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Registered Member
It is more like Biden administration doesn't have any guts to get anything done. Lifting the tariffs would help alleviated inflation but Biden is afraid that he would be labeled as weak on China. Consequently, Biden can make all the promises but none of them would get delivered which is why China doesn't bother to negotiate with him.

Beside, those tariffs have become inconsequential to China. It is probably hurting the US as much or even than it hurts China. Biden administration on trade breakthrough is even more laughable as we would be lucky to avoid another deterioration of the trade relationship.
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His entire admin is filled with anti china hawk and warmongers. What makes you think they were ever going to lift tariffs for economic relief. The only weakness they have is the inability to hike tariffs by 10,000%. On a side note, Yellen already said they were ready to cause economic harm to themselves in order to fight China.


Junior Member
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Interesting, but then again, this might be because at least Australia has some assets whereas right now, the USA will soon have nothing to send what with most of there food resources being in danger of being poisoned from those train accidents and well the USA not being able to export anything anywhere due to ‘national security concerns’. Also good to have alternatives, China should always be prepared in any situation given that once the USA goes into civil unrest, their will be no trade between the USA and China and lesser of two evils, maintaining trade with Australia to gain resources while sending goods back (which is not too much) is better then maintain trade with the USA where the dollars will ultimately buy nothing. Think on how much resources china can save in the long run and besides the USA wants to decouple so they shouldn’t complain. In the end, what China does it’s for its own benefit and having a win win situation is good in general but if the customer is a red neck that threatens you all the time, simply stop talking to the fool, build up security and prepare to shoot the fool when the time is right
Australia is an integral part of the American Empire. Any trade ban the US imposes on China also Australia will follow.

Australia does not have sovereignty and will never be a reliable trading partner.

China should invest more in mines in Latin America, Russia and Africa and stop buying so much from Australia. But for other things than natural resources Australia is nothing and China should not even care about tariffs.

Holy shit, the under 30 years old is absolutely crushing it and completely deviating from the older generation.

The younger generation absolutely see the vitriol anti-Asian racism of the right-wingers. The only reason you would vote Republican is lower taxes, which reflect increasing Republicans support with increasing age as personal income rises.
There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Democrats only use racial and sexual minorities, which they consider inferior, to get into power and serve their white leaders.

The only competition between parties is for public and private money generated by elections to deceive the people.

In politics both Democrats and Republicans just obey the same commands that the military and big corporations send them.


Registered Member
Those China hater cheer this "victory" is fcking hilarious. Those countries end up buy same thing from same origin(China) but with more expensive price! You know Democracy tag slap in Made in China products is very costly, lol
I mean check this out from the horses mouth, I mean one of Europe's Garden:

Europe’s green transition impossible without China, says Dutch minister​

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Then you also have a somewhat surprising statement from the head of Indias prominent think-tank ORA head like this:

Then you have S.Korea getting shell shocked from the business onslaught their getting in China from Chinese competitors and competition further eroding their once economic profit from the Chinese people, Chinese market, China.

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Here, you have the head of America's biggest bank JP Morgan with Jamie Dimon in Shanghai, China apologizing for making a dumb remark about his company outlasting the CPC when he made the statement back in 2021. He realized as they always have the ENORMOUS IMPORTANCE OF CHINA as their market and source of ¥¥¥¥¥.

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You have one of America's most recent national security specialists making speeches talking about the "REBELLION OF THE GLOBAL SOUTH AGAINST THE TRYANNY OF AMERICA/WEST"

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These western countries, western influence countries should have been very blunt and honest with their people and never indulged in the fantasy that China became rich because of them and not the other way around, or at least a result of symbiotic relationship. They kept telling their people with feeble, brittle, made of fragile egos, minds, and hearts that the days of commie China were numbered and worst that they're rise to the top was never going to materialize. Yet, here we are. These counties, companies actions and now reactions reminded me of a quote from Confucius that aptly describes and apply the current dilemma befuddling the west. "He who learns but does not think is lost. But he who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."


Registered Member
93% ballots counted with a ~5% lead for Erdogan at 52.5%. Looks like he is going to win but the results are very close.

Erdogan poised to win Turkish election​

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is leading in the runoff against Kemal Kilicdaroglu, Türkiye’s Anadolu Agency reported on Sunday. Erdogan failed to gain a majority in the first round of the election, but looks set to comfortably defeat his pro-Western challenger this time around.

Polls opened across Türkiye on Sunday for the second time in two weeks, in a runoff election that will determine whether Erdogan remains in power or is ousted by his more liberal opponent.

By Sunday evening, Erdogan was in the lead with 52.5% of the vote to Kilicdaroglu’s 47.5%, with 93% of the ballot boxes opened, Anadolu Agency reported.

Turnout was down slightly compared to the first round on May 14, with 85% of eligible voters casting ballots. Two weeks earlier, a turnout figure of almost 90% was recorded.
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Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Why is this measure going to be more advantageous to these countries? What credible measures, regulatory framework and applications, not to mention technology, plus existing infrastructure and future infrastructure development that will be able to out compete the China of today and the China of tomorrow? What's the mechanism and source of the fundings that these countries are going to be hypothetically getting? What's the catch?

The countries signed on to this "deal" because they will lose market access to the Hegemon if they don't. The Hegemon can offer sticks now because it no longer can afford to offer carrots


Registered Member
The countries signed on to this "deal" because they will lose market access to the Hegemon if they don't. The Hegemon can offer sticks now because it no longer can afford to offer carrots
What market? These countries BIGGEST TRADING PARTNER IS CHINA not the U.S. It's more likely that these countries leaders are AFRAID THAT they'll got summarily sanction, deprived in accessing $$$ along with their ill gotten wealth (politicians) and no longer part of the global cabal led by the Imperial west a.k.a. the cool kids.