Miscellaneous News


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Democracy can work when people are willing to compromise and cooperate And when its leader is selfless and responsible How true
America is failing its democracy, not the other way around. The Capitol chaos should be a warning to us all: no one is perfect, and we must try harder. America is not a failed state. But we must realize that America only wins when it deserves and must learn where it fails.

I wish people like Gadget tool and his ilk can learn some wisdom and humility from watching this video and not the usual ill wish and hubris
Don't wish ill on other people, the ill wish will corrupt you Confucius!
When Chinese media says your country is a failure, that's when you know shit has truly hit the fan and splattered all over your fukin face.


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Washington, Jan. 9 (CNA) An official with United States President-elect Joe Biden's transition team said Saturday that Biden believes American support for Taiwan must remain "strong, principled, and bipartisan," and he will work to ensure that.
But also:
"As the President-elect made clear on the campaign trail, he is committed to the Taiwan Relations Act, which he voted for as a U.S. Senator, and to our one-China policy," the official said.

You old cunning fox


Registered Member
The thing is I don't know how many years this can sustain.
Assuming nothing major occurred, PLA will have more advantage in 5 years compared to now and the advantage will keep growing.
That won't be Biden's problem. In any case there isn't that much Biden can do at this time. He wants things to stabilise. If things go pear shape it could trigger a Great Depression level collapse of the US economy.


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But also:

You old cunning fox
The thing is I don't know how many years this can sustain.
Assuming nothing major occurred, PLA will have more advantage in 5 years compared to now and the advantage will keep growing.

As Lu Kang says, CCP only cares what they do after they're in office. Else it's all noise:
I love how the US is obsessed with how this insurrection looks to the world especially as they say, "enemies of the US". It happened and they seem to expect their enemies are in the wrong to paint the truth. They don't care about the truth. It's lies upon lies and they spend more time thinking they can convince others in believing the lie than correcting the problem itself. The Republicans lost an election because a majority beat them. They say it's because of cheating. They know it's not about cheating. It's really how people are upset that their vote doesn't count because the opposition getting larger and larger. Before they were spoiled by being the majority. The Republican Party is the party of racists. Racists feel comfortable with the Republican Party. It's the party that hates immigrants. Cheating to them is code for other races being allowed to vote. You saw the MAGA mob during the siege say the Capitol was their house and they had the right to do what they did. They lost the election and a minority is claiming the Capitol building is theirs and the Congress is suppose to be working for them? When they say Make American Great Again, it actually means they want the US to go back to where white people got what they wanted. You saw in this last election how red states are turning blue. Code for too many minorities in those states hence the panic you see by the right. Does anyone think that the Democrats don't see American dominance in the world as important. Even the most ardent liberal sees American domination of the world as paramount because how will they force the world to see everything their way without the power to enforce it? How will they punish people who don't obey? The mentality of the colonialist is liberal. It is they that think their way is what's best and think they have the right to force it onto everyone else. They want to make everyone believe the bad guys know they're the bad guys to distract from themselves. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. It is the people that think that they're doing good when they're not that go to Hell first. The worse villains in history all thought they were doing what's best. All evil will tell you what they're doing is what's good for everyone. It's the Democrats that are most worried about their image in the world and they don't call it what it is because that discredits them in the world and works against what they want to turn the world into. Lies upon lies not the truth.
While there is overlap the left/liberal/Democrat categories you use interchangeably are not interchangeable, just as right/conservative/Republicans are not interchangeable. Even though national competition will always be there it is likely that as more non-whites and non-colonial-mentality Americans (so far and into the medium term more likely to be under the left, liberal, Democrat categories as a sum) gain awareness and power via fighting personal domestic oppression (racism etc.) and demographic change in the US then it is likely that US cultural attitude and foreign policy will become less colonialist and racist. This bodes well for more fair/equal cultural perceptions and interactions with China and others. Whether this continues to be undermined by blaming economic and political problems on culture will be up to all parties involved just as it always has.



Arnold spitting truth, though it wasn't really kristallnacht, more like reichstag fire.

I think anti-China lies will eventually result in Kristallnacht for Chinese everywhere

I like how he has his Conan photo in the background, and brings out his Conan sword to make a point.

The thing with Arnie is, he's still trying to relive his youth. He's still trying to revisit his old successes. That tells you a lot about what he said up there.

He's saying the truth, no doubt about it. Unfortunately, that truth was in the past. Pretty words are not going to mend the deep divisions in American society.


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It's not pretty. 25 people under investigation, some maybe troops.
This story has been updated to note that a Defense official has corrected a statement that 25 troops are under investigation for terrorism related to the siege at the Capitol. There are 25 people under investigation, some of whom may be troops.
The official said some troops – active and reserve duty – may have been involved in the riot, and the military will investigate them as necessary.
"There is concern that military members may have been involved in the riot," the official said.
The Pentagon also has been asked to review all members who will be a part of the security detail for the Jan. 20 inauguration to ensure the are "not sympathetic to domestic terrorists," Crow said.
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Well ... that's what they say ...

The people who understand the Chinese the best are the Japanese.

But in this case, I don't buy it, about this ancient history lesson.

This is still business, and it is still about win-win.

Maybe the Americans went nuts, and demanded everyone plays cowboys and Indians, and storm the parliament buildings.

They should have brought along some toilet paper if they asked me, but I guess there is a shortage.
