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Funny thing is Lindsey Graham is malding over this. The increase from $800 -> $885 billion isn’t enough for him with unlimited zero cap being the only option lol.

“Biggest Winner is Gyna” “…defence budget is a joke” “…cripple the military”

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The headlines should just read: "Breaking News - US successfully debt traps itself"


Registered Member
Here, you have the head of America's biggest bank JP Morgan with Jamie Dimon in Shanghai, China apologizing for making a dumb remark about his company outlasting the CPC when he made the statement back in 2021. He realized as they always have the ENORMOUS IMPORTANCE OF CHINA as their market and source of ¥¥¥¥¥.
Amazing, the ruling class of Anglo America, the billionaire banker is forced to kowtow to the mighty Chinese communist party (let that name strike fear in the pompeos of the world).

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“And I only lasted a minute and half because defective Chinese lubricants made me blow my load.”
I’m just relieved it wasn’t a child this time.
The sexual tastes of the Anglo ruling class would make a slaaneshi cultist blush.
American bases are poisoning japanese water with forever chemicals, this is like american combo meal deals, you get military protection plus chemical poisoning lol

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Anglo Americans and the Five Eyes are literally the aliens in every alien invasion movie franchise.


The coward South Koreans have caved, predictably. What do you expect when their elected representative is, for all intents and purposes, a quislin?

korea was always a vassal state with a vassal’s mentality. Perhaps next time, they should not deserve vassalage and, like Japan, should go the way of the Liao and the Khitans.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Amazing, the ruling class of Anglo America, the billionaire banker is forced to kowtow to the mighty Chinese communist party (let that name strike fear in the pompeos of the world).

I’m just relieved it wasn’t a child this time.
The sexual tastes of the Anglo ruling class would make a slaaneshi cultist blush.

Anglo Americans and the Five Eyes are literally the aliens in every alien invasion movie franchise.

View attachment 113470

The coward South Koreans have caved, predictably. What do you expect when their elected representative is, for all intents and purposes, a quislin?

korea was always a vassal state with a vassal’s mentality. Perhaps next time, they should not deserve vassalage and, like Japan, should go the way of the Liao and the Khitans.
So I didn't get a good read on that Bloomberg article but I had a chance to skim it.

As far as I can tell it's just an inside source saying that the SK government won't encourage the two companies to take over Microns share in China. Is that it? No laws, sanctions ect? Because if it is...


Junior Member
With regard to the factories already in China, not increasing production to meet increasing demand should be considered market distorting practices and be investigated. Since they're not allowed to expand in China anyway there's probably minimal harm to pushing them a little.

Dark Father

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Junior Member
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What market? These countries BIGGEST TRADING PARTNER IS CHINA not the U.S. It's more likely that these countries leaders are AFRAID THAT they'll got summarily sanction, deprived in accessing $$$ along with their ill gotten wealth (politicians) and no longer part of the global cabal led by the Imperial west a.k.a. the cool kids.
You can't fault those countries, they have to play both sides. In this case, they're just paying lip service to the US, ultimately the mighty Dollar RMB talks.

Joking aside, the importance of China is not just that it's a large if not the largest market for goods and services from many if not all of those countries concerned, China is also the provider of a large volume of goods and services that can't be sourced elsewhere competitively. With record high inflation, cutting oneself off from China is just not viable, even the Garden knows that.
How about fixing the crimes and homeless first? Even Portland is removing homeless camps as homeless has become so unbearable.
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Contrary to advise, Two groups of close relative decided to visit downtown SF last month after a family wedding event before going to SFO to catch an evening flight out.

I had to take two separate trip to the SJ train station to pick them up again after they decided to not hang out in the downtown area. I had to ultimately drive them to SFO to catch their flight out. Too many homeless people and shops are closed. They did not feel safe hanging out there even during daytime.

Lesson learned.


Registered Member
So I didn't get a good read on that Bloomberg article but I had a chance to skim it.

As far as I can tell it's just an inside source saying that the SK government won't encourage the two companies to take over Microns share in China. Is that it? No laws, sanctions ect? Because if it is...

There was another article earlier about the exact same topic, that said the opposite.

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Who are we going to believe?

The words straight from the mouth of a senior government official of South Korea?

Or some anonymous voice, contradicting what the government representative said.

Bloomberg probably made that whole story up.

That Bloomberg article actually claimed the South Korean government denied, what the South Korean government said. Okay. Let's see the link to that.

Butt hurt and propaganda. Sort of like pills and alcohol.
