Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
I love how the US is obsessed with how this insurrection looks to the world especially as they say, "enemies of the US". It happened and they seem to expect their enemies are in the wrong to paint the truth. They don't care about the truth. It's lies upon lies and they spend more time thinking they can convince others in believing the lie than correcting the problem itself. The Republicans lost an election because a majority beat them. They say it's because of cheating. They know it's not about cheating. It's really how people are upset that their vote doesn't count because the opposition getting larger and larger. Before they were spoiled by being the majority. The Republican Party is the party of racists. Racists feel comfortable with the Republican Party. It's the party that hates immigrants. Cheating to them is code for other races being allowed to vote. You saw the MAGA mob during the siege say the Capitol was their house and they had the right to do what they did. They lost the election and a minority is claiming the Capitol building is theirs and the Congress is suppose to be working for them? When they say Make American Great Again, it actually means they want the US to go back to where white people got what they wanted. You saw in this last election how red states are turning blue. Code for too many minorities in those states hence the panic you see by the right. Does anyone think that the Democrats don't see American dominance in the world as important. Even the most ardent liberal sees American domination of the world as paramount because how will they force the world to see everything their way without the power to enforce it? How will they punish people who don't obey? The mentality of the colonialist is liberal. It is they that think their way is what's best and think they have the right to force it onto everyone else. They want to make everyone believe the bad guys know they're the bad guys to distract from themselves. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. It is the people that think that they're doing good when they're not that go to Hell first. The worse villains in history all thought they were doing what's best. All evil will tell you what they're doing is what's good for everyone. It's the Democrats that are most worried about their image in the world and they don't call it what it is because that discredits them in the world and works against what they want to turn the world into. Lies upon lies not the truth.


Registered Member
How come they can arrest them so quickly. If this happens in China, they would've said big brother was monitoring them all the time. (I know these dumb ass didn't do themselves any favours by not covering their faces.) But it would still take time to identify, locate and arrest. Unless they already have these people on their sights.



Junior Member
Registered Member
This CNN report sounded so much doom and gloom, though it's not entirely impossible. The violence could get worse before it gets better.

(CNN)"Trump or war. Today. That simple."
"If you don't know how to shoot: You need to learn. NOW."
we will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount."
In the weeks, days and hours ahead of Wednesday's siege on the Capitol by President Donald Trump's zealous supporters, the warning signs were clear: online posts from hate groups and right-wing provocateurs agitating for civil war, the deaths of top lawmakers and attacks on law enforcement.
..experts warn that the calls for violence have only intensified ahead of Inauguration Day..
"We are seeing ... chatter from these white supremacists, from these far-right extremists -- they feel emboldened in this moment,"
"We fully expect that this violence could actually get worse before it gets better."
"Trump WILL be sworn in for a second term on January 20th!!," said a commenter on thedonald.win, a pro-Trump online forum, on Thursday, the day after the siege.
"We must not let the communists win. Even if we have to burn DC to the ground. Tomorrow we take back DC and take back our country!!"
In the six days leading up to the event, for instance, there were 1,480 posts from QAnon-related accounts that referenced the event and contained terms of violence.
On Parler, the report said, multiple posts referenced war, including statements like "the war begins today."
.. "current rhetoric suggests that there will be attendees who have violent intent, including armed militia groups" between January 6 and Inauguration Day.
Security experts said they were puzzled by the flat-footed response of law enforcement.
The surprising part of it is why it was so much less aggressively policed," said Jonathan Wood, director of global risk analysis for London-based Control Risks.
"Many security analysts were surprised by the lack of security, and by the lack of a robust security response."
"There was no intelligence that suggested there would be a breach of the US Capitol," said DC Police Chief Robert Contee at a press conference Thursday.
"I don't know what y'all think about a revolution, but I'm all for it," she said. "Nobody actually wants war, nobody wants bloodshed, but the government works for us and unfortunately it appears that they have forgotten that, quite a lot, so if a revolution is what it takes then so be it."
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Registered Member
When you have your fellow democracies like this German foreign minister comparing the recent U.S. showcase for the world to see as bad as Hitler's storming of Reichstag. You know your democracy is in trouble!

The day American democracy died

America's standing as the world's democratic standard bearer will take decades to restore

JANUARY 10, 2021

In a poignant remark, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas reacted to the dramatic events in Washington, DC, on Wednesday – the storming of the Capitol building and President Donald Trump’s attempted coup – by recalling that Adolf Hitler’s seizure of total power started with the burning of the Reichstag in 1933.

Test of the article from Asia Times:

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Registered Member
In over 12 months of thuggery and riots, not a single policeman dies. In a few days, Washington have two police casualties.

Another Capitol Police Death: Officer Dies By Suicide After Responding To Pro-Trump Riot

Jemima McEvoyForbes Staff

I'm a British-born reporter covering breaking news for Forbes.

A second U.S. Capitol Police officer has died since Wednesday’s storming of Congress by a mob of President Trump’s supporters, authorities reported Sunday.

Rest of article:

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