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Burns has been anti-China from the start and Biden sent him to improve communications between the US and China...? I guess they kept this meeting secret because the Western media would be blaring how the US sent him to confront China and about improving relations. Maybe China should've arrested him since the US admits they had spies in China for them to be "executed" that the US complained about. Look at how how angry the US is over how dare China has "policeman" working in the US.

Burns' visit was to size up his adversary...

China therefore needs to get fully ready for kinetic confrontation, double time.



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Who said it wasn’t an act of war? I’m saying it will be war between US vassals & China but that the US itself can choose the level of involvement. If Japan starts shooting at China that doesn’t mean the US is now at war.

I feel like you have been arguing a straw man from the start. The idea is that the US wants to have its vassals form a security alliance that can fight China in a limited war without direct US involvement, which will drain Chinese resources without risking US assets (beyond those it chooses to sell or gift). The parallel to Ukraine is that the US is bleeding both sides (Europe & Russia), while it takes virtually no damage and gets to channel public funds into its weapons industry.
And if it is an act of war then China will strike on the country even if US have base on it.


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That's the thing though, we got more than enough to go around for everyone. Just because we got weaker does not mean they got stronger.

One can also debate on whether or not the US will be facing a weaker China if at all since the China they will be facing after their allies take the brunt of the initial attack will be a China that is in full total war mode. Kinda like a boss fight with a stronger second phase.
Exactly. China's industries will not be in full war economy mode at the start of a fight against the vassals. By the time the vassals are defeated, full war economy mode will be primedAF.


Registered Member
These ideas fail to pass the smell test.

If USA cannot defeat China together with vassals, it cannot defeat China with vassals alone.

If USA can defeat China, what are they waiting for. Could have done it 2016 in South China Sea. It is not getting easier if they wait.

Dark Father

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Selling the people out to curry favour with the hegemon.

US and Taiwan reach deal on first part of ‘21st century’ trade pact​

The US and Taiwan reached agreement on the first part of their “21st century” trade initiative, covering customs and border procedures, regulatory practices, and small business, the US Trade Representative’s office said on Thursday.

After the initial agreement of the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade is signed, negotiations will commence on other, more complicated trade areas including agriculture, digital trade, labour and environmental standards, state-owned enterprises and non-market policies and practices, USTR said.

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Just beautiful. Really beautiful to let the US dictate all your economical, industrial, technology and trade policies. 'Non market policies' and practices. That means implement neoliberalism wholesale and do not invest or make plans as government to better your country through technology and trade and privatize all your state owned companies . The free market tycoons will do the job. This is one method how they spread their favoured economic model of neoliberalism throughout the globe: through ''trade'' agreements, WTO, IMF, trade ''wars'' and world bank.

Taiwan to sign first deal under new trade framework with US​

Taiwan's government expects to sign the first deal with the United States under a new trade talks framework on Thursday, it said in a brief statement.

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I don't know why people keep bringing up south korea in any taiwan scenario, as if North Korea doesn't exist, NK is China only treaty ally for good reason.

Not only that, in any TW scenario where the US or any of its vassals attacked China, NK would be treaty bound to come to China's aid.

I mean, both Manchukuo and South Korea are ex-Imperial Japan puppet regime right? Makes sense they see eye to eye.
Also what kind of Manchukuo write their own country's name in hanzi instead of manchu? Aisin-Gioros would be rolling in their tombs.

Any Aisin-Gioros still living would gladly beat the crap out of those guys.


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Not only that, in any TW scenario where the US or any of its vassals attacked China, NK would be treaty bound to come to China's aid.

Any Aisin-Gioros still living would gladly beat the crap out of those guys.
Any Aisin-Gioros still alive would have changed their 贵姓 to a Han Chinese surname and be virtually indistinguishable from Han Chinese. Manchus were sinicized a long time ago.


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No, not quite. Many changed their surnames to 金, but they still acknowledge their Manchurian family name.
Even if some Manchus acknowledge their roots, Manchu culture as a whole is pretty dead. Barely anybody alive knows how to speak the Manchu language, for example. This is a byproduct of the fierce persecution Manchus faced from the fall of the Qing dynasty to Cultural Revolution period.

Dark Father

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Ursula von der Leyen clearly attemp to transform the EU in a weaker US version with her attempts at institutionalizing long arm interference and sanctions. These behaviour is called sanctions in the case of white westoid applying them. China applying sanctions is called 'economic coercion'. We should just accept sanctions without doing anything because white westoid rules based world order.

EU could agree to new sanctions on Chinese firms next week, diplomats say​

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accused of funnelling banned European goods to the Russian military could be agreed as early as next week, according to diplomatic sources.

Eight companies based in mainland China and Hong Kong are on a draft list of entities accused of reselling European chips and microelectronics that can be used in high-grade weaponry, such as cruise missiles.

Some EU capitals are uncomfortable with the idea of replicating the long-arm sanctioning techniques of the United States, but there is also conviction that third countries should not be providing loopholes through which European goods can reach Russia’s war machine.

A more contentious element of the package is a new instrument that would allow the EU to restrict certain exports to an entire country as a last resort, where it is deemed to have consistently flouted sanctions and where diplomatic efforts to resolve the situation fail.

Failure to agree on this tool has delayed the passage of the latest raft of punitive measures. Germany has proposed restricting shipments to entities instead of countries. But even if it was adopted, diplomats said it would be more likely to target Central Asian and Gulf countries rather than China.

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