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Dark Father

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U.S., Japan push to expand multilateral security framework​

Defense chiefs to meet Australian, Philippine counterparts for four-way talks.

Japan and the U.S. will promote the establishment of a regional security framework with an expanded network, Austin added.

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U.S., Japan push to expand multilateral security framework​

Defense chiefs to meet Australian, Philippine counterparts for four-way talks.

Japan and the U.S. will promote the establishment of a regional security framework with an expanded network, Austin added.

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How it would help anything to put patriot missile there beside Taiwan ?


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Cosmetic products rely upon brand awareness not the product itself.
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Compared with the EU, China’s rules — which also apply to domestic firms — are much more intrusive, with authorities requiring companies to submit crucial information on the country’s data servers. In the EU, the data is handled by the companies themselves.

It still amazes me how people can say that with a straight face. Because letting companies keep to themselves what they put into their products is a much better idea than China's 'rules for thee and also for me'.

Cosmetics Europe’s Renner said there’s no evidence that intellectual property theft has taken place but cautioned that “any company would be concerned that its trade secrets could be made available” to competitors. “We hope for the best,” he said.

If it worries you so much, why you coming to China with your armpit sprays and face crayons?

"Hope for the best"? Wouldn't it be best to stay in your beautiful garden? Why you out in the dangerous jungle?


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I really, really, really doubt that the RSS/BJP would say that they want to bring back the glory of the Mughals.
There hasn't been a united Indian Hindu dynasty since the Gupta Empire though. That was in the year 600. Afterwards, India suffered from political fragmentation and civil war until the Delhi Sultanate and 1000 years of foreign domination. Mughals are just the most recent arguably Indian empire.

I guess BJP could also evoke the glory of the British Indian Empire though.

Deleted member 24525

The global situation is, by now, pretty transparent.

First, the war in Europe. It's important to realize that what's happening there is that a large fraction of Russian military power is being tied down by a smaller fraction of Western military power via the proxy of Ukraine. Despite all of mainstream media wanting you to believe otherwise, Ukraine post-invasion is practically a failed state. Its economy has collapsed and so much of its man power have either fled the country or been pressed into the trenches that without Western aid, they'd crumble in a few months. But they're still fighting because NATO is pushing them on.

Second, US leadership, having successfully tied down Russia, is preparing to direct the bulk of its resources against China - the actual threat from the perspective of US hegemony. Similar to Ukraine, it is attempting to do this through setting the stage in Asia for a proxy conflict. The proxies of choices are Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, and potentially South Korea. The US intends to bleed China with these proxies on the front lines, and all of them have unfortunately been infiltrated sufficiently by Western media and institutions and ideologies, that they'd actually be willing to go for it.

Third, not satisfied with the chances, the US hopes to create a second front against China with India, but the Indians are most likely not going to bite unless and until China is on the verge of defeat. Then the Indians, opportunistic as they always are, will happily join the war at the last minute to grab Chinese territory and "free Tibet."

This is the sort of scenario that Xi is likely referring to when he's telling the government to prepare for the worst. The US will happily stay on the back lines - as it has in Ukraine - while Asians kill each other. It's the perfect recipe for preserving US hegemony as you're bleeding both your strongest rivals and your strongest allies, simultaneously. This was effectively the US strategy in World War 2, as even though it lost troops, its homeland was never remotely threatened and that made the difference when it emerged from the war more powerful than ever.

Unfortunately, the US's Asian vassals have been so compromised that they actually believe in dying for Western hegemony. Against such dangerous delusions, China's best options can only be to not take the bait. If you allow yourself to be dragged into a war vs. the US's Asian proxies, the only possible winner is the US. To avoid that outcome, China should be patient and focus on self-strengthening - correcting the atrocious demographics, fixing the youth unemployment, catching up in areas like chips, etc. The goal in that respect is to expand the time horizon, reach better technological parity, and wait for the US to slip up, as inevitably it will.

Taiwan, at the end of the day, isn't going any where, and as much as Xi would like to be the leader that solved the Taiwan problem, taking the fight before you're ready is worse than living to fight another day.
This is a Russian narrative. It guides people to view Russian strength or weakness as a decisive factor in determining the struggle between the US and China. You can tell by how helpless it portrays China - claiming India(!) is going to stab it in the back and somehow bite off territory. Furthermore it talks up American military power. Yes, the value of weapons physically going to Ukraine is just a tiny fraction of American military spending, but what pro and anti Russian camps alike don't understand is that these aren't the only resources the US is committing to the project. People might not remember, but the US committed in the opening months of the war to build two massive, wholly new army bases in Poland and Romania, in addition to comprehensively 'rearming' its existing NATO allies with state of the art equipment like the f-35B. This is going to cost easily 100+B over the next decade. Every dollar spent on new European basing or on Polish f35's is a dollar that can't be spent on hardening US Pacific basing or building more planes to station out of first strike range in Hawaii. This, not the weapons to Ukraine, will absolutely be a drag on American readiness with respect to China.

What I'm trying to say is that the narrative you put out there is basically a Russian psyop meant to convince the Chinese that they should throw in with Russia and arm it because they stands no chance 'alone'. It projects Russia's own failings onto Chinese military preparations, much like western commentators. In reality China firmly holds the upper hand within the SIC and American attempts to expand its alliances with countries like the Philippines are basically a PR move.

China is not Russia, not even close, nor is it reliant on it for a chance against the US. We shouldn't uncritically accept any narrative that comes our way just because it uses pro China language.
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Registered Member
China is not Russia, not even close, nor is it reliant on it for a chance against the US. We shouldn't uncritically accept any narrative that comes out way just because it uses pro China language.

i dont want to go too much long writing but your analysis are not accurate. Russia is also developing very different military based on practical experience and those in Mideast can see it. There is alot of flights of Russian made cargo and passenger planes to Mideast and Africa. it is establish confidence on reliability of Aviation. these are first steps becoming true independent power.

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Any nukes America sneaks into Taiwan will instantly become worse than useless with one announcement from Beijing - any nuke use by Taiwan will be seen as a nuclear first strike by the US and trigger an automatic and immediate Chinese nuclear retaliation strike against the US. Same thing with US nukes on SK. It changes absolutely nothing, which is why China is not bothering to overreact to it.
No one is going to believe such bluffing of China. China would not dare to do a nuclear retaliation strike against the US because China will be nuked back by the US. Besides, Taiwan is right in front of China while the US is far away from China's nuclear arsenal. Taiwan can strike China far quicker than China's retaliation strike reaches the US.


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No one is going to believe such bluffing of China. China would not dare to do a nuclear retaliation strike against the US because China will be nuked back by the US. Besides, Taiwan is right in front of China while the US is far away from China's nuclear arsenal. Taiwan can strike China far quicker than China's retaliation strike reaches the US.
What are you talking about? Doesn't matter if china is nuked first or more, if nukes land on US soil they lose as well. Do you think they can intercept all ICBM nukes? It's MAD. And yes, if china makes that policy what makes you think the US will just disregard it? Even the threat of the policy is powerful.


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Moderator - World Affairs
No one is going to believe such bluffing of China. China would not dare to do a nuclear retaliation strike against the US because China will be nuked back by the US. Besides, Taiwan is right in front of China while the US is far away from China's nuclear arsenal. Taiwan can strike China far quicker than China's retaliation strike reaches the US.
The announcement of policy will render Taiwan unlikely to use nukes due to US pressure to avoid China nuclear escalation. This is game theory, not a bluff, and obviously goes over your head. It doesn't even matter about distance or time to arrival. It's game theory.