The Modi government is essentially a Fascist regime. The only reason its atrocities have been covered up by the Western MSM is that it's a rival of China.It looks like the "mother of Democracy" has preemptively banned an Aljazeera documentary titled: "Who lit the fuse." The Indian government fears that such vile if allowed to be aired will bring evil.
LMAO - the West's BRI counter initiative dispensed a measly $6 million out of a promised $4 trillion in two years.
An interesting article: it talks about the conflict between industrial/financial capitalists, who need peace to grow their business, and the MIC oligarchies, who can only make profits from wars or preparations for wars:
The paradox, of course, is that for decades big business has encouraged the continuous expansion of the military-industrial complex as a tool to promote its interests abroad. Yet in a Frankenstein-like twist of fate, the beast has been allowed to become so powerful that it has broken free from its masters — and is now turning against them, as Italian author David Colantoni shows in his book on the “armed class”. No longer is the military-industrial complex subordinated to the general interests of the capitalist class; rather, it is the latter that is increasingly subordinated to the interests of the military-industrial complex.
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