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Senior Member
It would've been a pretty big insult if Xi met with Bill Gates (merely an important US citizen) and not with Blinken.

Xi met Blinken for 35 minutes. That's longer than a handshake or a side chat, but short enough to still make clear that this meeting was intended to be largely ceremonial and relationship-rebuilding rather than substantive. There’s not a lot of time for anything else than reading out prepared statements of position and having a few photos. Blinken had his 7.5 hours yesterday to make his points.
That 7hours plus meeting yesterday still boggles my mind. What the heck Qin have the patience to sit through that and listen to blinken lying and nonsense


Lieutenant General
People who are upset about the meetings are missing the point. Just what did China give up? 35m of Xi’s time, and no concrete concessions of any kind, not even the super low hanging fruit of agreeing to pick the up phone if senior US military officials tries to call them. And what was the alternative? Ghost the US and see what fresh antics they try to pull to get China’s attention? That’s far more likely to accelerate the slide to war than for America and magically see the errors of its past ways and fundamentally change course. China doesn’t want war with the US. It is not afraid of it and actively preparing to win such a war, but only a fool and irresponsible leader would push to accelerate and embrace such a war due to the profound negative impact this will have on China and the world.

But what did Blinken have to give up to get this audience? Undisclosed, but it will almost certainly have to be something concrete and substantive. Because China can bring out a literal phone book of recent examples to underscore the point why mere promises from the US means shit to China.

In effect, China has turned the tables on the US to get concrete concessions from the US in exchange for mere words from China.

Also, pay special attention to Xi’s tone. That conveys far more meaning than the words said and is the core reason for these face-to-face meetings, so you can get a feel for what the other guy is feeling and not just saying. Xi sounds absolutely not bothered and laboured. This was an unwelcome choir for him and he didn’t even try to hide it. His tone also laid clear the tiny amount of patients he has left for the US. In effect, Xi got Blinken to come all the way to see for himself that China has zero fucks left to give for more American cuntfuckery. This was about sending a message, to the US, and to the rest of the world.

To the US, China is saying, this is your last chance, don’t fuck it up.

To the rest of the world and China’s own populous, Xi is showing that he is the responsible adult here, that he has given the US chance after chance even when the US does not deserve them. But make no mistake, such moves are as much about war prep as building ships and planes. To win such a war, the Chinese population needs to be 100% on board, as they will need to make massive collective and personal sacrifices. This is why the people must see that China is doing everything in its power to try and avert this war, and the people must want this war more than the government, that they must recognise that there is no other acceptable choice and be prepared to endure hardship and make sacrifices for as long as it takes to win. This is part of China creating the conditions for winning the war before the first shot is even fired.


Junior Member
Registered Member
To the US, China is saying, this is your last chance, don’t fuck it up.

China gave Pelosi multiple "last chance", just so she could make them a joke. Taiwan is a Chinese territory and the US roam free in Taiwan like the Chinese don't exist. The Japan surrendered because US gave them 2 nukes, not because Japan is given warning from the US.


Registered Member
China gave Pelosi multiple "last chance", just so she could make them a joke. Taiwan is a Chinese territory and the US roam free in Taiwan like the Chinese don't exist. The Japan surrendered because US gave them 2 nukes, not because Japan is given warning from the US.
Are you one of those calling for China to shoot down Pelosi's plane before she could touch down at Taipei Songshan last year?

Besides, how is Japan getting nuked by the US even comparable to what is happening vis-a-vis China and the US over Taiwan today?

Japan was at an all-out war with the US when they got two extra suns. China isn't.
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Registered Member
China gave Pelosi multiple "last chance", just so she could make them a joke. Taiwan is a Chinese territory and the US roam free in Taiwan like the Chinese don't exist. The Japan surrendered because US gave them 2 nukes, not because Japan is given warning from the US.
China has its own ways to handle situations, just because they didn’t shove a DF straight up Pelosi’s arse doesn’t mention that China didn’t reacted to it in ways that are now basically telling the USA, soon you will lose the ability to rob the world of its resources with you dollars because eventually we will throw all those treasures into the loo and their is not much you can do about it. Besides, sanction does far more damage to Pelosi then anything else can as this will eventually ensure that this Pig will be penniless sooner or later when the US dollar loses most of its value and all of her cash cannot buy anything. So what if the US goes into Taiwan because if they start crap, simply declare a no fly zone and a blockade and all those soldiers on Taiwan will no only have no one to fight because will be grave danger of a multi grid lock down should they try something funny (that is where those DF should be used along with any of those missiles batteries and airfields and crap), without having to do one of those stupid American invasions like their Hollywood movies dictate. It’s the USA that is desperate for time, not China, otherwise why is China letting Blinken come to China to talk like a ding ding because everyone knows that nothing will come of it except wasting Xi’s time. Also does the USA have what it takes to mess around in the South China Sea when there counter offensive in Ukraine is literally fairing as well as there retreat from Afghanistan which is basically, not very well at all


Junior Member
Registered Member
The mil-mil dialogue, along with the guardrails proposal, is a trap that China should stay out of.

Americans want to talk to their Chinese counterparts to gauge what is their public and private (real) red line and then they will comfortably start doing all sorts of things to sling mud on China's face because they would know that they haven't touched China's (real) private red line.

By refusing such communications, China is leaving the US at the dark and is basically daring the US to do whatever it wants with the expectation that Chinese responses wil be unpredictable, a "normal" face slapping operation against China could easily result in the PLA swarming the area and escalating it at a moment's notice.

The US military, stretched as it is, doesn't like this kind of unpredictability and it would be impossible to start its usual constant face slapping operations because it would have to have significant backup forces on place everytime incase China escalates.

That's why mil-mil dialogue and guardrails are a trap. If the US is feeling so courageous and stronk, no problem, let them start doing things if they dare to leave the initiative to China on when to escalate.
Call it strategic ambiguity with Chinese characteristics


Junior Member
Registered Member
Are you one of those calling for China to shoot down Pelosi's plane before she could touch down at Taipei Songshan last year?

Yes I am, because sovereignty trumps anything else. People talk just like CCP let the US shit in their face because they are willing to do so. CCP represents Chinese people, where is Chinese's people dignity?