you an example. Hindus like to call themselves tiger,lion while being child of Gau mata(Cow mother) leading a vegan life style. But there is no vegan tiger or lion. It's a confusing set of identity they want for themselves made through self-fantasizing
That's what I've read. What we call Hinduism today is essentially the Arya samaj movement, and was heavily infuenced by abrahamic belief.

I don't think Hinduism is a true religion anyway, it's more a political movement. It's one thing to believe in a god/creator as an abstract concept, but believing in a talking 6 armed elephant god...

Was the Thuggee cult ever popular in Bengal? I'm reading about them now and the parallels between them and modern Indian scammers is uncanny.
No wonder the Nepalis and Pakistani Hindus hate India despite India also being hindu.
A funnier example is the Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan civil war. The Indian army went in as peacekeepers to help protect fellow Hindu Tamils against the "evil oppressive" Buddhists. The Tamil tigers hated the Indians so much they made a temporary alliance with the Sri Lankan government to kick them out.


Registered Member
Someone should make a religion with AI as a god. All power and all knowing with intelligence far superior than any human being, you can't see it, but you can interact with it. Sounds like a god.
In the future a supercomputer/AI combo will be developed and when it is turned on, it will be asked whether or not there is a God. And it will answer: "Well, there is now, mofos!".