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Talking with our Korean friend on this forum, can be very interesting.

Because, with China, it is not just one issue that is at play. It never is.


For example, China lately has been talking up about taking on the Palestinian cause. Well, seems like most Arabs view the Palestinians as a lost cause, but the China are into this ring of struggle now. When the Chinese get involved politically, that means they are here to stay.

So why the Palestinians? My own guess is that that those deals with the Saudis and Iranians, are like concrete now. That means the region needs stability and not someone who will undermine it. The Chinese have nothing against the Jews, but they kind of know who does some not Kosher things in other countries in the region.

Bringing up the Palestinians, puts pressure on Israel. If something weird happens like some explosion that should not have exploded, well the, we can expect the Palestinian issue to be intensified.


Now have did the countries in West Asia suddenly wanted to work with China, clearly the US China trade war and tech war had their influences. If China reacted and appeared to be just like the Americans, then people will assume China is just like the Americans. In West Asia, there is too much Americans. If China is just like America, then what is the point of more America, like they don't like them to begin with.

Since China is different, here is a new chance for everybody.

I think China moved this quickly on the Palestinian question because they see things coming together in their deals with the regional tradition power centers.

Let's not forget that this West Asia and China and the starting of their integration on many fronts, was all conceived during the trade war, tech war, and non-stop demonizing of China in regards to the Uyghurs who are Muslims.


In summary, in geopolitical terms strictly, Chinese influence military, economic, diplomatic, has dramatically increased during this period of trade war, tech war, and Uyghurs demonization campaign, across the world.

West Asia really is the biggest breakthrough. ASEAN and China orbiting each other. South America relations going up. Africa relations going up and up.

America did not exactly disappear, but they were not interested in shithole countries, and they were more interested in tearing down another country via trade war, tech war, and demonization campaigns.

Not only did China had to deal with the obnoxious White House, they found the time to engage with West Asia, ASEAN, South America, and Africa. Since the Americans treated everyone with the same obnoxiousness, and that China came out of this unscathed, ie trade numbers and Huawei, that gave other nations confidence that things really could be different. China was not going to be the new American imperialist. It is big wide world. Not everyone will have the same opinion. The Global South actually does have the same opinion about China, and that is they want more China!


Two other regions, Europe, that is a mixed bag. Rumsfeld said it best, there was the old Europe and the new Europe, he was right, and he said that decades ago. A mixed bag for China in Europe is actually good I believe for Chinese interest.

Then there is North East Asia, and that I feel is a black box. We do not know what will happen.

I think that is the fundamental difference between my opinions and our Korean friend. He sees relative certainty in North East Asia. All I see is a black box.



Registered Member
Talking with our Korean friend on this forum, can be very interesting.

Because, with China, it is not just one issue that is at play. It never is.


For example, China lately has been talking up about taking on the Palestinian cause. Well, seems like most Arabs view the Palestinians as a lost cause, but the China are into this ring of struggle now. When the Chinese get involved politically, that means they are here to stay.

So why the Palestinians? My own guess is that that those deals with the Saudis and Iranians, are like concrete now. That means the region needs stability and not someone who will undermine it. The Chinese have nothing against the Jews, but they kind of know who does some not Kosher things in other countries in the region.

Bringing up the Palestinians, puts pressure on Israel. If something weird happens like some explosion that should not have exploded, well the, we can expect the Palestinian issue to be intensified.


Now have did the countries in West Asia suddenly wanted to work with China, clearly the US China trade war and tech war had their influences. If China reacted and appeared to be just like the Americans, then people will assume China is just like the Americans. In West Asia, there is too much Americans. If China is just like America, then what is the point of more America, like they don't like them to begin with.

Since China is different, here is a new chance for everybody.

I think China moved this quickly on the Palestinian question because they see things coming together in their deals with the regional tradition power centers.

Let's not forget that this West Asia and China and the starting of their integration on many fronts, was all conceived during the trade war, tech war, and non-stop demonizing of China in regards to the Uyghurs who are Muslims.


In summary, in geopolitical terms strictly, Chinese influence military, economic, diplomatic, has dramatically increased during this period of trade war, tech war, and Uyghurs demonization campaign, across the world.

West Asia really is the biggest breakthrough. ASEAN and China orbiting each other. South America relations going up. Africa relations going up and up.

America did not exactly disappear, but they were not interested in shithole countries, and they were more interested in tearing down another country via trade war, tech war, and demonization campaigns.

Not only did China had to deal with the obnoxious White House, they found the time to engage with West Asia, ASEAN, South America, and Africa. Since the Americans treated everyone with the same obnoxiousness, and that China came out of this unscathed, ie trade numbers and Huawei, that gave other nations confidence that things really could be different. China was not going to be the new American imperialist. It is big wide world. Not everyone will have the same opinion. The Global South actually does have the same opinion about China, and that is they want more China!


Two other regions, Europe, that is a mixed bag. Rumsfeld said it best, there was the old Europe and the new Europe, he was right, and he said that decades ago. A mixed bag for China in Europe is actually good I believe for Chinese interest.

Then there is North East Asia, and that I feel is a black box. We do not know what will happen.

I think that is the fundamental difference between my opinions and our Korean friend. He sees relative certainty in North East Asia. All I see is a black box.

Good summary bro, simply put, Chinese Milk Tea taste better than American Kool Aid.;)


Registered Member
What the US sees is the future. A future where they're afraid China will do to them what they're doing to China and others right now. You see it over the West's fear over supply chains. The Western alliance is an alliance of countries that have very little of what is categorized as strategic resources. Most of them are found in countries that aren't a part of the Western alliance. Take a look at the rest of the world wanting to join BRICS. A lot of them have those strategic resources. The US uses its alliances to prevent other countries from getting what they want and to stop members from trading with countries the US doesn't like. The US and the West are deathly afraid of what they gladly do to others being done to them. Is that why France is entertaining joining BRICS so they can prevent anything like that from happening?
Sir if you put the 5 eyes together is like a continent with huge resource and still the Anglo Saxon are not satisfied.:confused:


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If the Americans agree that the release of the waters are harmless, they shouldn’t complain if the Fukushima wastewater’s are released into the Hudson or off the Hamptons.
In fact, there is an an argument to be made that releasing it off North America would dilute the radiation making it less harmful overall.


Registered Member
If the Americans agree that the release of the waters are harmless, they shouldn’t complain if the Fukushima wastewater’s are released into the Hudson or off the Hamptons.
In fact, there is an an argument to be made that releasing it off North America would dilute the radiation making it less harmful overall.

They'll get it... Pacific current will make sure the Fukushima wasterwater hits Canada and California even maybe before it goes down to Taiwan, Philippines etc.
