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Registered Member
  • The pig head representing what recently Taiwan people demonstrating about Tsai importing problematic pork from US.
  • Biden right hand is holding time bomb with text written 28trillion, that US debt. His left hand is pulling out his pant's pocket, empty, i think that means no money.
  • Kamala is holding shovel, looks like just finished digging grave, with Joe's name written.
  • In front of Joe,:bulldog, kangaroo, kiwi, beaver, representing 5 eyes.
  • Far back, slopping up graphs of "cumulative covid cases in the US", the other one "daily covid cases in the US", both have text overstriked then replaced with "US GDP" and "US Stock index)
  • In the pond, many turtles with their back written many names, I'm guessing those as overseas migrants.
PS. I should not forget to say this is fake picture :cool::D

And just think, certain member was only recently suggesting Chinese lack creative thinking due to their education system! It's great to see him eat humble pie!


Junior Member
Registered Member
  • The pig head representing what recently Taiwan people demonstrating about Tsai importing problematic pork from US.
  • Biden right hand is holding time bomb with text written 28trillion, that US debt. His left hand is pulling out his pant's pocket, empty, i think that means no money.
  • Kamala is holding shovel, looks like just finished digging grave, with Joe's name written.
  • In front of Joe,:bulldog, kangaroo, kiwi, beaver, representing 5 eyes.
  • Far back, slopping up graphs of "cumulative covid cases in the US", the other one "daily covid cases in the US", both have text overstriked then replaced with "US GDP" and "US Stock index)
  • In the pond, many turtles with their back written many names, I'm guessing those as overseas migrants.
PS. I should not forget to say this is fake picture :cool::D

A bit more, Joe's left ankle wounded from playing with his dog before.

That pig's head has a writing on it says "ractopamine". That's the chemical to fatten pig faster but can cause cancer, and that's why TWese protesting recently.

And the whole background, painters are painting big big picture of "Capitol building" to cover the Capitol that is burning at the back. Some parts unfinished holes can see the back that is still burning.

There's Fauci painting in the back. His hand has 6 fingers? With text on his palm "WASH 'EM". A bird on his left shoulder with eye cover and necklace with text "TRUTH"
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The US no longer has free speech. I'm still old enough to recall when the likes of YouTube, Google, Facebook, would only remove content if it was illegal and/or if it was a "threat" to someone, or a copyright infringement... Now entire groups get deplatformed simply for not towing the line of the establishment (left) views, and if you question the official story you are banned... and if you try to go on alternative platforms or start your own platform (Gab, parler, etc etc) then the big tech pulls the rug underneath the feet and uses their power of metaplatforms to deplatform other competiting platforms... essentially there is no longer the freedom of speech, and the US government on one hand abuses the "third party doctrine" which allows essentially the US government to spy on all citizens by privatizing the tech firms into de factor intelligence arms (google drive, dropbox, amazon storage, etc all can spy on you because they are not the government hence no 4th Amendment protections but then they upstream all that to the NSA via PRISM and other fusion methods to the US intel agencies which then share it with the local police/states via their agreements aka parallel construction, effectively bypassing the 4th Amendment entirely) while on the other hand not giving the citizens any of the rights that would be afforded to them under the 1st Amendment right of free speech claiming that its a "third party platform" and "not run by the government"... so the government is eating its cake and having it too by bypassing both the 1st and the 4th Amendment rights...

For example recently Apple and Google delisted Parler from their respective app stores, essentially killing the service in terms of visibility and reach. Parler also hosted its entire infrastructure on Amazon's AWS, and Amazon was more than trigger happy to deny them hosting access, so taking them offline. So the arguement of if you don't like facebook/twitter/youtube you can go make your own or go on to alternative platform has been proven false once and for all....

I would feel sorry for Trump and his supporters except for the fact that for the last two years and more Trump has been doing the exact same persecution of Huawei!

He gave the order to kidnap Meng CFO, Trump gave the order to put Huawei on the US entity blacklist... and when that wasnt' enough, Trump bullied every country to ban Huawei, even threatening the UK with trade threats if Boris didn't renege on his Huawei stance... Then he forced Google to cut ties to Huawei, and without the Google Play Store, Huawei phone sales in EU took a steep decline as people have been locked into the Android ecosystem with Google Play and their Google accounts. When that wasn't enough he started going down the stack even more, lowering the threshold from 25% to 10% and finally to 0%, targeting ARM to stop working with Huawei, and forcing TSMC to stop making chips for HiSilicon, leading to Huawei cutting back from the high end mobile handset market altogether as it ran out of stash of chips and don't have access to make 5nm or below anymore... and if that wasn't enough, he went lower on the stack and had CIA set fire to the EUV machine China bought, buying him time to force Netherlands to stop export to China, basically severing ASML ties to SMIC/SMEE, and to sabetoge China's efforts for EUV independence... finally culminating in an outright ban of SMIC, and the final days of his presidency even putting DJI and other firms on the block list...

So guys, don't feel the least bit sorry for this asshole, Trump knew what he was doing... and karma is a bitch

America will never stop attacking China until China is defeated, China surrenders, or America no longer has power to keep the attack going, whichever comes first

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Actually the left would see these establishment actions and views as representing the right. Particularly the co-opting of government by big money special interests to cater to private profit and provide cover for corporate control over information.


Senior Member
Registered Member
  • The pig head representing what recently Taiwan people demonstrating about Tsai importing problematic pork from US.
  • Biden right hand is holding time bomb with text written 28trillion, that US debt. His left hand is pulling out his pant's pocket, empty, i think that means no money.
  • Kamala is holding shovel, looks like just finished digging grave, with Joe's name written.
  • In front of Joe,:bulldog, kangaroo, kiwi, beaver, representing 5 eyes.
  • Far back, slopping up graphs of "cumulative covid cases in the US", the other one "daily covid cases in the US", both have text overstriked then replaced with "US GDP" and "US Stock index)
  • In the pond, many turtles with their back written many names, I'm guessing those as overseas migrants.
PS. I should not forget to say this is fake picture :cool::D
Who is the four persons clapping on the left?

Also they should change gdp to job numbers, since Americans dig job creation instead of gdp.


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Registered Member
Ok, time for some math:

Anywhere from 18% (YouGov) to 45% (PBS) of Republicans supported the Capitol storming. That's between 13 and 31 million Americans (of the 70 million who voted for Trump.) Lets take the mean of these numbers that have so far been published. That's 20 million, hardcore, gun owning citizens, who support an outright overthrow the US government. Now, keep in mind, that this set of 20 million is the most extreme. 70 million people actually voted for Trump, which is 47% of the popular vote, and represents 21% of the total population of the US. For context, in 1933 Hitler got 43% of the vote, which was 26% of Germany's population.

It seems that the math of this situation isn't lost on the powers that be in America. The wave of 'de-platforming' which has started, led by Twitter/Apple/Amazon/Google/Facebook, is (at least officially) attempting to ensure that the extreme set of 20 million does not coalesce into a coordinated bloc. Whether they will succeed in that effort, is an open question. With that said, the actual demographics of the US have already shifted in Team Blue's favor, which was expected. Which means, that list of the 20 million extremists, may end up growing (as they realize they may not ever win another election.) So regardless of whether the extreme-right coalesces into something actionable, the Blue/Red landscape can be projected to become further polarized and divided, unless one side outrightly surrenders, or until the right gets drowned out by the numbers (which won't be any time soon.)

The effects of all of this on American society, economy and projection of power, are open questions at this point, but it's a safe assumption that it's not looking good for Pax-Americana's future, regardless of Team Blue's victory.